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Analysis of uncertainty in building design evaluations and its implications

de Wit, S. and Augenbroec, G.
Energy and Buildings, 34, 9, 951-958
Building design; Uncertainty; Expert judgment; Thermal comfort; Building simulation

de Wit, S. and Augenbroec, G., (2002), "Analysis of uncertainty in building design evaluations and its implications", Energy and Buildings, 34, 9, 951-958.
This study addresses uncertainties in building performance evaluations and their potential impact on design decisions. Design evolution involves a chain of design decisions. Each decision is supported by input supplied by the various domain experts to the design team at large. The research has focused on the domain expertise of the building physics expert, responsible for those inputs that sustain rational decisions with respect to energy use, thermal comfort, HVAC system sizing, etc. Prime attention has been given to thermal comfort.


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17. R.M. Cooke, L.H.J. Goossens, Procedures Guide for Structured Expert Judgment, Report EUR 18820 EN Prepared Under Contract FI4P-CT95-0006 for the European Commission, Directorate General for Research, 2000.

18. B.C.P. Kraan, Probabilistic Inversion in Uncertainty Analysis and Related Topics, Ph.D. Thesis, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands, April 2002.

19. S. French, Decision Theory: An Introduction to the Mathematics of Rationality, Ellis Horwood, London, 1993.

20. P. de Wilde, G. Augenbroe, M. vd Voorden, A strategy to provide computational support for the selection of energy saving building components, in: Proceedings of the 7th International IBPSA Conference on BS01, Rio, 2000, pp. 652¡¥660.

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