Capstone Project

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Group 2020-24 Status completed
Title Mental Health App
Supervisor Rodolfo Coutinho and Brigitte Jaumard
Description A mobile application that allows psychologists to monitor the mental health of patients. Currently, mental health assessments are limited to infrequent visits with psychologists. Patients are often asked to describe their feelings, and situations relevant to their treatment, which can sometimes be difficult to recall or articulate. Our app seeks to resolve this issue by giving patients a platform to enter mood logs of how they are feeling. Psychologists would then have access to the mood logs of registered patients along with statistical analysis.
Requirement Software programming, mobile development
Tools Programming language to be chosen according to the requirements (React Native, etc.) Cloud platform (GCP/Azure/AWS)
Number of Students 5
Students Irfan Ahmed Domenic Labbate Gianluca Lepore Olasubulumi Jesutomi Ogo Oluwa Pireyatharsan Kandavanam
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