Capstone Project

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Group 2018-18 Status completed
Title QSpice
Supervisor W. Lynch
Description The automated spice dispenser is an IOT home automation device. The main purpose of the device is to increase efficiency in the kitchen by automating the task of measuring out spices. The project uses a control system powered by a microcontroller to activate/deactivate motors to dispense spices from internal spice silos into a container. The spice is measured using a load cell inside the container to accurately measure spice quantity. The IOT device is accompanied by a mobile application to perform the following tasks through a Bluetooth interface: • Label spices placed inside the spice silos • Save a selection of spices as a recipe (for repeated use) • Instruct the device to dispense an ad hoc order of spices or a saved recipe • Contain a database of common spices • Add spices not included in the database • Multiply spice amount in recipes for portion control (eg. doubling a recipe) •
Student Requirement Microcontrollers, power electronics, electronics, app development
Tools Oscilloscope, laser cutter, power supply, band saw
Number of Students 3
Students Anthony Fiorito Marial Grace De Leon Fozail Ahmad
Comments: Email: Room: EV 5.163 Tel: 848-2424 ext. 3142