Face and Frame Classification using Geometric Features for a Data-driven Frame Recommendation System

A Mobile System for Scene Monitoring and Object Recognition

Immersive Bidirectional System for Life-size 3D Communication

Topology-aware Reconstruction of Thin Tubular Structures
T. Martin, J. Montes, J-C. Bazin, T. Popa, SIGRAPH Asia 2014 Technical Briefs Program

Merging Live and pre-Captured Data to support Full 3D Head Reconstruction for Telepresence
C. Fleury, T. Popa, TJ. Cham, H. Fuchs, “Merging Live and pre-Captured Data to support Full 3D Head Reconstruction for Telepresence”, Eurographics 2014 (short paper)

Spatio-Temporal Geometry Fusion for Multiple Hybrid Cameras using Moving Least Squares Surfaces
Kuster C, Bazin JC, Martin T, Popa T , Gross M, Computer Graphics Forum (Impact: 1.638) Proceedings of Eurographics 2014

Gaze Correction with a Single Webcam
Kuster C, Giger D, Bazin JC, Popa T, Gross M,IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2014 (acceptance rate 29.7%)

Registration of Multiple RGBD Cameras via Local Rigid Transformations
Teng D, Martin T, Kuster C, Bazin JC, Popa T, Gross M, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2014 (acceptance rate 29.7%)

Differential Blending for Expressive Sketch-Based Posing
Oztireli C, Baran I, Popa T, Dalstein B, Sumner B, Gross M,Symposium on Computer Animation, United States, California, 2013-07-19

Minimizing Edge Length to Connect Sparsely Sampled Unorganized Point Sets
S Ohrhallinger, S Mudur, M Wimmer, Computers & Graphics Journal (also presented at SMI’13), 37(6):645-658,October 2013, (N, G, C) IF:1.0.

An Efficient Algorithm for Determining an Aesthetic Shape Connecting Unorganized 2D Points
S Ohrhallinger, S Mudur, Computer Graphics Forum, (also presented at Eurographics Symposium on Rendering’13), 32(8):72-88, December 2013, (N, G, C) IF:1.636

Stable connections using multi-paths and conservative neighborhood ranges in mobile ad hoc networks
Abedalmotaleb Zadin, Thomas Fevens, Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), 2013 26th Annual IEEE Canadian Conference on,2013

Gaze Correction for Home Video Conferencing
Kuster C, Popa T, Bazin J-C, Gotsman C, Gross M,Transactions on Graphics Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 Impact: 3.4, 31(6)

Novel-View Synthesis of Outdoor Sport Events Using an Adaptive View-Dependent Geometry
Germann M, Popa T, Ziegler R, Keiser R, Gross M, Computer Graphics Forum (Impact: 1.638) Proceedings of Eurographics 2012, 31(2.1), 325-333

Towards Next Generation 3D Teleconferencing Systems
Kuster C, Ranieri N, Agustina, Zimmer H, Bazin J C, Sun C, Popa T, Gross M, 3DTV-CON, Switzerland, 2012

FreeCam: A Hybrid Camera System for Interactive Free-Viewpoint Video
Kuster C, Popa T, Zach C, Gotsman C, Gross M, Proceedings of Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV). Second best paper award., Germany, 2011

3D Modeling with a Symmetric Sketch
Öztireli C, Uyumaz U, Popa T, Sheffer A, Gross M,Proceedings of SBIM, Canada, British Columbia, 2011.

Space-Time Body Pose Estimation in Uncontrolled Environments
Germann M, Popa T, Ziegler R, Keiser R, Gross M, Paper Proceedings of 3DIMPVT (Best paper award), 2011.

Interpolating an unorganized 2D point cloud with a single closed shape
S Ohrhallinger, S Mudur, Computer-Aided Design Vol 43(12): 1629-1638, 2011. (N, G, C) IF:1.234


High Resolution Passive Facial Performance Capture
Bradley D, Heidrich W, Popa T, Sheffer A, Transactions on Graphics Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2010 Impact: 3.489, 29(3)

Globally Consistent Space-Time Reconstruction
Popa T, Dickinson I S, Bradley D, Sheffer A, Heidrich W,Computer Graphics Forum (Impact: 1.638) Proceedings of Symposium on Geometric Processing 2010, 29(5), 1633–1642.

Animation Wrinkling: Augmenting Coarse Cloth Simulations with Realistic-Looking Wrinkles
Rohmer D, Popa T, Cani M-P, Hahmann S, Sheffer A, Transactions on Graphics Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 Impact: 3.489, 29(6) Partial funding: NSERC – PDF-373191-2009
Ranking Candidates Based on Decision-Making Theory
S Akhlaque, S Mudur,The Int. Journal of Applied Management & Technology, Vol 9(1): 2010(N)IF: Not known

A Hyper Spherical Harmonic Formulation for Reconstructing Volumetric 3D Lung Deformations
A Santhanam, Y Min, S Mudur, E Divo, A Kassab, J Rolland and P Kupelian Comptes Rendus Mechanique, Sp. Issue on Inverse problems, Vol 338 (7-8): 461-473, 2010. (N, C) IF:0.799

Wrinkling Captured Garments Using Space-Time Data-Driven Deformation
Popa T, Zhou Q, Bradley D, Kraevoy V, Fu H, Sheffer A, Heidrich W,Computer Graphics Forum (Impact: 1.638) Proceedings of Eurographics 2009, 28(2), 427-435

Distributed Augmented Reality for Visualizing Collaborative Construction Tasks
A Hammad, H Wang, S Mudur, ASCE J. of Comp. in Civil Eng. Vol 23 (6): 418-427, 2009. (N, C) IF:1.337

Markerless Garment Capture
Bradley D, Popa T, Sheffer A, Heidrich W, Boubekeur T, Transactions on Graphics Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2008 Impact: 3.489, 27(3)

Non-Realistic Expressive Modeling

Material Aware Mesh Deformations