Yi-Nan Zhang

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Yi-Nan Zhang
Full nameYi-Nan Zhang



09/2014 - 2019 (expected): Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) candidate, Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Thesis title:"Towards understanding nanoparticle interaction with lymphoid organs"
Supervisor: Prof. W.C.W. Chan

01/2008 - 12/2010: Master Degree of Applied Science, Mechanical Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Thesis title:"Investigation of the Equilibrium Ca-Mg-Zn System Using Diffusion Couples and Key Alloys"
Supervisors: Prof. M. Medraj and Prof. P. Chartrand

09/2003 - 07/2007: Bachelor Diploma (highest thesis honor), Material Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
Thesis title:"Effects of the Addition of Nd Element in the Mg-6Al-xSr Alloys on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties"
Supervisors: Prof. Y.F. Wu and Prof. W.B. Du

09/2000 - 07/2003: High School Diploma, High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, Beijing, China

Research Fields and Skills

Research Fields:

Research Skills:

Research Experiences

Nanobiotechnology and Immunoengineering
09/2014 - Present: Research Assistant (RA), Project: "Towards understanding how lymph nodes process nanoparticle for humoral immunity"
Integrated Nanotechnology & Biomedical Sciences Laboratory
Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Supervisors: Prof. W.C.W. Chan

Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
02/2014 - 08/2014: RA., Project: "Development of the rapid photopolymer elastin like peptides for tissue engineering application"
RA., Project: "Development of an elastic and adhesive blood-resistance material for surgical sealant"
Center for Biomedical Engineering, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, MIT
Program Sponsor: Massachusetts General Hospital, Cambridge, MA, USA
Supervisor: Profs. N. Annabi and A. Khademhosseini

01/2011 - 01/2014: RA., Project: "Development of Mg-based Matallic Glassy Material for Biocompatible Implants"
Concordia University and McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
Supervisors: Profs. M. Medraj and Z. Altounian

Structural Materials
04/2010 - 01/2014: RA., Project: "Develop Direct Laser Deposition (DLD) Process Parameters and Perform Evaluation of Mechanical Properties Manufactured from Inconel 718 and Waspaloy"
RA., Project: "Friction Stir Manufacturing of Al-based Metal Matrix Composites"
Structures, Materials and Manufacturing Laboratory, National Research Council Canada, Montreal, QC, Canada
Supervisor: Dr. X. Cao

Automotive Alloy Development
01/2011 - 01/2014: RA., Project: "Development of the Advanced Mg- and Al-based Alloys for Automotive applications"
Supported by General Motors and NSERC. Collaboration with Ecole Polytechnique Montreal
Mechanical Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada
Supervisors: Prof. M. Medraj

01/2008 - 12/2010: RA., Project: "Investigations of the Equilibrium Ca-Mg-Zn System Using Diffusion Couples and Key Alloys"
Supported by General Motors and NSERC. Collaboration with Ecole Polytechnique Montreal.
Mechanical Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada
Supervisors: Profs. M. Medraj and P. Chartrand

09/2006 - 12/2007: RA., Project: "Effects of the Addition of Nd Element in Mg-6Al-xSr Alloys on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties"
Supported by the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China.
Material Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, beijing, China
Supervisors: Profs. Y.F. Wu and W.B. Du

02/2006 - 07/2006: RA., Project: "Investigation of Nano-Grained Materials and Microstructures Using Spark Plasma Sintering Technique and Transmission Electron Microscope"
Material Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, beijing, China
Supervisor: Prof. X.Y. Song

Certificates, Honors and Awards

2016: Paul and Sally Wang Distinguished Graduate Scholarship at the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (IBBME) of University of Toronto, ON, Canada [Only one scholarship is awarded annually] ($6,000)
2015: Paul and Sally Wang Distinguished Graduate Scholarship at the IBBME of University of Toronto, ON, Canada [Only one scholarship is awarded annually] ($6,422)
2015-2018: Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) ($35,000/yr for 3 years, $105,000 in total)
2015-2018: Nominated by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) awards committee and represent the University of Toronto for the Vanier NSERC ($50,000/yr) national competition. Ranked 63 out of 179 (They totally offered 55, I am on the waiting list).
2014-2015: Wildcat Graduate Scholarship at the IBBME of University of Toronto, ON, Canada [Only two scholarships are awarded annually and one of each for the international and domestic students] ($11,666/yr)
2014: GEN news highlight the surgical glue we developed. http://www.genengnews.com/gen-articles/3d-tissue-models-mirror-diseases-in-depth/5299/?kwrd=annabi&page=2
2014: Our project of Sticking Together - An Elastic Surgical Glue was selected as one of the three finalist for the BRIght Futures Prize 2014 award ($100,000) at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School: http://bwhresearchday.partners.org/bff/
2014-2015: Ontario Graduate Scholarship at the University of Toronto, ON, Canada ($15,000/yr) + top-up from Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (IBBME) of University of Toronto ($2000)
2014-2015: Ph.D offer from IBBME at University of Toronto with annual stipend of the Institute ($16,000/yr) + the cost of tuition and fees, ON, Canada
2013: Micro- and Nanotechnologies in Medicine Travel Scholarship, supported by Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital and the National Science Foundation, Cambridge, MA, USA
2013: Honor of completion of the Advance Nutrition Course 2013 Spring and certified as Registered Nutritional Health Specialist (RNHS), Canadian Consilium of Natural Health
2013-2015: Administrator and editor, Website and conferences of the Canadian Biomaterials Society (CBS), www.biomaterials.ca
2012-2014: Vice President (internal), Initially launched the Montreal Chapter of the Canadian Biomaterials Society, Montreal website
2012: Excellence Presentation Prize, 1st student seminar by Advance Study Committee FOCHAPEE, Montreal
2012: Junior Engineer, ordre des ingénieurs du Québec
2011: Nominated for NSERC Innovation Challenge Award, Concordia University
2010: CALPHAD-STT scholarship, CalphadXXXIX international conference, Jeju, Korea
2009: Golden Key International Honour Society, (top 15% of the class and interested in service and leadership development), Concordia University, Canada.
2008-2009: Partial tuition fee remission award, Concordia University
2007: Best bachelor thesis, Material Science and Engineering Department, Beijing University of Technology
2006: Group 1st prize, personal 1st prize, material mechanical properties speech competition, Beijing University of Technology
2005: Group 2nd prize, personal 1st prize, university English drama competition, Beijing University of Technology

Personal Life

The 2nd place, player in the University of Toronto Chinese Students and Scholars Association (UTCSSA) Soccer Team, Men's Div Open Outdoor Soccer, University of Toronto, Toronto, 2016
The 2nd place finish, player in the CSSA Soccer Team, Men's Div Open Indoor Soccer, University of Toronto, Toronto, 2016
Top 8 teams in play-off, Player in the CSSA Soccer Team, University of Toronto, Toronto, 2015
The 2nd place in the regular game, 3rd place in play-off, Player in the CSSA Soccer Team, University of Toronto, Toronto, 2015
The 3rd place, Player in the CSSA Soccer Team, University of Toronto, Toronto, 2014
Player in the Harvard Chinese Soccer team, the 3rd IVY Cup soccer, Cornell University, Binghamton, New York, USA, 2014
Runner-up in the regular game, 3rd place in play-off, played for Innotech Aviation, Montreal Recreational Soccer League, 2013
The 2nd place finish, the 5th edition Soccer tournament, played for young Chinese professional association (YCPA), JCCH and RJCCQ, Montreal, 2013
The 3rd place in play-off, played for Iron Ring, Competitive league of Concordia University Loyola campus winter doom indoor soccer, 2013
The 1st place finish, the 4th edition Soccer tournament, played for YCPA, JCCH and RJCCQ, Montreal, 2012


Journal Articles:
[32] Y.N. Zhang, *J. Lazarovits, *W. Poon, *B. Ouyang, L.N.M. Nguyen, B.R. Kingston, W.C.W. Chan, “Nanoparticle Size Influences Antigen Retention and Presentation in Lymph Node Follicles for Humoral Immunity”, Nano letters (2019). DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b02834. *Equal contribution (Supplementary materials)

[31] W. Poon, Y.N. Zhang, B. Ouyang, B.R. Kingston, J.L. Wu, S. Wilhelm, W.C.W. Chan, “Elimination Pathways of Nanoparticles”, ACS Nano, Vol. 13, 5785-5798 (2019). (Supplementary materials)

[30] J. Lazarovits, Y.Y. Chen, F. Song, W. Ngo, A.J. Tavares, Y.N. Zhang, J. Audet, B. Tang, Q. Lin, M.C. Tleugabulova, S. Wilhelm, J.R. Krieger, T. Mallevaey, W.C.W. Chan, “Synthesis of Patient-Specific Nanomaterials”, Nano letters, Vol. 19, 116-123 (2019). (Supplementary materials)

[29] J. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y.N. Zhang, D. Han, L. Jin, L. Sheng, P. Chartrand, M. Medraj, "Investigation on metallic glass formation in Mg-Zn-Sr ternary system by the CALPHAD method", Materials Letters, Vol. 256, 126628 (2019).

[28] X. Yin, J. Yu, Y. Wu, X. Tian, W. Wang, Y.N. Zhang, T. Zuo, “Reclamation and Harmless Treatment of Waste Cathode Ray Tube Phosphors: Novel and Sustainable Design”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Vol. 6, 4321-4329 (2018).

[27] *A.J. Tavares, *W. Poon, *Y.N. Zhang, Q. Dai, R. Besla, D. Ding, B. Ouyang, A. Li, J. Chen, G. Zheng, C. Robbins, W.C.W. Chan, “Effect of removing Kupffer cells on nanoparticle tumor delivery”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 114, E10871-E10880 (2017). (Supplementary materials) *Equal contribution

[26] N. Annabi, Y.N. Zhang, A. Assmann, E.S. Sani, G. Cheng, A.D. Lassaletta, A. Vegh, B. Dehghani, G.U. Ruiz-Esparza, X. Wang, S. Gangadharan, A.S. Weiss, A. Khademhosseini, “Engineering a highly elastic human protein–based sealant for surgical applications”, Science Translational Medicine, Vol. 9, eaai7466 (2017). (with Journal cover), (Supplementary materials)
Press released by Wyss Institute at Harvard University “A super-elastic surgical glue that sticks and seals in vivo, even when tissues are moving”. Highlighted at University of Sydney in “'Squirtable' elastic glue seals wounds in 60 seconds”. Highlighted at Northeastern University “Medical discoveries: researchers develop surgical glue that seals wounds in seconds”. Highlighted in EurekAlert 1 EurekAlert 2 Medicalxpress Sciencedaily New York Post

[25] Y.S. Zhang, Y.N. Zhang, W. Zhang, “Cancer-on-a-chip systems at the frontier of nanomedicine”, Drug Discovery Today, Vol. 22, 1392-1399 (2017).

[24] K. Zhang, B. Li, Y. Wu, W. Wang, R. Li, Y.N. Zhang, T. Zuo, “Recycling of indium from waste LCD: A promising non-crushing leaching with the aid of ultrasonic wave.” Waste Management, Vol. 64, 236-243 (2017).

[23] Y. Fu, Y. Wu, Q. Zhang, K. Zhang, X. Yin, Y.N. Zhang, “Synthesis, Characterization and Photocatalytic Performance of Lanthanides (Y, Ce) Doped TiO2 Nanosheets Films.” Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, Vol. 14, 9-22 (2017).

[22] *Y.N Zhang, *W. Poon, A.J. Tavares, I.D. McGilvray, W.C.W. Chan, “Nanoparticle–liver interactions: Cellular uptake and hepatobiliary elimination”, Special issue: Drug Delivery Research in North America, Journal of Controlled Release, Vol. 240, 332-348 (2016). *Equal contribution

[21] X. Yin, Y. Wu, X. Tian, J. Yu, Y.N. Zhang, T. Zuo, “Green Recovery of Rare Earths from Waste Cathode Ray Tube Phosphors: Oxidative Leaching and Kinetic Aspects”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Vol. 4, 7080-7089 (2016).

[20] X. Zhang, Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, M. Medraj, “Experimental investigation of the Mg-Zn-Zr ternary system at 450°C”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 680, 212-225 (2016).

[19] Q.J. Zhang, Y. Fu, Y.F. Wu, Y.N. Zhang, T.Y. Zuo, “Low-Cost Y-Doped TiO2 Nanosheets Film with Highly Reactive {001} Facets from CRT Waste and Enhanced Photocatalytic Removal of Cr(VI) and Methyl Orange”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Vol.4, 1794-1803 (2016).

[18] *Y.N. Zhang, *R. Avery, *Q.V. Martín, A. Assmann, A. Vegh, A. Memic, B.D. Olsen, N. Annabi, and A. Khademhosseini, “A highly elastic and rapidly crosslinkable elastin-like polypeptide-based hydrogel for biomedical applications”, Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 25, 4814-4826 (2015). *Equal contribution
Press released by Brigham and Women's hospital “Elastic Gel to Heal Wounds”. Highlighted in ScienceNewslineMedicine The Global Source for Science News phys.org scifeeds nanowerk Scicasts UPI Science Daily Medical News Today
[17] J. Wang, Y.N. Zhang, P. Hudon, P. Chartrand, I.H. Jung and M. Medraj “Experimental determination of the phase equilibria in the Mg-Zn-Sr ternary system”, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 50, 7636-7646 (2015).

[16] J. Wang, Y.N. Zhang, P. Hudon, I.H. Jung, P. Chartrand and M. Medraj, “Experimental study of the crystal structure of the Mg15-xZnxSr3 ternary solid solution in the Mg-Zn-Sr system at 300 ℃”, Journal of Materials and Design, Vol. 86, 305-312 (2015).

[15] J. Wang, Y.N. Zhang, P. Hudon, I.H. Jung, M. Medraj and P. Chartrand, “Experimental study of the phase equilibria in the Mg-Zn-Ag ternary system at 300 ℃”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 639, 593-601 (2015).

[14] H.G. Wang, Y.F. Gu, Y.F. Wu, Y.N. Zhang, W. Wang, “An evaluation of the potential yield of indium recycled from end-of-life LCDs: a case study in China”, Waste Management, Vol. 46, 480-487 (2015).

[13] K.H. Zhang, Y.F. Wu, W. Wang, L. Bin, Y.N. Zhang, T.Y. Zuo, “Recycling indium from waste LCD devices: A review”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 104, 276-290 (2015).

[12] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, P. Wanjara and M. Medraj, “Tensile properties of laser additive manufactured Inconel 718 using filler wire”, Special issue: The Materials Science of Additive Manufacturing, Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 29, 2006-2020 (2014).

[11] M. Mezbahul-Islam, Y.N. Zhang, C. Shekhar and M. Medraj, “Critical assessment and thermodynamic modeling of Mg-Ca-Zn system supported by key experiments”, CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, Vol. 46, 134–147 (2014).

[10] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, P. Wanjara and M. Medraj, “Oxide Films in Laser Additive Manufactured Inconel 718”, Acta Materialia, Vol. 61, 6562-6576 (2013).

[9] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao and P. Wanjara, “Microstructure and hardness of fiber laser deposited Inconel 718 using filler wire”, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 69, 2569-2581 (2013).

[8] Y.N. Zhang, X.D. Liu, Z. Altounian and M. Medraj, “Coherent nano-scale ternary precipitates in crystallized Ca4Mg72Zn24 metallic glass”, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 68, 647-650 (2013).

[7] Y.N. Zhang, G.J. Rocher, B. Briccoli, D. Kevorkov, X.B. Liu, Z. Altounian and M. Medraj, “Crystallization characteristics of the Mg-rich metallic glasses in the Ca-Mg-Zn system”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 552, 88-97 (2013).

[6] D. Kevorkov, Y.N. Zhang, K. Shabnam, P. Chartrand and M. Medraj, “Experimental investigation of the phase equilibria of the Al-Ca-Zn system at 623 K”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 539, 97-102 (2012).

[5] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, S. Larose and P. Wanjara, “Review of tools for friction stir welding and processing”, special issue on Advances in High Temperature Joining of Materials, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol. 51, No. 3, 250-261 (2012).

[4] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, X.D. Liu, F. Bridier, P. Chartrand and M. Medraj, “Homogeneity range and crystal structure of the Ca2Mg5Zn13 compound”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 523, 75-82 (2012).

[3] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, F. Bridier and M. Medraj, “Experimental investigation of the Ca-Mg-Zn system using diffusion couples and key alloys”, Journal of Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, Vol. 12, No. 8, rec.No. 025003 (2011).

[2] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, J. Li, E. Essadiqi and M. Medraj, “Determination of the solubility range and crystal structure of the Mg-rich ternary compound in the Ca-Mg-Zn system”, Intermetallics, Vol. 18, No. 12, 2402-2411 (2010).

[1] Y.F. Wu, W.B. Du, Y.N. Zhang, Z.H. Wang, “Creep mechanism of as-cast Mg-6Al-6Nd alloy”, Rare Metals, Vol. 29, No. 5, 538-541 (2010).

Conference Proceedings:
[8] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, and P. Wanjara, “Fiber Laser Deposition of Nickel-based Superalloys Using Filler Wire Feed”, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (June 15-19, 2015).

[7] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, P. Wanjara and M. Medraj, “Fiber Laser Deposition of Inconel 718 Using Powders”, Advanced Materials, Processes and Applications for Additive Manufacturing Symposium, Materials Science and Technology, 37-49, 2013, Montreal, Canada, (October 27-31, 2013).

[6] Y.I. Murthy, Y.N. Zhang and M. Medraj, “Experimental Determination of the Phase Equilibrium in the Mg-Ca-Y System”, Magnesium Technology Symposium, Conference of Metallurgists and Materials Science & Technology Conference, Montreal, Canada, (October 27-31, 2013).

[5] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, F. Bridier and M. Medraj, “Morphological and Crystallographic characterization of Ca-Mg-Zn intermetallics in ternary diffusion couples”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 409, 387-392 (2012), THERMEC, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, (Augest 1-5, 2011).

[4] S. Konica, Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov and M. Medraj, “The Ca-rich corner of the Al-Ca-Zn system”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 409, 51-56 (2012), THERMEC, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, (Augest 1-5, 2011).

[3] Y.F. Wu, W.B. Du, Y.N. Zhang, T. Y. Zuo, “Microstructure and Creep property of as-cast Mg-6Al-xSr (x=0,2,3) alloys”, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 284-286, 1564-1567 (2011).

[2] Y.F. Wu, W.B. Du, Y.N. Zhang, T. Y. Zuo, “Microstructure and Creep property of as-cast Mg-6Al-xNd (x=2,4,6) alloys”, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 146-147, 1702-1707 (2011).

[1] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, J. Li, E. Essadiqi and M. Medraj, “Experimental Determination of the Phase Equilibrium in the Ca-Mg-Zn system”, Discussion Meeting on Thermodynamics of Alloys, TOFA 2010, Porto, Portugal, (September 12-16, 2010).

Book Chapters:
[2] M. Tsintou, C. Wang, K. Dalamagkas, D. Weng, Y.N. Zhang*, and W. Niu*, “Nanogels for biomedical applications: Drug delivery, imaging, tissue engineering, and biosensors (Chapter 5)”. Book: Nanobiomaterials Science, Development and Evaluation. Editors: M. Razavi A. Thakor. Woodhead Publishing, 77-124 (2017). *Corresponding author

[1] M. Mozafari, A. Ramedani, Y.N. Zhang, D.K. Mills, “Thin films for tissue engineering applications (Chapter 8)”. Book: Thin Film Coatings for Biomaterials and Biomedical Applications. Editor: H.J. Griesser. Woodhead Publishing, 167–195 (2016).

Laboratory Technical Reports for National Research Council Canada :
[4] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, E. Poirier, X. Pelletier, P. Wanjara, M. Opris and E. Kane, “Direct laser deposition for Inconel 718 using powders”, Report No.: LTR-AMTC-2012-0043, (2012).
[3] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, X. Pelletier, E. Poirier, P. Wanjara, M. Opris and E. Kane, “Direct laser deposition for Waspaloy using filler wire”, Report No.: LTR-AMTC-2012-0016, (2012).
[2] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, S. Larose, M. Guerin and P. Wanjara, “Friction stir manufacturing of Al-based metal matrix composites”, (2012).
[1] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, X. Pelletier, E. Poirier, P. Wanjara, M. Opris and E. Kane, “Direct laser deposition for Inconel 718 using filler wire”, Report No.: LTR-AMTC-2011-0107, (2011).

Master thesis:Experimental investigation of the Ca-Mg-Zn system via diffusion couples and key experiments”, Y.N. Zhang, MASc, Concordia University, 2010.

Oral and Poster Presentations:
[49] B. Ouyang, W. Poon, Y.N. Zhang, P.Z. Lin, B.R. Kingston, A.M. Syed, A.J. Tavares, J. Chen, M.S. Valic, J. Couture-Senécal, G. Zheng, W.C.W. Chan, Nanoparticle delivery depends on dose. Gordon Research Conference/Seminar for Cancer Nanomedicine, June 23-28, 2019, West Dover, VT, USA. (Poster). [Best Poster award]

[48] W. Poon, Y.N. Zhang, B. Ouyang, B.R. Kingston, J.L.Y. Wu, S. Wilhelm, W.C.W. Chan, Elimination pathways of nanoparticles, Gordon Research Seminar/Conference for Cancer Nanomedicine, June 23-28, 2019, West Dover, VT, USA. (Poster)

[47] Y.N. Zhang, Towards understanding how lymph node processes nanoparticles, College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University, June 11, 2019, Beijing, China. (Oral)

[46] Y.N. Zhang, Immunomodulation using nanoparticles, College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University, May 9, 2018, Beijing, China. (Oral)

[45] N. Annabi, Y.N. Zhang, A. Assmann, E.S. Sani, A. Vegh, G. Cheng, B. Dehghani, G.U. Ruiz-Esparza, X. Wang, A.S. Lassaletta, S. Gangadharan, A. Weiss, A. Khademhosseini, Development Of An Elastic And Adhesive Sealant For Surgical Applications, Americas Chapter Meeting of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS), December 3-6, 2017, Charlotte, NC, USA. (Poster)

[44] B. Ouyang, *W. Poon, *Y.N. Zhang, J.C. Sencal, B.R. Kingston, A. Syed, W.C.W. Chan, Evaluating nanoparticle delivery to tumours by dose, Clinician Investigator Trainee Association of Canada AGM, November 21, 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada. (Poster) *Equal contribution [Best Poster award]

[43] N. Annabi, Y.N. Zhang, A. Assmann, A. Vegh, G. Cheng, B. Dehghani, S. Gangadharan, A. Khademhosseini, A. Weiss, Engineering a Highly Elastic Protein-based Surgical Sealant, European Chapter Meeting TERMIS, June 26-30, 2017, Davos, Switzerland. (Oral)

[42] A.J. Tavares, W. Poon, Y.N. Zhang, Q. Dai, R. Besla, D. Ding, B. Ouyang, A. Li, J. Chen, G. Zheng, C. Robbins, W.C.W. Chan, Depletion of Hepatic Macrophages Improves Nanoparticle Delivery to Tumours, Donnelly Centre Retreat, May 4, 2017, Huntsville, ON, Canada. (Oral)

[41] N. Annabi, Y.N. Zhang, A. Assmann, A. Vegh, G. Cheng, B. Dehghani, S. Gangadharan, A. Weiss, A. Khademhosseini, Engineering a Highly Elastic Protein-based Surgical Sealant, Society for biomaterials annual meeting & exposition, April 5-8, 2017, Minneapolis, MN, USA. (Poster)

[40] Y.N. Zhang, Fighting against diseases: Immunomodulation using nanomaterials, Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, March 16, 2017, Beijing, China. (Oral)

[39] Y.N. Zhang, Towards understanding nanoparticle interaction with lymphatics, College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University, March 9, 2017, Beijing, China. (Oral)

[38] Y.N. Zhang, Nanovaccine-lymph node interaction: targeting the mysterious lymphoid organ for anti-cancer immunotherapy, The UofT most understandable scientist (UTMUST) 2016 event, University of Toronto, November 25th, 2016, Toronto, ON, Canada. (Oral)

[37] A.J. Tavares, *W. Poon, *Y.N. Zhang, Q. Dai, D. Ding, W.C.W. Chan, Transient depletion of innate immunity improves the delivery of tumour targeted nanoparticles, Noble Metal Nanoparticles, Gordon Research Conference, June 19-24, 2016, South Hadley, Massachusetts, USA. (Poster) *Equal contribution

[36] W. Poon, A.J. Tavares, Y.N. Zhang, Q. Dai, D. Ding, W.C.W. Chan, Transient depletion of the mononuclear phagocyte system improves nanoparticle delivery and elimination in vivo, The IBBME Scientific Day, May 5, 2016, Toronto, ON, Canada. (Poster)

[35] N. Annabi, Y.N. Zhang, A. Vegh, A. Assmann, B. Dehghani, A. Weiss, A. Khademhosseini, Engineering a Highly Elastic hydrogel-based sealant, Materials research society (MRS) fall meeting, November 29-December 4, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. (Poster)

[34] Y.N. Zhang, R. Avery, Q.V. Martín, A. Assmann, A. Vegh, A. Memic, B.D. Olsen, N. Annabi, and A. Khademhosseini, A highly elastic and rapidly crosslinkable hydrogel for biomedical applications, Materials research society (MRS) fall meeting, November 29-December 4, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. (Poster) [Nominated for the best poster award]

[33] Y.N. Zhang, Nanotechnology for cancer therapy, UTMUST 2015 event, University of Toronto, November 20th, 2015, Toronto, ON, Canada. (Oral)

[32] N. Annabi, Y.N. Zhang, A. Vegh, B. Dehghani, A. Assmann, A. Weiss, A. Khademhosseini, Engineering a highly elastic surgical sealant, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) annual meeting, October 7-10, 2015, Tampa, Florida, USA. (Oral)

[31] Y.N. Zhang, R. Avery, Q.V. Martín, A. Assmann, A. Vegh, A. Memic, B.D. Olsen, N. Annabi, and A. Khademhosseini, A highly elastic and rapidly photocrosslinkable hydrogel, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) annual meeting, October 7-10, 2015, Tampa, Florida, USA. (Poster)

[30] N. Annabi, Y.N. Zhang, A. Vegh, B. Dehghani, A. Assmann, A. Weiss, A. Khademhosseini, Engineering a highly elastic surgical sealant, Elastin: Predictive Biology, Encoded Tissue Elasticity and Directed 3D Growth, the 4th TERMIS World Congress, September 8–11, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. (Oral)

[29] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, P. Wanjara and M. Medraj, Fiber laser deposition of superalloys using filler wire or powder, ASME Turbo Expo, June 15th to 19th, 2015, Montreal, Canada. (Oral)

[28] Y.N. Zhang, R. Avery, Q.V. Martín, A. Assmann, A. Vegh, A. Memic, B.D. Olsen, N. Annabi, and A. Khademhosseini, A highly elastic and rapidly crosslinkable elastin-like polypeptide-based hydrogel for biomedical applications, 32nd Annual meeting of the Canadian Biomaterials Society, May 27-30, 2015, Toronto, ON, Canada. (Poster)

[27] X. Zhang, Y.N. Zhang, M. Medraj, Isothermal section of the Mg-Zn-Zr ternary system at 450 ℃, American Society of Metals (ASM) symposium at Concordia University, February 11th, 2014, Montreal, QC, Canada. (Poster)

[26] Y.N. Zhang, How to stick tissue together by engineering an elastic surgical glue, UTMUST 2014 event, University of Toronto, November 21st, 2014, Toronto, ON, Canada. (Oral)

[25] N. Annabi, Y.N. Zhang, A. Vegh, B. Dehghani, A. Assmann, A.S. Weiss, A. Khademhosseini, Engineering a highly elastic surgical sealant, The 6th Annual Retreat conference at Wyss Institute, Harvard University, November 19th, 2014, Cambridge, MA, USA. (Oral + Poster)

[24] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, P. Wanjara and M. Medraj, Fiber laser deposition of Waspaloy alloy using filler wire, Advanced Materials Manufacturing Symposium, The 53rd Annual Conference of Metallurgists (COM), September 28th to October 1st, 2014, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, (invited). (Oral)

[23] Y.I. Murthy, Y.N. Zhang, M. Medraj, Solid solutions of the Mg-Ca-Nd ternary system, American Society of Metals (ASM) and Mcgill Material Advantage Montreal Chapter, April 23th, 2013, Mcgill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Poster)

[22] X. Zhang, Y.N. Zhang, M. Medraj, Isothermal section of Mg-Zn-Zr at 335ºC, American Society of Metals (ASM) and Mcgill Material Advantage Montreal Chapter, April 23th, 2013, Mcgill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Poster)

[21] Y.N. Zhang, G.J. Rocher, Z. Altounian and M. Medraj, Biodegradable Mg-rich metallic glasses for potential skeletal application in the Mg-Ca-Zn system, ECSGA Graduate Student Poster Competition of Concordia University, November 11th, 2013, Montreal, Canada. (Poster)

[20] Y.I. Murthy, Y.N. Zhang, M. Medraj, Partial isothermal section of the Mg-Ca-Nd system, ECSGA Graduate Student Poster Competition of Concordia University, November 11th, 2013, Montreal, Canada. (Poster)

[19] X. Zhang, Y.N. Zhang, M. Medraj, Experimental investigation of the Mg-Zn-Zr ternary system at 335ºC, ECSGA Graduate Student Poster Competition of Concordia University, November 11th, 2013, Montreal, Canada. (Poster)

[18] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, P. Wanjara and M. Medraj, Microstructure evolution of laser additively manufactured Inconel 718, Advanced Materials, Processes and Applications for Additive Manufacturing Symposium, Conference of Metallurgists and Materials Science & Technology Conference & Exhibition, October 27-31, 2013, Montreal, Canada. (Oral)

[17] X. Cao, Y.N. Zhang, P. Wanjara and M. Medraj, Fundamentals in laser additive manufacturing of metals, Advanced Materials, Conference of Metallurgists and Materials Science & Technology Conference and Exhibition, October 27-31, 2013, Montreal, Canada, (invited). (Oral)

[16] J. Wang, Y.N. Zhang, I. Jung, P. Chartrand and M. Medraj, Thermodynamic and experimental study on Mg-Sn-Zn-Li-Sr system and its application for Mg-based alloys design, Magnesium Technology Symposium, Conference of Metallurgists and Materials Science & Technology Conference and Exhibition, October 27-31, 2013, Montreal, Canada. (Oral)

[15] Y.I. Murthy, Y.N. Zhang and M. Medraj, Experimental investigation of the Mg-Ca-Y system, Magnesium Technology Symposium, Conference of Metallurgists and Materials Science & Technology Conference and Exhibition, October 27-31, 2013, Montreal, Canada. (Oral)

[14] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao and P. Wanjara, Fiber laser deposition of Inconel superalloys, AeroMat Conference and Exposition, April 02-05, 2013, Washington, USA. (Oral)

[13] Y.N. Zhang, G.J. Rocher, B. Briccoli, X.D. Liu, X.B. Liu, Z. Altounian and M. Medraj, Crystallization studies of the Mg-rich metallic glasses in the Ca-Mg-Zn system, American Society of Metals (ASM) Montreal Chapter, February 2013, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Poster)

[12] C. Shekhar, Y.N. Zhang, M. Mezbahul-Islam, M. Medraj, Thermodynamic modelling of the Ca-Mg-Zn System, American Society of Metals (ASM) Montreal Chapter, February 2013, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Poster)

[11] Y.I. Murthy, C. Shekhar, Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, M. Medraj, Thermodynamic modelling and experimental investigation of the Mg-Ca-Y System, American Society of Metals (ASM) Montreal Chapter, February 2013, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Poster)

[10] G.J. Rocher, Y.N. Zhang, X.B. Liu, Z. Altounian and M. Medraj, Mg based biodegradable metallic glass implants, 1st student seminar by Advance Study Committee, FOCHAPEE, 2012, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Oral)

[9] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, M. Guerin, S. Larose, P. Wanjara, Tools for friction stir welding and processing: a review, Innovations in Joining of Advanced Materials, COM, 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Oral)

[8] S. Konica, Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov and M. Medraj, The Ca-rich corner of the Al-Ca-Zn system, THERMEC, 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Poster)

[7] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, F. Bridier and M. Medraj, Morphological and crystallographic characterization of Ca-Mg-Zn intermetallics in ternary diffusion couples, THERMEC, 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Poster)

[6] M. Medraj, D. Kevorkov, Y.N. Zhang, M.N. Khan, M. Aljarrah, Sk. Wasiur Rahman, Combinatorial approach to the development and application of multicomponent thermodynamic database for the Mg alloy systems, MS&T'10, 2010, Houston, Texas, USA, (invited). (Oral)

[5] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, J. Li, E. Essadiqi and M. Medraj, “Experimental determination of the phase equilibrium in the Ca-Mg-Zn system”, Discussion Meeting on Thermodynamics of Alloys, TOFA, 2010, Porto, Portugal. (Poster)

[4] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, J. Li, E. Essadiqi, M. Medraj, Experimental investigation of the Ca-Mg-Zn system via diffusion couples and key experiments, CalphadXXXIX, 2010, Jeju, Korea. (Oral)

[3] M. Medraj, Sk. Wasiur Rahman, D. Kevorkov, J. Li, E. Essadiqui, Y.N. Zhang, S. Konica and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic modeling and experimental investigations of the (Mg,Al)-Ca-Zn systems, CalphadXXXVIII, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic. (Oral)

[2] Y.N. Zhang, M. Medraj, D. Kevorkov, J. Li, E. Essadiqi and P. Chartrand, Experimental investigation of the Mg-Zn-Ca system using diffusion couples and key experiments, CalphadXXXVIII, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic. (Poster)

[1] Y.N. Zhang, Y.F. Wu, W.B. Du and M.Medraj, Effects of addition Nd element in AJ62Lx alloy on the microstructure and mechanical properties, American Society of Metals (ASM) Montreal Chapter, 2008, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Poster)

[5] M. Guan, Y.N. Zhang, Y. Yang, S.H. Wang, F. Ye and L.L. Ni, "A nutritious supplementary for postpartum dairy cows", Patent: 201110412995.9 (2015).
[4] M. Guan, Y.N. Zhang, F. Ye, S.H. Wang, Y. Yang and L.L. Ni, "A formula milk powder for calf", Patent: 201110416914.2 (2015).
[3] M. Guan, Y.N. Zhang, Y. Yang, S.H. Wang, L.L. Ni, F. Ye and M. Yang, "A electrolyte effervescent tablets for cow and its applications", Patent: 201410204679.6 (2014).
[2] M. Guan, Y.N. Zhang, S.H. Wang, Y. Yang, F. Ye, M. Yang and L.L. Ni, "A monitoring device for cow oestrus", Patent: 201410331784.6 (2014).
[1] M. Guan, Y.N. Zhang, F. Ye, Y. Yang, S.H. Wang, L.L. Ni and M. Yang, "A precursor of glucose for improving the rumen microflora of cow and its applications", Patent: 201410205393.X (2014).

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