Fischer, G., M¨ıller, T., Schwalbe, R., Ostrowski, R. and Dott, W.
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 203, 97-104
bioaerosols - fungi - fungal spores - microbial VOC - mycotoxins
Health impacts due to fungi in indoor air can only be estimated reliably, if both fungal propagules and fungal secondary metabolites are qualified and quantified. In the present study, the fungal spe-cies
composition in a compost facility is compared to the spectrum of microbial metabolites in the air with regard to the physiological properties of different fungal species. A number of relevant fun-gi
was tested for the production of both volatile and non-volatile metabolites on different substra-ta. The profiles of mycotoxins and microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC) turned out to be specific for certain species in pure culture. Consequently, the fungi may have different toxicolog-ical health impacts, though information on the relevance of microbial volatiles is still limited.
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