Capstone Project

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Group 2018-07 Status completed
Title Opacity sensors interface board
Supervisor C. Trueman
Description This project will be done in collaboration with an external company. Students will design and implement an interface board to work with opacity sensors provided by the company. The system should: 1) Measure the air opacity. 2) Generate output signals that reflect current air opacity. 3) Provide means for sensor alignment and calibration. 4) Display current air opacity.
Student Requirement - Analogue and digital electronics (ELEC311, 312) - Microcontroller systems design - Microcontroller programming
Tools - Oscilloscope - Logic analyser - DMM - Function generator - Power supply
Number of Students 4
Students Mohammad Qalam Ahmad El-Baher Bryan Tallec Fathi Khalaf
Comments: (If we have a team of 4, the project scope can be expanded to include data logging and displaying)