Capstone Project

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Group 2017-24 Status completed
Title eSight
Supervisor Dr. O. Ahmad & Alira Esmaeilzehi
Description People usually meet with a psychologist to help them with their emotions to allow themselves to lead a better life. However, many people have mental and neurodevelopment disorders that cause speech impairments and do not allow them to verbally express emotion or show how they feel about their lives. To help non-verbal patients advance in their therapy, a psychologist can use an EEG on a patient with mental disorders and impaired speech to monitor their emotional triggers during therapy sessions . By tracking brain activity, the patient's situation can be improved.
Tools C++, java, python, computer networking, linux, network configuration PCB design, Arduino, Raspberry PI, Cloud computing
Number of Students 3
Students Seccareccia,David Daccache,Paul Lucaciu,Felix