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| Essay:HAM: 1D-HAMCoupled Heat, Air and Moisture Transport in Multi-layered Wall Structures
Developers: -Prof. Carl-Eric Hagentoft, Department of Building Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden -Dr. Thomas Blomberg, Building Technology Group, Massachusetts, Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
The PC-program 1D-HAM solves the problem of one-dimesional coupled heat, air and moisture transport in a multi-layered porous wall. The program is based on the finite difference technique with explicit forward differences in time. Analytical solutions for the coupling between the computational cells for a given air flow through the construction are used. Moisture is transferred by diffusion and convection in vapor phase. No liquid water transport occurs. Heat is transferred by conduction, convection and latent heat. Climatic data are supplied through a data file with a maximum resolution of values per hour over the year. The program accounts for surface absorption of solar radiation.
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