Group |
2017-2 |
Status |
completed |
Title |
Map, Explore and Exploit (ME2); a general distributed search algorithm with application to image characterization and landscape discovery. |
Supervisor |
Nawwaf Kharma |
Description |
This project has three parts: (a) capturing an image of a face or land and converting it to a searchable landscape; (b) implementing, refining and measuring a generic distributed search algorithm; (c) generating a parallel version of the algorithm and hence, measuring its scalability. |
Student Requirement |
Very good grades and a serious attitude; COEN 352 is a necessity, COEN 432 is a bonus.
Tools |
None besides what is already available in our student labs + a camera (any digital camera or smart phone would do).
Number of Students |
4 |
Students |
Vaibhav Sultan, Kapesh Sutan, Xiaojing Yang, Mohamed Mohamed |
Comments: |
Email: |
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