Capstone Project

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Group 2023-15 Status inprogress
Title Innovative Hand Rehabilitation Glove
Supervisor R. Selmic
Description This project aims to develop a Hand Rehabilitation Glove aimed for helping individuals recovering from hand injuries or conditions affecting finger mobility. This wearable device will incorporate sensors integrated with a companion mobile app. The glove primary objective is to guide users through personalized finger and hand exercises, monitor progress to ultimately help them regain strength and flexibility in their hands. Advanced sensor technology will be integrated to track various aspects of rehabilitation, such as hand movement, temperature, blood circulation giving us a complete view of the recovery process. The key players in this project are the motors, including linear actuators and servo motors, which will assist patients in regaining their range of motion, building strength, and doing beneficial exercises. The project aims to offer an affordable and convenient alternative to traditional physiotherapy, particularly beneficial for those facing financial limitations.

A fully functional hardware prototype of the rehabilitation glove will be delivered. Additionally, a user-friendly mobile app will be developed to communicate with the glove facilitating exercise guidance and progress tracking. Customizable exercise modules and personalized progress tracking will be implemented into the app. Clear documentation, including assembly instructions as well as usability guidelines will be provided to ensure easy understanding.
Requirement - Test Equipment: - Mobile device - Glove - Wireless connectivity - Software Resources: - Visual Studio Code - Android Studio - DataBase - Hardware Resources: - Microcontrollers - Sensors (flex sensors, accelerometers, gyroscopes, force sensors) - Vibration or pressure motors (Feedback mechanism so real-time feedback) - Wifi connectivity - Wires - Motors: - Servo motors - Linear Actuator - Power Supply
Tools - A foundational understanding of sensors and microcontrollers (acquired through COEN317, COEN316, and COEN390 courses). - Proficiency in fundamental electrical engineering concepts, including electronics, digital design, signal processing, and real-time systems (acquired through ELEC311, COEN212, ELEC372, and COEN320 courses). - Basic Understanding of human anatomy - Proficiency in programming acquired through courses such as Software Process (SOEN341) and experience with Arduino Studio. - Competency in utilizing databases, specifically MySQL, for effective data management. - Experience in Full-Stack Development ( Backend and FrontEnd) - Fundamental understanding of UI/UX principles, enabling the design of an aesthetically pleasing and user-intuitive mobile app interface - Basic knowledge of agile methodology. - Basic knowledge of key project management considerations such as milestones, risk management, resource allocation, cost management, and product testing. - Familiarity with essential collaboration and project management tools, including GitHub, Microsoft Teams, and Jira.
Number of Students 6
Students F. Bari, G. Bhogal, M. Faigan, A. Grewal, S. Kadhim, S. Maraouch, A.H. Elaarag