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Characteristics of airborne actinomycete spores

Reponen, T.A., Gazenko, S.V., Grinshpun, S.A., Willeke, K. and Cole, E.C

Reponen, T.A., Gazenko, S.V., Grinshpun, S.A., Willeke, K. and Cole, E.C, (1998), "Characteristics of airborne actinomycete spores", APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 64 (10): 3807-3812.

Airborne actinomycete spores, important contaminants in occupational and residential environments, were studied with respect to their (i) release into the air, (ii) aerodynamic and physical size while airborne, and (iii) survival after collection onto agar,vith an impactor. Three actinomycete species were selected for the tests to exemplify the three main spore types: Streptomyces albus for arthrospores, Micromonospora halophytica for aleuriospores, and Thermoactinomyces vulgaris for endospores. The results show that the incubation conditions (temperature, time, and nutrients) needed for the development of spores for their release into air are different from the conditions that are needed for colony growth only. Additional drying of M. halophytica and T. vulgaris cultures was needed before spores could be released from the culture. The aerodynamic sizes of the spores, measured with an aerodynamic particle sizer, ranged from 0.57 (T. vulgaris) to 1.28 mu m (M. halophytica). The physical sizes of the spores, when measured with a microscope and an image analysis system, were found to be smaller than previously reported in the literature. The relative recovery of the spores on agar media ranged from 0.5 (T. vulgaris) to 35% (S. albus). The results indicate that the culturability of the collected airborne actinomycete spores varies widely and is affected by several variables, such as the species and the sampling flow rate. Therefore, alternatives to commonly used cultivation methods need to be developed for the enumeration of actinomycete spores.

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Author Information and Other Publications Notes
Reponen, T. A.
Gazenko, S. V.
Grinshpun, S. A.
  1. Aerodynamic versus physical size of spores: measurement and implication for respiratory deposition
  2. Aerosol characteristics of airborne actinomycetes and fungi
  3. Bioaerosol collection by a new electrostatic precipitator
  4. Collection of airborne microorganisms by a new electrostatic precipitator
  5. Collection of airborne spores by circular single-stage impactors with small jet-to-plate distance
  6. Collection of bioaerosol particles by impaction: effect of fungal spore agglomeration and bounce
  7. Collection of fungal spores on air filters and spore reentrainment from filters into air
  8. Development and evaluation of aerosol generators for biological materials
  9. Effect of impact stress on microbial recovery on an agar surface
  10. Effect of relative humidity on the aerodynamic diameter and respiratory deposition of fungal spores
  11. Evaluation of a new personal sampler for enumerating airborne spores
  12. Field Testing of New Aerosol Sampling Method With a Porous Curved Surface as Inlet
  13. Fungal fragments as indoor air biocontaminants
  14. Fungal spore source strength tester: laboratory evaluation of a new concept
  15. Improved aerosol collection by combined impaction and centrifugal motion
  16. Inlet sampling efficiency of bioaerosol samplers
  17. Long-term sampling of airbome bacteria and fungi into a non-evaporating liquid
  18. Performance characteristics of the button personal inhalable aerosol sampler
  19. Performance of Air-O-Cell, Burkard, and Button samplers for total enumeration of airborne spores
  20. Release of lead-containing particles from a wall enclosure
  21. Release of Streptomyces albus propagules from contaminated surfaces
  22. Techniques for dispersion of microorganisms into air  
Willeke, K.
  1. Aerosol characteristics of airborne actinomycetes and fungi
  2. Bioaerosol collection by a new electrostatic precipitator
  3. Collection of airborne microorganisms by a new electrostatic precipitator
  4. Collection of bioaerosol particles by impaction: effect of fungal spore agglomeration and bounce
  5. Collection of fungal spores on air filters and spore reentrainment from filters into air
  6. Development and evaluation of aerosol generators for biological materials
  7. Effect of impact stress on microbial recovery on an agar surface
  8. Effect of relative humidity on the aerodynamic diameter and respiratory deposition of fungal spores
  9. Evaluation of a new personal sampler for enumerating airborne spores
  10. Fungal fragments as indoor air biocontaminants
  11. Improved aerosol collection by combined impaction and centrifugal motion
  12. Inlet sampling efficiency of bioaerosol samplers
  13. Long-term sampling of airbome bacteria and fungi into a non-evaporating liquid
  14. Performance characteristics of the button personal inhalable aerosol sampler
  15. Performance of Air-O-Cell, Burkard, and Button samplers for total enumeration of airborne spores
  16. Performance of bioaerosol samplers: collection characteristics and sampler design considerations
  17. Release of lead-containing particles from a wall enclosure
  18. Release of Streptomyces albus propagules from contaminated surfaces
  19. Source strength of fungal spore aerosolization from moldy building material
  20. Techniques for dispersion of microorganisms into air  
Cole, E. C.

CRDBER, at CBS, BCEE, ENCS, Concordia,