Capstone Project

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Group Status completed
Title NASA Lunabotics Competition
Supervisor Dr. Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj
Description The NASA Lunabotic Competition is an international university competition designed for students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The purpose is to design a remote controlled or autonomous excavator, called a "lubanot", that can collect and deposit a minimum of 10kg of lunar simulant within 15 minutes. This project will have a team from Mechanical Engineering, a team from pure Electrical Engineering and a mixed team from Computer/Electrical Engineering team. As the duty of my team, which is the Computer/Electrical team, we will be doing the programming on the movement(motion), remote control, network communication and maybe navigation of the robot.
Requirement Programming, Documentation, Debugging and Troubleshooting
Number of Students 4
Students Zhaoyu Zheng, Henry Chen, Albert Nguyen, Aron Boodoo