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Impact of temperature and humidity on the perception of indoor air qualit

Fang, L., Clausen, G. and Fanger, P. O.
Indoor Air, 8(2):80-90

Fang, L., Clausen, G. and Fanger, P. O., (1998), "Impact of temperature and humidity on the perception of indoor air qualit", Indoor Air, 8(2):80-90.
Sensory responses to clean air and air polluted by five building materials under different combinations of temperature and humidity in the ranges 18-28ˇăC and 30-70%RH were studied in the laboratory. A specially designed test system was built and a set of experiments was designed to observe separately the impact of temperature and humidity on the perception of air quality/odour intensity, and on the emission of pollutants from the materials. This paper reports on the impact on perception. The odour intensity of air did not change significantly with temperature and humidity; however, a strong and significant impact of temperature and humidity on the perception of air quality was found. The air was perceived as less acceptable with increasing temperature and humidity. This impact decreased with an increasing level of air pollution. Significant linear correlations were found between acceptability and enthalpy of the air at all pollution levels tested, and a linear model was established to describe the dependence of perceived air quality on temperature and humidity at different pollution levels.

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Author Information and Other Publications Notes
Fang, L.
Clausen, G.
Fanger, P. O.
Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark,
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