Thermodynamics II - Energy Project
Main Objective
The goal of this project is to improve our knowledge regarding renewable energies and their implementation.
Specific objectives
Around 65-70% of current energy production is based on fossil energies. The best scenarios predict that our reserves of oil and gas will not last more than 100-150 years. Developing alternative energy resources is therefore vital.
The new elected government of the USA (United States of Africa) decided in its energy strategic plan to develop alternative energy resources and the objective by 2050 is to generate more than 50% of the electricity from a renewable source of energy.
As a group of Engineers working for a consulting company you will have to provide the government of the United States of Africa a report in which you suggest realistic solutions in order to achieve the objective of the strategic plan.
- You are free to select your team members (minimum 1/ maximum 6)
- You have to choose a name for the consulting company
- The solutions you will be suggesting have to take into consideration the geography of the African continent and the availability of the resources.
- You are FREE to select ANY type of renewable energy.
Report requirement
- Maximum 20 pages; excluding cover page and references.
- The report has to include: 1) general description of the solution suggested and a clear justification of the choice compared to other possible solutions; 2) engineering analysis; 3) implementation of the method and connection to the grid; 4) maintenance of the equipment; 5) Future developments of the suggested solution. 6) Impact on society and environment.
- April 4th
- Weight: 10% of the final mark.
- If the report is not submitted on time, the grade will be 0.