Capstone Project

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Group 2022-25 Status completed
Title Modular IoT Home monitoring Suite with Enegry Management Advisor App
Supervisor L. Lopes
Description Modular add-on IoT devices and sensors connected directly to powered equipments around the house such as power outlets, light switches, and other objects that could impact energy usage such as windows, fridge doors, HVAC system, etc., in an easy to install and non-intrusive way to monitor power usage as well as potential energy leaks in a user home through a mobile application. These devices work together to form a network of connected smart devices within a user location and provide different features such as tracking energy usage over time, controlling power delivery to specific devices, scheduling tasks, providing warnings, energy tips, home safety features, etc. Additionally, due to the nature of the data collected by the sensors and devices, the app could act as a remote home management/alert system for other purposes such as security or safety. Deliverables: A mobile application that allows a user to interact with all the sensors and smart devices, 1 type of each sensor or smart device designed, 1 control hub, all source code, schematic and documentation related to the mobile application, sensors/smart devices and control hub.
Student Requirement Courses: ELEC 311, ELEC 331, COEN 352, COEN/ELEC 366, COEN 446. Software: Knowledge of PSpice, 3D printing design software, C++, C, Java, Python, Microcontroller Programming, CAD, Android Studio. Other: PCB design, soldering skills.
Number of Students 6
Students P. Kubicki, A. Azari Farhad, H. Ovize, H. Tayariyan, C. Huang, A. Mir