Ultrasound Blood Flow Imaging Database

This database contains 20 simulated phantoms, 3 sets of experimental phantom data, each of which contains 20 Radio-Frequency (RF) frames and 20 RF frames collected from a Sprague-Dawley male rat.

20 phantoms of size 36*20 mm are simulated with Field II software package. A blood vessel perpendicular to the direction of ultrasound wave propagation has been simulated in the middle of each phantom. The diameter of the vessel is 4mm. A parabolic velocity profile with a peak velocity of 25 cm/sec is taken into account. Frame rate is considered as 1000 frames/sec. The frequency of the probe and the sampling frequency are set to 7.27 MHz and 40 MHz, respectively.

Clutter suppressed image obtained from simulation dataset

The first set of experimental phantom data has been collected with conventional focused imaging. Blood Mimicking Fluid (BMF) has been used as the fluid of choice. The center frequency of the probe and the sampling frequency are set to 10 MHz and 40 MHz, respectively. The second set is collected with the same imaging setting, but the fluid of choice is water with small amounts of oil and detergent. The third set of data has been acquired using plane-wave imaging with a frame rate of 565 frames/sec. The center frequency is set to 11.5 MHz. The fluid of choice, in this case, is water with small amounts of oil and detergent.

Clutter suppressed images obtained from experimental phantom datasets

The in vivo rat data is collected from the vasculature of a rat’s abdomen. Conventional focused imaging has been used for this acquisition. The center frequency and sampling frequency are set to 10 MHz and 40 MHz, respectively.

Clutter suppressed image obtained from in vivo rat data

This database is based on the following publication:

M Ashikuzzaman, C Belasso, G Kibria, A Bergdahl, C Gauthier, H. Rivaz,
Low Rank and Sparse Decomposition of Ultrasound Color Flow Images for Suppressing Clutter in Real-Time, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI), 2019, in press, IEEE, pdf, code.