
Combustion and Energy Systems Research Group

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Concordia University  > ENCS > MIE > Publication

Journal articles

Preprints are available and archived in the Concordia Spectrum Research Repository: https://spectrum.library.concordia.ca

1.     Sadek, J., Portaro, R. and Ng, H.D. (2025) Performance of a new pressure-gain combustion-driven needle-free liquid injection system utilizing methane gas for livestock vaccination. In preparation.

2.     Sadek, J., Portaro, R. and Ng, H.D. (2025) Design and analysis of a combustion-powered liquid jet injector for drug delivery applications. In preparation, Dec. 2025.

3.     Chevalier, T., Saleh, W., Kadem, L. and Ng, H.D. (2025) An experimental investigation on the vortex ring reconnection in twin parallel pulsed jets: Influence of nozzle spacing and stroke ratio.  In preparation, Jan. 2025.

4.     Bakalis, G., Lyu, Y.F. and Ng, H.D. (2025) A note on the improvement of Artificial Neural Network models for detonation cell size and critical tube diameter prediction. In preparation, March 2025.

5.     Shen, T., Xiao, H.H., Oran, E.S., Ng, H.D. (2025) A numerical study on flame instability induced by the interaction of a shock from downstream of the flame. Submitted to Combustion and Flame, Feb. 2025.

6.     Yan, C., Zhang, B. and Ng, H.D. (2025) Numerical study of the detonation re-initiation from Mach reflections through a bifurcated converging-diverging channel. Submitted to Aerospace Science and Technology, March 2025.

7.     Teimouri, K., Darwish, A., Saleh, W., Ng, H.D. and Kadem, L. (2025) Experimental investigation of the effect of a mitraClip on left ventricular flow dynamics. 1st revision requested, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, March 2025 (ABME-D-25-00016).

8.     Tang-Yuk, K.C., Lee, J.H.S., Ng, H.D., Mi, X.C. and Deiterding, R. (2024) The criticality of detonation transmission across hydrogen interfaces with non-uniform dilution. Proc. Combust. Inst., 40 (1-4), 105781 [CrossRef]

9.     Yang, P.F., Yu D., Chen, Z., Teng, H.H. and Ng, H.D. (2024) Effects of thermal stratification on detonation development in hypersonic reactive flows. Physical Review Fluids 9, 083202 [CrossRef]

10.   Yan, C., Lyu, Y., Darwish, A., Kadem, L. and Ng, H.D. (2024) Analyzing two-dimensional cellular detonation flows from numerical simulations with Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Lagrangian Descriptors. Journal of Visualization. [CrossRef]

11.   Yang, Z., Zhang, B. and Ng, H.D. (2024) Experimental observations of gaseous cellular detonation reflection. Proc. Combust. Inst., 40 (1-4), 105519 [CrossRef].

12.   Hu, J., Zhang, B. and Ng, H.D. (2024) The diffraction and re-initiation characteristics of gaseous detonations with an irregular cellular structure. Aero. Sci. Tech., 150, 109240 [CrossRef]

13.   Bakalis, G. and Ng, H.D. (2024) Detonation cell size prediction using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for hydrogen/hydrocarbon/ammonia/nitrous oxide mixtures. Energies, 17(7): 1747-1766 [CrossRef]

14.   Zhang, H., Ng, H.D., Chen, Z. and Wen J.  (2024) Editorial Special topics: Hydrogen flame and detonation physics. Phys. Fluids 36(3), 030402 [CrossRef]

15.   Yang, Z., Zhang, B. and Ng, H.D. (2024) Detonation onset of a hydrogen-oxygen-argon mixture due to the energy accumulation effect of shock wave focusing. Acta Astronaut. 215: 264-276 [CrossRef]

16.   Di Labbio, G., Ait Abderrahmane, H., Fayed, M. and Ng, H.D. (2023) Multiple vortex tornadoes in a bucket. Phys. Rev. Fluids 8, 110504 [CrossRef]

17.   Bakalis, G., Valipour, M., Bentahar, J., Kadem, L., Teng, H.H. and Ng, H.D. (2023) Detonation cell size prediction based on artificial neural networks with chemical kinetics and thermodynamic parameters. Fuel Communication 14, 100084 [CrossRef]

18.   Yan, C., Mi, X.C. and Ng, H.D. (2023) A numerical study on the influence of increased instability of quasi-detonation on the critical tube diameter phenomenon. Proc. Combust. Inst. 39 (3): 2835-2845 [CrossRef]

19.   Tang-Yuk, K.C., Lee, J.H.S., Ng, H.D., Deiterding, R. and Mi, X.C., (2023) The re-initiation of cellular detonations downstream of an inert layer. Proc. Combust. Inst. 39 (3): 3127-3135 [CrossRef]

20.   Portaro, R. and Ng, H.D. (2022) Design and Analysis: Servo Tube Powered Liquid Jet Injector for Drug Delivery Applications. Applied Sciences, 12(14), 6920 [CrossRef]

21.   Sun, X.X., Yan, C., Yan, Y., Mi, X.C., Lee, J.H.S. and Ng, H.D. (2022) Critical tube diameter for quasi-detonation. Combust. Flame, 244, 112280[CrossRef]

22.   Bian, J., Zhou, Yang, P.F., Teng, H.H. and Ng, H.D. (2022) A reconstruction method of detonation wave surface based on convolutional neural network. Fuel 315, 123068 [CrossRef]

23.   Tang Yuk, K.C., Mi, X.C., Lee, J.H.S., Ng H.D. and Deiterding, R. (2022) Transmission of a detonation wave across an inert layer. Combust. Flame 236, 111769 [CrossRef]

24.   Teng, H.H., Ng. H.D. and Yang, P.F. (2021) Near-field relaxation subsequent to the onset of oblique detonations with a two-step induction-reaction kinetic model. Physics of Fluids 33, 096106 [CrossRef]

25.   Zhang, D., Yuan, X.Q., Liu, S., Cai, X., Peng, H., Deiterding, R. and Ng, H.D. (2021) Numerical study of detonation wave propagation modes in annular channels. AIP Advances 11, 085203 [CrossRef]

26.   Zhou, L., Teng, H.H., Ng, H.D., Yang, P.F. and Jiang, Z.L. (2021) Reconstructing shock front of unstable detonations based on multi-layer perceptron. Acta Mechanica Sinica 37: 1610-1623[CrossRef] or [arXiv:2103.12912]

27.   Sultana, A., Kwok, T.H. and Ng, H.D. (2021) Numerical assessment of directional energy performance for 3D printed midsole structures. Mathematical Bioscience and Engineering, Special Issue: Software Engineering for Smart Manufacturing 18(4): 4429-4449 [CrossRef]

28.   Yuan, X.Q., Yan, C., Zhou, J. and Ng, H.D. (2021) Computational study of gaseous cellular detonation diffraction and re-initiation by small obstacle induced perturbations. Phys. Fluids, 33, 047115 [CrossRef]

29.   Yan, C., Teng, H.H. and Ng, H.D. (2021) Effects of slot injection on detonation wavelet characteristics in a rotating detonation engine. Acta Astronautica, 182: 274-285 [CrossRef].

30.   Yang, P.F., Ng, H.D. and Teng, H.H. (2021) Unsteady dynamics of wedge-induced oblique detonations under periodic inflows. Phys. Fluids 33, 016107 [CrossRef].

31.   Teng, H.H., Tian, C., Zhang, Y., Zhou, L. and Ng, H.D. (2021) Morphology of oblique detonation waves in a stoichiometric hydrogen-air mixture. J. Fluid Mech. 913 A1 [CrossRef]

32.   Connolly-Boutin, S., Joseph, V., Mi, X.C., Ng, H.D. and Kiyanda, C.B. (2021) Small size rotating detonation engine: scaling and minimum mass flow rate. Shock Waves 31: 665-674 [CrossRef]

33.   Ren, T., Yan, Y., Lee, J.H.S., Ng, H.D., Zhang, Q. and Shang, C. (2021) Velocity fluctuation and cellular structure of near-limit detonations in rough tubes. Fuel 289, 119909. [CrossRef]

34.   Liu Y., Lee, J.H.S., Tan, H. and Ng, H.D. (2021) Investigation of near-limit detonation propagation in a tube with helical spiral. Fuel 286(2), 119384. [CrossRef]

35.   Cheng, J., Zhang, B., Ng, H.D., Liu, H. and Wang, F. (2021) Effects of inert gas jet on the transition from deflagration to detonation in a stoichiometric methane-oxygen mixture. Fuel 285, 119237. [CrossRef]

36.   Kim, M., Mi, X.C., Kiyanda, C.B. and Ng, H.D. (2021) Nonlinear dynamics and chaos regularization of one-dimensional pulsating detonations with small sinusoidal density perturbations. Proc. Combust. Inst. 38 (3): 3701-3708 [CrossRef]

37.   Bakalis, G., Tang Yuk, K.C., Mi, X.C., Nikiforakis, N. and Ng, H.D. (2021) Deflagration-to-detonation transition via shock-multiple flame kernels interactions. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 83: 111-126 [CrossRef]

38.   Sargordi, M., Chtchetinina, A., Di Labbio, G., Ng, H.D. and Kadem, L. (2020) Pulsatile twin parallel jets through a flexible orifice with application to edge-to-edge mitral valve repair. Phys. Fluids, 32, 121702 (Editor’s Pick) [CrossRef]

39.   Di Labbio, G., Ait Abderrahmane, H., Fayed, M. and Ng, H.D. (2020) Transitions between systems of satellite vortices in a rotating fluid. Phys. Fluids, 32, 101701 [CrossRef]

40.   Wang, K.L., Teng, H.H., Yang, P.F. and Ng, H.D. (2020) Numerical investigation of flow structures resulting from the interaction between an oblique detonation wave and an upper expansion corner. J. Fluid Mech. 903, A28-1:17.  [CrossRef]

41.   Ren, T., Yan, Y., Zhao, H., Lee, J.H.S. and Ng, H.D. (2020) Propagation of near-limit gaseous detonations in rough walled tubes. Shock Waves 30: 769-780 [CrossRef]

42.   Chang, X., Zhang, B., Ng, H.D. and Bai, C. (2020) The effects of pre-ignition turbulence by gas jets on the explosion behavior of methane-oxygen mixtures. Fuel 277, 118190. [CrossRef]

43.   Yuan, X., Zhou, J., Mi, X.C. and Ng, H.D. (2020) Model for triple-point trajectory of shock reflection over cylindrical concave wedge. AIAA Journal, 58(6): 2770-2775 [CrossRef]

44.   Cao, W., Ng, H.D., Lee, J.H.S. (2020) Near-limit detonations of methane–oxygen mixtures in long narrow tubes. Shock Waves 30: 713-719 [CrossRef]

45.   Zhang, B., Liu, H., Yan, B. and Ng, H.D. (2020) Experimental study of detonation limits in methane-oxygen mixtures: Distinguishing tube scale and initial pressure effects. Fuel 259, 116220. [CrossRef]

46.   Yuan, X., Mi, X.C., Ng, H.D. and Zhou, J. (2020) A model for the trajectory of the transverse detonation resulting from re-initiation of a diffracted detonation. Shock Waves 30: 13-27. [CrossRef]

47.   Portaro, R., Sadek, J. and Ng, H.D. (2019) On the application of gas detonation-driven water jet for material surface treatment process. Manufacturing Letters 21: 70-74. [CrossRef]

48.   Portaro, R., Sadek, J., Xu H. and Ng, H.D. (2019) Controlled release using gas detonation in needle-free liquid jet injections for drug delivery. Applied Sciences 9 (13), 2712. [CrossRef]

49.   Yang, P.F., Ng, H.D. and Teng, H.H. (2019) Numerical study of wedge-induced oblique detonations in unsteady flow. J. Fluid Mech., 876: 264-287. [CrossRef]

50.   Ait Abderrahmane, H., Di Labbio, G., Kim, M., Fayed, M., Ng, H.D. and Vatistas, G.H. (2019) Skeletons of patterned vortex cores. Journal of Visualization, 22 (5): 857-865. [CrossRef]

51.   Yan, C., Teng, H., Mi, X.C. and Ng, H.D. (2019) The effect of chemical reactivity on the formation of gaseous oblique detonation waves. Aerospace (MDPI), 6(6), 62. [CrossRef]

52.   Mi, X.C., Michael, L., Ioannou, E., Nikiforakis, N., Higgins, A.J. and Ng, H.D. (2019) Meso-resolved simulations of shock-to-detonation transition in nitromethane with air-filled cavities. Journal of Applied Physics 125, 245901 (featured article). [CrossRef]

53.   Tian, C., Teng, H.H. and Ng, H.D. (2019) Numerical investigation of oblique detonation structure in hydrogen-oxygen mixtures with Ar dilution. Fuel, 252: 496-503. [CrossRef]

54.   Zhang, Y., Fang, Y., Ng, H.D. and Teng, H.H. (2019) Numerical investigation on the Initiation of oblique detonation waves in stoichiometric acetylene-oxygen mixtures with high argon dilution. Combust. Flame 204: 391-396. [CrossRef]

55.   Ait Abderrahmane, H., Soltania, P., Ng, H.D. and Vatistas, G.H. (2019) Rotating polygonal depression soliton clusters on the inner surface of a liquid ring. Physical Review E 99, 023110. [CrossRef]

56.   Yuan, X., Zhou, J., Mi, X.C. and Ng, H.D. (2019) Numerical study of cellular detonation wave reflection over a cylindrical concave wedge. Combust. Flame, 202: 179-194. [CrossRef]

57.   Ge, H., Khalilzadeh, A., Ng, H.D. (2019) Effect of turbulence modeling schemes on wind-driven rain deposition on a mid-rise building: CFD modeling and validation. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 184: 362-377. [CrossRef]

58.   Paquet, F., Ng, H.D., Paquet, M., Cottin F. and Groulx, D. (2019) Modelling propellant fire radiant heat flux. Journal of Energetic Materials 37(1): 110-124. [CrossRef]

59.   Zeidan, D., and Ng, H.D. (2019) Editorial: Computational methods for gas dynamics and compressible multiphase flows. Shock Waves Journal, 29(1): 1-2. [CrossRef]

60.   Cao, W., Gao, D., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2019) Experimental Investigation of Near-limit Gaseous Detonations in Small Diameter Spiral Tubing. Proc. Combust. Inst. 37(3):3555-3563. [CrossRef] 

61.   Xu, H., Mi, X.C., Kiyanda, C.B., Ng, H.D., Lee, J.H.S. and Yao, C. (2019) The role of cellular instability on the critical tube diameter problem for unstable gaseous detonations. Proc. Combust. Inst., 37(3): 3545-3553. [CrossRef]

62.   Yang, P.F., Teng, H.H., Jiang, Z.L. and Ng, H.D. (2019) A numerical study on the Instability of oblique detonation waves with a two-step induction-reaction kinetic model. Proc. Combust. Inst. 37(3):  3537-3544. [CrossRef]

63.   Zhang, Y., Zhou, L., Gong, J., Deng, X., Ng, H.D. and Teng, H.H. (2018) Effects of activation energy on the instability of oblique detonation surfaces with a one-step chemistry model. Physics of Fluids 30, 106110. [CrossRef]

64.   Ait Abderrahmane, H., Fayed, M., Ng, H.D. and Vatistas, H. (2018) New experimental confirmation of Kelvin’s equilibria. Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 133 (8): 339-347. [CrossRef]

65.   Mi, X.C., Higgins, A.J., Kiyanda, C.B., Ng, H.D. and Nikiforakis, N. (2018) Effect of spatial inhomogeneities on detonation propagation with yielding confinement. Shock Waves 28(5): 993-1009. [CrossRef]

66.   Zhang, Y., Teng, H.H., Ng, H.D. and Wen, C. (2018) On the transition between different initiation structures of wedge-induced oblique detonations. AIAA Journal 56(10): 4016-4023. [CrossRef]

67.   Tang-Yuk, K.C., Mi, X.C., Lee, J.H.S. and Ng, H.D. (2018) Transmission of a detonation across a density interface. Shock Waves Journal, 28(5): 967-979. [CrossRef]

68.   Yang, P.F., Teng, H.H., Jiang, Z.L. and Ng, H.D. (2018) Effects of inflow Mach number on oblique detonation initiation with a two-step induction-reaction kinetic model. Combust. Flame, 193, 246-256. [CrossRef]

69.   Fang, Y., Hu, Z., Teng, H.H., Jiang, Z.L. and Ng, H.D. (2017) Numerical study of inflow equivalence ratio inhomogeneity on oblique detonation formation in hydrogen-air mixtures. Aerospace Science and Technology, 71, 256-263. [CrossRef]

70.   Yang, P.F., Ng, H.D., Teng, H.H. and Jiang, Z.L. (2017) Initiation structure of oblique detonation waves behind conical shocks. Physics of Fluids, 29, 086104. [CrossRef]

71.   Mi, X.C., Higgins, A.J., Ng, H.D., Kiyanda, C.B. and Nikiforakis, N. (2017) Propagation of gaseous detonation waves in a spatially inhomogeneous reactive medium. Physical Review Fluids 2: 053201. [CrossRef]

72.   Ait Abderrahmane, H., Fayed, M., Ng, H.D. and Vatistas, H. (2017) The effect of viscosity on the rotating waves and polygonal patterns within a hollow vortex core. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 87: 104-108. [CrossRef]

73.   Ait Abderrahmane, H., Fayed, M. and Ng, H.D. (2017) Flow visualization and numerical simulation of a two-dimensional fluid flow over a foil. Journal of Visualization, Vol. 20 (4): 687-693. [CrossRef]

74.   Ait Abderrahmane, H., Fayed, M., Ng, H.D. and Vatistas, H. (2017) Synchronization of traveling waves within a hollow-core vortex. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering. Vol. 11(4): 677-681.

75.   Gao, Y., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2017) Near-limit propagation of gaseous detonations in annular channel. Shock Waves Journal, 27(2): 199-207. [CrossRef]

76.   Teng, H.H., Ng, H.D. and Jiang, Z.L. (2017) Initiation characteristics of wedge-induced oblique detonation wave in a stoichiometric hydrogen-air mixture. Proc. Combust. Inst., 36(2): 2735-2742. [CrossRef]

77.   He, J., Kokgil, E., Wang, L. and Ng, H.D. (2016) Assessment of similarity models using helium for prediction of hydrogen dispersion in an enclosure. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 41(34): 15388-15398. [CrossRef]

78.   Zhang, B. and Ng, H.D. (2016) An experimental investigation of the explosion characteristics of dimethyl ether-air mixtures. Energy, Vol. 107: 1-8. [CrossRef]

79.   Gao, Y., Zhang, B., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2016) An experimental investigation of detonation limits in hydrogen-oxygen-argon mixtures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 41(14): 6076-6083. [CrossRef]

80.   Li, J., Ning, J., Kiyanda, C.B. and Ng, H.D. (2016) Numerical simulation of cellular detonations diffraction in stable gaseous mixtures. Propulsion and Power Research, 5(3): 177-183. [CrossRef]

81.   Wang, T., Zhang, Y., Teng, H.H., Jiang, Z.L. and Ng, H.D. (2015) Numerical study of oblique detonation wave initiation in a stoichiometric hydrogen-air mixture. Physics of Fluids, Vol. 27, 096101. [CrossRef]

82.   Nakayama, H., Portaro, R. Kiyanda, C.B. and Ng, H.D. (2015) CFD modeling and validation of high speed liquid jets from an air-powered needle-free injection system. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 16(2), 1650045. [CrossRef]

83.   Zhang, B. and Ng, H.D. (2015) Explosion behavior of methane - dimethyl ether /air mixtures. Fuel, Vol. 157: 56-63. [CrossRef]

84.   Gao, Y., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2015) Experimental characterization of galloping detonations in unstable mixtures. Combustion and Flame, Vol. 162(6): 2405-2413. [CrossRef]

85.   Kiyanda, C.B., Morgan, G.H., Nikiforakis, N. and Ng, H.D. (2015) High-resolution GPU-based flow simulation of the gaseous methane-oxygen detonation structure. Journal of Visualization Vol. 18(2): 273-276. [CrossRef]

86.   Starr, A., Lee, J.H.S. and Ng, H.D. (2015) Detonation limits in rough walled tubes. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Vol. 35(2): 1989-1996. [CrossRef]

87.   Mehrjoo, N., Gao, Y., Kiyanda, C.B., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2015) Effects of porous walled tubes on detonation transmission into unconfined space. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35(2): 1981-1987. [CrossRef]

88.   Teng, H.H., Ng, H.D., Li, K., Luo, C.T. and Jiang, Z.L. (2015) Evolution of cellular structures on oblique detonation surfaces. Combustion and Flame 162(2): 470-477. [CrossRef]

89.   Portaro, R. and Ng, H.D. (2015) Experiments and modeling of air-powered needle free liquid injectors. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering. Vol. 35(5): 685-695. [CrossRef]

90.   Gao, Y., Lee, J.H.S. and Ng, H.D. (2014) Velocity fluctuations near the detonation limits. Combustion and Flame, Vol. 161 (11), pp. 2982-2990. [CrossRef]

91.   Qian, DW, Lee, J.H.S. and Ng, H.D. (2014) Formation and evolution of cylindrically diverging detonation waves in gases. Physics of Fluids (Gallery of Fluid Motion), Vol. 26, 091103. (POF featured article - Winning poster entry selected for the Milton Van Dyke Award based on its artistic value, scientific content, and originality; Featured on the journal cover). [CrossRef]

92.   Gao, Y., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2014) Minimum tube diameters for steady propagation of gaseous detonations. Shock Waves Journal, Vol. 24(4), pp. 447-454. [CrossRef]

93.   Teng, H.H., Jiang, Z.L. and Ng, H.D. (2014) Numerical study on unstable surfaces of oblique detonations. J. Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 744, pp. 111-128. [CrossRef]

94.   Mehrjoo, N., Portaro, R. and Ng, H.D. (2014) A technique for promoting detonation transmission from a confined tube into larger area for pulse detonation engine applications. Propulsion and Power Research. Vol. 3(1), pp.  9-14. [CrossRef]

95.   Zhang, B., Mehrjoo, N., Ng, H.D., Lee, J.H.S. and Bai, C.H. (2014) On the dynamic detonation parameters in acetylene-oxygen mixtures with varying amount of argon dilution. Combustion and Flame, Vol. 161(5), pp. 1390-1397. [CrossRef]

96.   Mehrjoo, N., Zhang, B., Portaro, R., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2014) Response of critical tube diameter phenomenon to small perturbations for gaseous detonations. Shock Waves Journal, Vol. 24(2), pp. 219-229. [CrossRef]

97.   Zhang, B., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2013) Measurement and relationship between critical tube diameter and critical energy for direct blast initiation of gaseous detonations. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol. 26, pp. 1293-1299.

98.   Ait Abderrahmane, H., Fayed, M., Ng, H.D. and Vatistas, G.H. (2013) A note on relative equilibria in rotating shallow water layer. J. Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 724, pp. 695-703.

99.   Lee, J.H.S., Jesuthasan, A. and Ng, H.D. (2013) Near limit behavior of the detonation velocity. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 34(2), pp. 1957-1963.

100.Zhang, B., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2012) The critical tube diameter and critical energy for direct initiation of detonation in C2H2/N2O/Ar mixtures. Combustion and Flame, Vol. 159 (9), pp. 2944-2953.

101.Ait Abderrahmane, H., Paidoussis, M.P., Fayed, M. and Ng, H.D. (2012) Nonlinear dynamics of silk and Mylar flags flapping in axial flow: new finding. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 107-108, pp. 225-236.

102.Chtchetinina, A. and Ng, H.D. (2012) Imploding water wave: a poppy blossom. Physics of Fluids (Gallery of Fluid Motion) Vol. 24 (9), 091113. (Winning poster entry selected for the annual APS-DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion Award based on its artistic value, scientific content, and originality; Featured on the journal cover).

103.Eaton, R., Zhang, B., Bergthorson, J.M. and Ng, H.D. (2012) Measurement and chemical kinetic predictions of detonation cell size in methanol-oxygen mixtures. Shock Waves Journal, Vol. 22(2), pp. 173-178.

104.Zhang, B., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2012) Measurement and scaling analysis of critical energy for direct initiation of detonation. Shock Waves Journal, Vol. 22(3), pp. 275-279.

105.Mandour, A., Fayed, M., Ait Abderrahmane, H., Ng, H.D., Kadem, L. and Vatistas, G.H. (2012) Symmetry-breaking of interfacial polygonal patterns and synchronization of traveling waves within a hollow-core vortex. J. Chaotic Modeling and Simulation CMSIM, Vol. 1, pp. 257-271.

106.Zhang, B., Ng, H.D., and Lee, J.H.S. (2012) Measurement of effective blast energy for direct initiation of spherical gaseous detonations from high-voltage spark discharge. Shock Waves Journal, Vol. 22(1), pp. 1-7.

107.Palmisano, R. and Ng, H.D. (2012) Design analysis and comparison between standard and rotary porting systems for IC engine. International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 13(2), pp. 175-191.

108.Ait Abderrahmane, H., Paidoussis, M.P., Fayed, M. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Flapping dynamics of flexible filament. Physical Review E, Vol. 84 (6), 066604. Figure selected for PRE Kaleidoscope Images: December 2011.

109.Ait Abderrahmane, H., Amaouche, M., Fayed, M., Siddiqui, K., Ng, H.D. and Vatistas, G.H. (2011) Azimuthal solitary surface wave in cylindrical tank. Physical Review E, Vol. 84 (3), 037302

110.Haque, M.R., Fayed, M., Gunter, A.L., Smadi, O., Kadem, L. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Numerical simulation and flow visualization using soap film of the self-organized vortex structure in the wake of an array of cylinders. Journal of Visualization, Vol. 14(4), pp. 311-314.

111.Portaro, R., Fayed, M., Gunter, A.L., Ait Abderrahmane, H. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Fractal geometry of the wake shed by a flapping filament in flowing soap-film. Fractals, Vol. 19 (3), pp. 311-316. Featured on the journal cover.

112.Ng, H.D., Ait Abderrahmane, H., Bates, K.R. and Nikiforakis, N. (2011) The growth of fractal dimension of a scalar interface evolution from the interaction of a shock wave with a rectangular block of SF6. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, Vol. 16(11), pp. 4158-4162.

113.Ait Abderrahmane, H., Siddiqui, K., Vatistas, G.H., Fayed, M. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Symmetrization of polygonal hollow-core vortex through beat-wave resonance. Physical Review E, Vol. 83 (5), 056319.

114.Zhang, B., Ng, H.D., Mével, R. and Lee, J.H.S. (2011) Critical energy for direct initiation of spherical detonations in H2/N2O/Ar mixtures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 36, pp. 5707-5716.

115.Fayed, M., Portaro, R., Gunter, A.L., Ait Abderrahmane, H. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Visualization of flow patterns past various objects in two-dimensional flow using soap film. Physics of Fluids (Gallery of Fluid Motion) Vol. 23, 091104. (Poster selected for the Milton Van Dyke Award based on its artistic value, scientific content, and originality).

116.Ait Abderrahmane, H., Paquet, F. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Applying nonlinear dynamic theory to one-dimensional pulsating detonations. Combustion Theory and Modelling, Vol. 15(2), pp. 205-225.

117.Paquet, F. and Ng, H.D. (2011) A simple method for initial condensed phase combustion reactions predictions. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, Vol. 46(2), pp. 132-139.

118.Gunter, A.L., Smadi, O., Kadem, L. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Visualization of an imploding circular wave front and the formation of a central vertical water jet. Journal of Visualization, Vol. 14, pp. 19-22.

119.Zhang, B., Kamenskihs, V., Ng, H.D., and Lee, J.H.S. (2011) Direct blast initiation of spherical gaseous detonation in highly argon diluted mixtures. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 33 (2), pp. 2265-2271.

120.Meredith, J., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2010) Detonation diffraction from an annular channel. Shock Waves Journal, Vol. 20 (6), pp. 449-455.

121.Camargo, A., Ng, H.D., Chao, J. and Lee, J.H.S. (2010) Propagation of near-limit gaseous detonations in small diameter tubes. Shock Waves Journal, Vol. 20 (6), pp. 499-508.

122.Kamenskihs, V., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2010) Measurement of critical energy for direct initiation of spherical detonations in high-pressure H2-O2 mixtures. Combustion and Flame, Vol. 157 (9), pp. 1795-1799.

123.Cael, G., Ng, H.D., Bates, K.R., Nikiforakis, N. and Short, M. (2009) Numerical simulation of detonation structures using a thermodynamically consistent and fully conservative (TCFC) reactive flow model for multi-component computations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, Vol. 465, pp. 2135-2153.

124.Mousa, M., Allagui, A., Ng, H.D. and Wuthrich R. (2009) The effect of varying thermal conductivity of the tool electrode on the gravity-feed drilling in spark assisted chemical engraving. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol.19. no. 015010.

125.Chao, J., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2009) Detonation limits in thin annular channels. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 32 (2), pp. 2349-2354.

126.Ng, H.D., Chao, J., Yatsufusa, T. and Lee, J.H.S. (2009) Measurement and chemical kinetic prediction of detonation sensitivity and cellular structure characteristics in dimethyl ether-oxygen mixtures. Fuel, Vol. 88 (1), pp. 124-131.

127.Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2008) Comments on explosion problems for hydrogen safety. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Special Issue on Hydrogen Safety (invited paper), Vol. 21 (2), pp. 136-146.

128.Ng, H.D., Chao, J., Ju, Y. and Lee, J.H.S. (2008) Combustion regimes subsequent to the reflection of a detonation from a perforated plate. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, Vol. 13(2), pp. 243-247.

129.Botros, B.B., Ng, H.D., Zhu, Y.J., Ju, Y. and Lee, J.H.S. (2007) The evolution and cellular structure of a detonation subsequent to the head-on interaction with a shock wave. Combustion and Flame, Vol. 151, pp. 573-580.

130.Ng, H.D., Ju, Y. and Lee, J.H.S. (2007) Assessment of detonation hazards in high-pressure hydrogen storage from chemical sensitivity analysis.  International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 32 (1), pp. 93-99.

131.Ng, H.D., Botros, B.B., Chao, J., Yang, J.M., Nikiforakis, N. and Lee, J.H.S. (2006) Head-on collision of a detonation with a planar shock wave. Shock Waves Journal, Vol. 15, pp. 341-352.

132.Ng, H.D., Radulescu, M.I., Higgins, A.J., Nikiforakis, N. and Lee, J.H.S. (2005) Numerical investigation of the instability for one-dimensional Chapman-Jouguet detonations with chain-branching kinetics. Combustion Theory and Modelling, Vol. 9, pp. 385-401.

133.Ng, H.D., Higgins, A.J., Kiyanda, C.B., Radulescu, M.I., Lee, J.H.S., Bates, K.R. and Nikiforakis, N. (2005) Nonlinear dynamics and chaos analysis of one-dimensional pulsating detonations. Combustion Theory and Modelling, Vol. 9, pp. 159-170.

134.Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2003) Direct initiation of detonation with a multi-step reaction scheme. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 476, pp. 179-211.

135.Radulescu, M.I., Ng, H.D., Varatharajan, B. and Lee, J.H.S. (2002) The effect of argon dilution on the stability of acetylene-oxygen detonations. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 29, pp. 2825-2831.

136.Dionne, J.-P., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2000) Transient development of friction-induced low velocity detonations. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 28, pp. 645-651.

Book Chapters

1.     Ng, H.D. and Zhang, F. (2012) Detonation instability. In Zhang, F. (ed.) Shock Wave Science and Technology Library. Detonation Dynamics, Vol. 6, Chap. 3. Springer, Berlin.

Conference proceedings

137.YF, Lyu, Bakalis, G. and Ng, H.D. (2025) Numerical investigation of CH4/H2/O2 detonation in confined channel with detailed chemistry. Submitted to Proceeding of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, University of Calgary, AB, Canada, May 12-15, 2025.

138.Yan, C., Zhang, B. and Ng, H.D. (2025) A geometrical study of the detonation re-initiation from Mach reflections. Submitted to the 30th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Ottawa, Canada, July 27-Aug. 1, 2025.

139.Bakalis, G., Lyu Y., Zhang, B. and Ng, H.D. (2025) Detonation cell sizes in hydrogen-methane blends. Submitted to the 30th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Ottawa, Canada, July 27-Aug. 1, 2025.

140.Khalimonov, O. and Ng, H.D. (2024) Novel use of non-combustible propellant analogs for rapid, safe, and low-cost cryogenic bipropellant rocket engine testing. AIAA 2025-2470, AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum, Orlando, FL, Jan. 6-10, 2025 [CrossRef].

141.Khalimonov, O., Robitaille, A. and Ng, H.D. (2024) Design and development of the largest student-built liquid rocket engine for suborbital flight: A comprehensive overview and lessons learned. 75th Int. Astronautical Congress (IAC), Oct. 14-18, 2024, Milan, Italy (IAC-24,C4,1,10,x81479).

142.Sadek, J., Portaro, R. and Ng, H.D. (2024) A handheld-type combustion-driven needle-free liquid jet injector design for drug delivery. Proc. 21st Int. Conf. Flow Dynamics (ICFD2024), Nov. 18-20, 2024, Sendai, Japan (ID5191-1).

143.Bakalis, G., Lyu, Y. and Ng. H.D. (2024) Critical tube diameter prediction with Artificial Neural Networks. Proceeding of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, Queen’s University, ON, Canada, May 13-16, 2024.

144.Lyu, Y., Yan, C. and Ng, H.D. (2023) Effects of wall roughness on the cellular pattern evolution and failure of gaseous detonations. IET Conference Proceedings of the 17th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics (ACFM 2023), Beijing, China, Aug. 8-12, 2023, p.51-59.

145.Shen, T., Yan, C., Xiao, H. and Ng, H.D. (2023) Numerical study of flame instability induced by shock-flame interactions. Proceeding of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, University of Alberta, AB, Canada, May 15-18, 2023.

146.Bakalis, G., Yan, C., Tang-Yuk, K.C. Mi, X.C. and Ng, H.D. (2023) Numerical investigation of the critical tube diameter problem with modulated cellular detonation fronts. Proceedings of the 29th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Seoul, Korea, July 23-28, 2023.

147.Bakalis, G., Zhang, B. and Ng, H.D. (2023) Detonation cell size measurement and prediction for hydrogen- and hydrocarbon-nitrous oxide mixtures Proceedings of the 29th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Seoul, Korea, July 23-28, 2023.

148.Tang-Yuk, K.C., Bakalis, G., Lee, J.H.S., Ng, H.D. and Mi, X.C. (2023) The effect of a modulated cellular detonation structure on the wave transmission across an inert layer. Proceedings of the 29th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Seoul, Korea, July 23-28, 2023.

149.Tang-Yuk, K.C., Bakalis, G., Lee, J.H.S., Ng, H.D. and Mi, X.C. (2023) An approach to modulate the frontal detonation structures in numerical simulation. Proceedings of the 29th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Seoul, Korea, July 23-28, 2023.

150.Bakalis, G., Han, W., Deiterding, R. and Ng, H.D. (2023) The effect of O3 addition on the one-dimensional pulsating detonation instability in Ar-diluted H2/O2 mixtures. AIP Conference Proceedings 2849, 030011. 16h Int. Symp. on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer - Numerical Fluids 2021, Rhodes, Greece, Sept. 20-26, 2021.

151.Lyu, Y., Yan, C. and Ng, H.D. (2022) Numerical investigation of gaseous cellular detonation propagation in rough-walled channels. Proceeding of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 16-19, 2022.

152.Schembre, G., Yan, C. and Ng, H.D. (2022) Numerical study on the initiation characteristics of oblique detonation waves subject to an obstacle-induced perturbation. Proceeding of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 16-19, 2022.

153.Busuoic, D., Kim, M. and Ng, H.D. (2022) Stabilization of one-dimensional pulsating detonation instability using initial density non-uniformity. AIP Conference Proceedings 2425, 020012, 15h Int. Symp. on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer - Numerical Fluids Symp., Rhodes, Greece, Sept. 17-23, 2020.

154.Yan, C., Bakalis, G., El Chaar, R., Teng, H. and Ng, H.D. (2021) The impact of a micro-rounded bump on the initiation of oblique detonation waves. Proceedings of the 28th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Napoli, Italy, June 19-24, 2022.

155.Yan, C., Sun, X., Mi, X.C. and Ng, H.D. (2021) Simplified numerical simulation of gaseous quasi-detonation diffraction from a rough walled channel. Proceedings of the 28th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Napoli, Italy, June 19-24, 2022.

156.Kim, M., Mi, X.C., Kiyanda, C.B., Teng, H.H. and Ng, H.D. (2019) The effect of an initial sinusoidal density perturbation on the nonlinear dynamics of one-dimensional unsteady gaseous detonations. Proceedings of the 12th International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations, St. Petersburg, Russia April 20-23, 2020.

157.Vermeire, B.C., Kiyanda, C.B. and Ng, H.D. (2019) Towards turbulent combustion using the high-order flux reconstruction approach. (Invited topical) Proc. 16th Int. Conf. on Flow Dynamics, Nov. 6-8, 2019, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan.

158.Bakalis, G., X. Yuan and Ng, H.D. (2019) Numerical simulations of gaseous cellular detonation interaction with bluff-body obstacles. Presented at the 14th Int. Symp. on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer - Numerical Fluids Symp., Rhodes, Greece, Sept. 23-28, 2019.

159.Sargordi, M., Chtchetinina, A., Di Labbio G., Ng, H.D. and Kadem, L. (2019) Pulsatile flow downstream of a double orifice configuration. Proceedings of the 27th CANCAM, Sherbrooke, QC, May 27-30, 2019.

160.Connolly-Boutin, S., Kiyanda, C.B., Ng, H.D. and Higgins, A.J. (2019) Minimum mass flow rate predictions for rotating detonation engines operating on mixtures of H2-O2-N2, C3H8-N2O and C2H4-N2O Proc. of the 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Beijing, China, July 28-Aug. 2, 2019.

161.Yan, Y., Ren, T., Lee, J.H.S. and Ng, H.D. (2019) Propagation of near-limit gaseous detonations in rough walled tubes. Proc. of the 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Beijing, China, July 28-Aug. 2, 2019.

162.Zhou, L., Zhang Y., Teng, H.H., Mi, X.C. and Ng, H.D. (2019) Propagation limit of gaseous detonations governed by yielding confinement and Arrhenius kinetics. Proc. of the 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Beijing, China, July 28-Aug. 2, 2019.

163.Tang Yuk, K.C., Lee, J.H.S., Ng H.D. and Mi, X.C. (2019) Detonation transmission across an inert layer. Proc. of the 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Beijing, China, July 28-Aug. 2, 2019 (#174).

164.Tang Yuk, K.C., Lee, J.H.S., Ng H.D. and Mi, X.C. (2019) Transmission of cellular detonation waves across a density/temperature interface. Proc. of the 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Beijing, China, July 28-Aug. 2, 2019 (#101).

165.Zhang, B. and Ng, H.D. (2019) Near-limit dynamics of gaseous detonations: Distinguishing tube scale and initial pressure effects. Proc. of the 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Beijing, China, July 28-Aug. 2, 2019 (#48).

166.Yuan, X., Mi, X.C., Xu, H., Zhou, J. and Ng, H.D. (2019) Computational study of gaseous detonation diffraction and re-initiation by small obstacle induced perturbations. Proc. of the 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Beijing, China, July 28-Aug. 2, 2019 (#41).

167.Yan, C., Teng, H.H., Mi, X.C. and Ng, H.D. (2019) The role of activation energy on the formation and stability of gaseous oblique detonation waves. Proc. of the 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Beijing, China, July 28-Aug. 2, 2019 (#35).

168.Bakalis, G., Tang Yuk, K.C., Mi, X.C., Ng, H.D. and Nikiforakis, N. (2019) Numerical modelling of detonation initiation via shock interaction with multiple flame kernels. AIP Conference Proceedings 2116 (1), 030028. Proceedings of the 13th Int. Symp. on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer - Numerical Fluids Symp., Rhodes, Greece, Sept. 13-18, 2018.

169.Paquet, F., Ng, H.D. and Paquet, M. (2018) A general pressure generation model for granular propellant fires. Proc. of the 2018 International Explosives Safety Symposium & Exposition, National Defense Industrial Association NDIA, San Diego, CA, Aug. 6-9, 2018.

170.Tang Yuk, K.C., Mi, X.C., Lee, J.H.S., Ng H.D. and Nikiforakis, N. (2018) Transmission of cellular detonation Waves across a density discontinuity. Proceeding of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada, May 14-17, 2018.

171.Ajaero, C.U., Kiyanda, C.B. and Ng, H.D. (2018) Validation of the Riemann free Kurganov and Tadmor numerical scheme for detonation simulation. Proceeding of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada, May 14-17, 2018.

172.Xu, H., Mi, X.C., Lee, J.H.S., Yuan, X. and Ng, H.D. (2018) Diffraction and re-initiation of unstable detonations emerging from a confined tube to an open area. Proceeding of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada, May 14-17, 2018.

173.Mi, X.C., Higgins, A.J., Ioannou, E., Michael, L., Nikiforakis, N., Ng, H.D. and Kiyanda, C.B. (2018) Shock-induced collapse of multiple cavities in liquid nitromethane. Submitted to 16th International Detonation Symposium, Chesapeake Bay, Cambridge, MD, July 15-20, 2018.

174.Mi, X.C., Higgins, A.J., Ng, H.D., Kiyanda, C.B. and Nikiforakis, N. (2017) Near-limit detonations propagating in a medium with randomly distributed reactive sources. Proc. of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, McGill University, Canada, May 15-18, 2017.

175.Mi, X.C., Ng, H.D., Kiyanda, C.B., Higgins, A.J. and Nikiforakis, N. (2017) A note on the averaging analysis for one-dimensional pulsating detonations. Proc. of the 26th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Boston, USA, July 30-Aug. 4, 2017.

176.Mi, X.C., Higgins, A.J., Ng, H.D., Kiyanda, C.B. and Nikiforakis, N. (2017) Effect of spatial inhomogeneities on the critical parameters of gaseous detonations. Proc. of the 26th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Boston, USA, July 30-Aug. 4, 2017.

177.Tang Yuk, K.C., Mi, X.C., Lee, J.H.S., Teng, H.H. and Ng H.D. (2017) Numerical study of a gaseous detonation propagation across a density interface. Proc. of the 26th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Boston, USA, July 30-Aug. 4, 2017.

178.Kiyanda, C.B., Connelly-Boutin, S., Joseph, V., Mi, X.C., Ng H.D. and Higgins, A.J. (2017) Small size rotating detonation engine: scaling and minimum thrust. Proc. of the 26th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Boston, USA, July 30-Aug. 4, 2017.

179.Mi, X.C., Ng, H.D., Kiyanda, C.B., Higgins, A.J. and Nikiforakis, N. (2017) Mean structure of unstable pathological detonations. Proc. of the 26th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Boston, USA, July 30-Aug. 4, 2017.

180.Gunter, A.L., Ng, H.D., Kiyanda, C.B., Mi, X.C. and Nikiforakis, N. (2017) Numerical simulation of detonation initiation by shock-multiple discrete flame interaction. Proc. of the 26th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Boston, USA, July 30-Aug. 4, 2017.

181.Mi, X.C., Higgins, A.J., Ng, H.D., Kiyanda, C.B. and Nikiforakis, N. (2016) Propagation of gaseous detonation waves in a spatially heterogeneous reactive medium. Proceeding of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, Waterloo, ON, Canada, May 10-12, 2016.

182.Ghazihesami, R. and Ng, H.D. (2016) Assessment of numerical modeling for steady-state jet impingement cooling in different geometries. Proc. of the 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ICTAM2016, Montreal, QC, Aug. 21-26, 2016.

183.Paquet, F. and Ng, H.D. (2016) Experimental determination of the height of propellant flames. Proc. of the 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ICTAM2016, Montreal, QC, Aug. 21-26, 2016.

184.Mi, X.C., Higgins, A.J., Ng, H.D., Kiyanda, C.B. and Nikiforakis, N. (2016) Propagation of gaseous detonation waves in a spatially heterogeneous reactive medium. Proc. of the 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ICTAM2016, Montreal, QC, Aug. 21-26, 2016.

185.Teng, H.H., Ng, H.D. and Jiang, Z.L. (2016) Initiation characteristics of oblique detonation waves in hydrogen-air mixture. Proc. of the 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ICTAM2016, Montreal, QC, Aug. 21-26, 2016.

186.Khalilzadeh, A., Ge, H. and Ng, H.D. (2016) CFD modeling of the effect of overhang on the wind-driven rain wetting of building façade. Proc. of the eSim 2016 IBPSA-Canada’s biennial conference, Hamilton, ON, May 3, 2016.

187.Di Labbio, G., Kiyanda, C.B., Mi, X.C., Higgins, A.J., Nikiforakis, N. and Ng, H.D. (2016) Investigation of detonation velocity in heterogeneous explosive system using the reactive Burgers’ analog. AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1738, 030011. Proc. of the 10th Int. Symp. on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer - Numerical Fluids Symp., Rhodes, Greece, Sept. 23-29, 2015.

188.Portaro, R., Nakayama, H. and Ng, H.D. (2015) Numerical investigation of penetration depth by liquid jet injection using finite element model. Proceeding of the 23rd Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Waterloo, Ontario, June 7-10, 2015.

189.Gunter, A.L., Portaro, R., Kadem, L. and Ng, H.D. (2015) CFD investigation of a horizontal axis open-center tidal turbine. Proceeding of the 23rd Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Waterloo, Ontario, June 7-10, 2015.

190.Ali, A., Cope, C. and Ng, H.D. (2015) Experimental study of a spark-ignition IC engine performance fuelled with biobutanol-gasoline blend, Proceeding of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, May 11-14, 2015.

191.Gunter, A.L., Keshavarz-Motamed, Z., Portaro, R., Kadem, L. and Ng, H.D. (2015) Finite volume analysis of unsteady flow through conjoining aorta and aortic isthmus. Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society EMBC2015, Milan, Italy, Aug. 25-29, 2015.

192.Portaro, R., Nakayama, H. and Ng, H.D. (2015) Optimization of Drug Viscosity Used In Gas-Powered Liquid Jet Injectors. Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society EMBC2015, Milan, Italy, Aug. 25-29, 2015.

193.Chtchetinina, A., Kadem, L. and Ng, H.D. (2015) PIV measurement of jets through model mitral valve with different suture configurations. Proceedings of the 25th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, London, Ontario, May 31-June 4, 2015.

194.Wang, J., Lee, J.H.S. and Ng, H.D. (2015) Velocity deficits in thin channels for a cylindrically expanding detonation. Proceeding of the 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Leeds, UK, August 2-7, 2015. (#223)

195.Li, J., Ng, H.D., Ning, J. and Lee, J.H.S. (2015) Two-dimensional numerical simulations of cellular detonation diffraction in channels. Proceeding of the 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Leeds, UK, August 2-7, 2015. (#246)

196.Kiyanda, C.B., Boyce, M.M. and Ng, H.D. (2015) Development of file format and database infrastructure for high explosive reference data. Proceeding of the 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Leeds, UK, August 2-7, 2015. (#83)

197.Ng, H.D., Kiyanda, C.B., Morgan, G.H. and Nikiforakis, N. (2015) The influence of high frequency instabilities on the direct initiation of two-dimensional gaseous detonations. Proceeding of the 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Leeds, UK, August 2-7, 2015. (#56)

198.Zhang, B. and Ng, H.D. (2015) Explosion behavior of methane-dimethyl ether /air mixtures. Proceeding of the 25th Int. Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Leeds, UK, August 2-7, 2015 (#21).

199.Teng, H.H., Morgan, G.H., Kiyanda, C.B., Nikiforakis, N. and Ng, H.D. (2014) GPU-based simulation of the two-dimensional unstable structure of gaseous oblique detonations. AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1648, 030027. 9th Int. Symp. on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer - Numerical Fluids Symposium, Rhodes, Greece, Sept. 22-28, 2014.

200.Fayed, M. and Ng, H.D. (2013) Numerical simulation and flow visualization using soap film of the vortex structure in the wake of a symmetric foil. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Fluid Dynamics, Alexandria, Egypt, December 19-21, 2013.  (ICFD11-EG-4011)

201.Portaro, R. and Ng, H.D. (2013) Experimental analysis of the performance of an air-powered needle-free liquid jet injector. Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society EMBC’13, Osaka, Japan, July 3-7, 2013.

202.Mehrjoo, N., Zhang, B., Portaro, R. and Ng, H.D. (2013) Study of small blockage effects on the detonation transmission from a confined tube into open space. Proceedings of the 24th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, July 28-August 2, 2013.

203.Gao, Y., Lee, J.H.S. and Ng, H.D. (2013) Velocity fluctuations near the detonation limits. Proceedings of the 24th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, July 28-August 2, 2013.

204.Portaro, R., Nakayama, H. and Ng, H.D. (2013) Performance analysis of a quick acting diaphragm-less shock tube driver. Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Vol.1: 421-426, Springer Int. Publishing, in Madison, WI, July 14-19, 2013.

205.Zhang, B., Mehrjoo, N., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2013) On the dynamic detonation parameters in acetylene-oxygen mixtures with varying amount of argon dilution. Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Vol.1: 277-282, in Madison, WI, July 14-19, 2013.

206.Gao, Y., Mehrjoo, N., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2013) Scaling between the minimum diameter and thickness for detonation limits in highly argon diluted mixtures. Proceedings of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, Laval University, Quebec, Canada, May 13-16, 2013.

207.Nakayama, H., Portaro, R. and Ng, H.D. (2013) CFD investigation of high speed liquid jets emitted from needle free jet injectors. Proceeding of the 21st Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Sherbrooke, Quebec May 6-9, 2013.

208.Mehrjoo, N. and Ng. H.D. (2012) The effect of finite perturbations on the critical tube diameter phenomenon of gaseous detonations. Proceedings of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, University of Toronto, Canada, May 13-16, 2012.

209.Paquet, F. and Ng, H.D. (2012) Dimensionless correlation for propellant fires radiant heat flux. Proceedings of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, University of Toronto, Canada, May 13-16, 2012.

210.Paquet, F. and Ng, H.D. (2012) The application of dimensional analysis to large scale granular propellant fires characterization. Proceedings of the 43rd International Annual Conference of the Institut für Chemische Technologie ICT, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 26-29, 2012.

211.Paquet, F. and Ng, H.D. (2012) The pressure generated by granular propellant combustion in vented enclosure.  Presented at the 9th International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion ISICP, Quebec City, Canada 9-13 July, 2012.

212.Paquet, F. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Thermal output of granular propellant combustion. High Energy materials (HEM) 2011 conference, 3-4 Oct. 2011, La Rochelle, France.

213.Paquet, F. and Ng, H.D. (2011) The determination of atmospheric pressure linear burning rates of solid propellants formulations. 23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Irvine, US, July 24-July 29, 2011.

214.Kiyanda, C.B. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Dynamic behavior of detonations in Burger’s and shallow water wave analog systems. 23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Irvine, US, July 24-July 29, 2011.

215.Jesuthasan, A., Joassard, A., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2011) Near-limit propagation of detonations in annular channels. 23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Irvine, US, July 24-July 29, 2011.

216.Ng, H.D., Ait Abderrahmane, H., Bates, K.R. and Nikiforakis, N. (2011) Geometrical characterization of the reaction front in gaseous detonations using fractal theory. 23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Irvine, US, July 24-July 29, 2011. (#145)

217.Zhang, B., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2011) Direct measurement and relationship between critical tube diameter and critical energy for direct detonation initiation. 23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Irvine, US, July 24-July 29, 2011. (#147)

218.Zhang, B., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2011) A dataset of critical energy for direct initiation of spherical detonations in some hydrocarbon-oxygen mixtures. 23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Irvine, US, July 24-July 29, 2011. (#69)

219.Alaee, H., Romano, A., Lafreniere, J. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Design and analysis of a soldier portable UAV. Proceedings of the CASI Aircraft Design and Development Symposium, CASI AERO 2011 conference, Montreal, Quebec April 26- April 28, 2011.

220.Haque, M.R., Smadi, O., Fayed, M., Kadem, L. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Numerical simulation and flow visualization of laminar and turbulent wake past an array of obstacles. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Montreal, Quebec April 27 – April 29, 2011.

221.Tom, K., Siddiqui, K. and Ng, H.D. (2010) PIV measurements of turbulent flow in the near wake region of a model wind turbine. Submitted to ASME/JSME/KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, Hamamatsu, Japan, July 24-29, 2011.

222.Mandour, A., Fayed, M., Ait Abderrahmane, H., Ng, H.D., Kadem, L. and Vatistas, G.H. (2010) Symmetry-breaking of interfacial polygonal patterns and synchronization of traveling waves within a hollow-core vortex. Proceedings of the CHAOS2011, The 4th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference, 31 May - 3 June 2011 Agios Nikolaos Crete Greece.

223.Paquet, F. and Ng, H.D. (2010) Ignition gas flow in the perforation of a propellant. Proceeding of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, May 9-12, 2010.

224.Gutierrez Contreras, M.A., Ju, Y. and Ng, H.D. (2010) Numerical investigation of the non-premixed flame structure in a mesoscale channel. Proceeding of the 18th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, London, Ontario, Canada, May 17-19, 2010. (8 pages).

225.Kamenskihs, V., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2009) Direct initiation of detonations in a high-pressure hydrogen-oxygen mixture. Proceedings of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 11-13, 2009.

226.Jesuthasan, A., Camargo, A., Grondin, J.S., Chao, J., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2009) Near-limit behavior and failure of unstable detonations in thin annular channels. Proceedings of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 11-13, 2009.

227.Paquet, F. and Ng, H.D. (2009) A simple method for initial condensed phase combustion reactions prediction. Proceedings of the Sixth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Ajaccio, Corsica, France June 7-11, 2009.

228.Paquet, F. and Ng, H.D. (2009) A study on the molecular aspects of ignition in energetic materials through simplified means. Proceedings of the 22nd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Minsk, Belarus, July 27-July 31, 2009

229.Jesuthasan, A., Camargo, A., Grondin, J.S., Chao, J., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2009) Propagation limits of unstable detonations in thin annular channels. Proceedings of the 22nd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Minsk, Belarus, July 27-July 31, 2009

230.Camargo, A., Ng, H.D., Chao, J. and Lee, J.H.S. (2009) Propagation of gaseous detonations in small tubes. Proceedings of the 22nd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Minsk, Belarus, July 27-July 31, 2009

231.Kamenskihs, V., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2009) Measurement of critical energy for direct initiation of spherical detonations in high-pressure hydrogen-oxygen mixtures. Proceedings of the 22nd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Minsk, Belarus, July 27-July 31, 2009

232.Meredith, J., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2009) Detonation diffraction from an annular channel. Proceedings of the 22nd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Minsk, Belarus, July 27-July 31, 2009

233.Nabavi, M, Siddiqui, K. and Ng, H.D. (2009) Simulation of the temperature distribution in a directly-irradiated solar chemical reactor. Proceedings of the 22nd Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, pp. 38-39, Halifax, Canada.

234.Palmisano, R. and Ng, H.D. (2009) Design analysis and comparison between standard and rotary porting systems for IC engine. Proceedings of the 22nd Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, pp. 28-29, Halifax, Canada.

235.Gutierrez Contreras, M.A., Dolatabadi, A. and Ng, H.D. (2009) Numerical analysis of the effect of injection on the turbulent mixing quality in a simple combustor. Proceedings of the 22nd Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, pp. 161-162, Halifax, Canada.

236.Ng, H.D., Chao, J., Yatsufusa, T. Haeck, J.F. and Lee, J.H.S. (2007) Detonation properties in dimethyl ether-oxygen mixtures. Proceedings of the 21st International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Poitiers, France, July 23-July 27, 2007

237.Ng, H.D., Ju, Y. and Lee, J.H.S. (2005) Study of detonation sensitivity of hydrogen-air mixture using an updated comprehensive chemical kinetic mechanism. Proceedings of the 20th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Montréal, Canada, July 31-August 5, 2005

238.Ng, H.D., Chao, J. and Lee, J.H.S. (2005) The role of turbulent transport for detonation initiation at a turbulent interface. Proceedings of the 20th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Montréal, Canada, July 31-August 5, 2005

239.Botros, B.B., Zhu, Y.J., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2005) The unsteady dynamics of the head-on collision between a detonation and a shock wave. Proceedings of the 20th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Montréal, Canada, July 31-August 5, 2005

240.Ng, H.D., Nikiforakis, N. and Lee, J.H.S. (2004) Head-on collision of a detonation with a planar shock wave. Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Shock Waves Vol. 2, pp. 745-750, Beijing, China, July 11-16, 2004

241.Botros, B.B., Ng, H.D., Yang, J.M. and Lee, J.H.S. (2004) Gasdynamic flow fields produced by the frontal collision of a detonation with a shock wave. Proceedings of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, May 9-12, 2004

242.Radulescu, M.I., Ng, H.D., Higgins, A.J. and Lee, J.H.S. (2003) Influence of channel aspect ratio on the failure of detonation in a two-dimensional porous-walled channel. Proceedings of the 19th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Hakone, Japan, July 27-August 1, 2003

243.Ng, H.D., Higgins, A.J., Kiyanda, C.B., Radulescu, M.I., Lee, J.H.S., Bates, K.R. and Nikiforakis, N. (2003) Nonlinear dynamics and chaos analysis of one-dimensional pulsating detonations. Proceedings of the 19th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Hakone, Japan, July 27-August 1, 2003.

244.Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2001) The influence of local disturbance on the direct initiation of detonations. Proceedings of the 18th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Seattle, Washington, USA, July 29-August 3, 2001

245.Dionne, J.-P., Ng, H.D., Chue, R.S. and Lee, J.H.S. (1999) Numerical study of unsteady pathological detonations. Proceedings of the 17th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Heidelberg, Germany, July 25-30, 1999.

Conference abstracts and presentations

246.Park, Y., Al-Ghalayini, K.G., Di Labbio, G., Kadem. L., Ng, H.D. and Ait Abderrahmane, H. (2024) An experimental study of flow surrounding the migration of two forced-point-vortices. Presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Salt Lake City, UT, Nov. 24-26, 2024.

247.Merlo, L., Kadem, L., Saleh, W., Ng, H.D. and Di Labbio, G. (2024) The flow dynamics of twin pulsed jets in an elastic cavity. Presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Salt Lake City, UT, Nov. 24-26, 2024.

248.Ait Abderrahmane, H., Di Labbio, G., Fayed, M., Ng, H.D. (2024) Mixing in a system of three subvortices. Accepted for the 26th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ICTAM 2024, 25-30 Aug. 2024, Daegu, Korea (AO-FM16-0304).

249.Bakalis, G., Yan, C., Tang-Yuk, K.C. Mi, X.C. and Ng, H.D. (2024) Modulation of the unstable cellular detonation structure with microplates. Accepted for 19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion ICNC 2024, Kyoto, Japan May 7-10, 2024.

250.Bakalis, G. and Ng, H.D. (2024) Detonation cell size prediction with artificial neural networks and non-dimensional features. Accepted for 19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion ICNC 2024, Kyoto, Japan May 7-10, 2024.

251.Mi, X.C., Yan, C., Tang-Yuk, K.C., Bakalis, G., Lee, J.H.S. and Ng, H.D. (2024) To tame a gaseous detonation wave, manipulate its shock waves - from experimental evidence to outlook. 11th European Combustion Meeting (ECM23) Thematic workshop: Recent advances in flame acceleration, detonation onset and detonation propagation, Rouen, France, 26-28 April, 2023.

252.Di Labbio, G., Ait Abderrahmane, H., Fayed, M., Ng, H.D. (2022) Skeleton of multiple vortex tornadoes in a bucket. Presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Gallery of Fluid Motion, in Indianapolis, Nov. 20-22, 2022. [one of the 2022 APS/DFD Milton van Dyke Award Winners – Poster]

253.Ait Abderrahmane, H., Di Labbio, G., Ng, H.D., Fayed, M. (2022) The topology of the flow induced by two and three satellite vortices in a bucket. Presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Indianapolis, Nov. 20-22, 2022.

254.Chan, N., Darwish, A., Saleh, W., Kadem, L., Ng, H.D. and Ait Abderrahmane, H. (2022) Experimentally simulating the formation of polygonal patterns by systems of satellite vortices. Submitted to the 75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Indianapolis, Nov. 20-22, 2022 (Abstract no. 615038).

255.Sargordi, M., Rakhashan, B.T., di Labbio, G., Ng, H.D. and Kadem, L. (2020) Dimension reduction using tensor train decomposition. Submitted to 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), 23-28, 2020 Milan, Italy.

256.Vermeire, B., Kiyanda, C.B. and Ng, H.D. (2019) Towards robust turbulent combustion using the high-order flux reconstruction approach. Submitted to the joint 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress, Paris, France 19-24 July, 2020.

257.Ait Abderrahmane, H., Kim, M., Di Labbio, G., Ng, H.D. and Vatistas, G.H. (2019) Symmetry Breaking of Vortex Patterns in a Rotating Fluid. Submitted to the 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Seattle, Washington, Nov. 23-26, 2019. [CrossRef]

258.Kim, M., Ait Abderrahmane, H., Ng, H.D. and Vatistas, G.H. (2019) Analysis of the transition between Kelvin's equilibria using proper orthogonal decomposition. Submitted to the 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Seattle, Washington, Nov. 23-26, 2019. [CrossRef]

259.Kim, M., Mi, X.C. and Ng, H.D. (2019) Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) Analysis of CFD Data for Two-Dimensional Cellular Detonations. Work-in-progress poster presented at the 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Beijing, China, July 28-Aug. 2, 2019.

260.Portaro, R., Xu, H., Li, Y., Sadek, J. and Ng, H.D. (2018) Design and analysis of a detonation-driven mechanism for needle-free liquid jet injection. Presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Atlanta, Georgia, Nov. 18-20, 2018.

261.Kim, M., Ait Abderrahmane, H., Fayed, M., Vatistas, G.H. and Ng, H.D. (2018) On the transition between Kelvin’s equilibria. Presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Atlanta, Georgia, Nov. 18-20, 2018.

262.Tang-Yuk, K.C., Mi, X.C., Lee, J.H.S. and Ng, H.D. (2018) Detonation failure and reinitiation across an inert gap. Presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Atlanta, Georgia, Nov. 18-20, 2018.

263.Mi, X.C., Higgins, A.J., Lee, J.H.S., Ng, H.D. and Nikiforakis, N. (2018) An approach to measure the hydrodynamic thickness of detonations in numerical simulations. Work-in-progress poster accepted for the 37th Int. Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, Ireland, July 29-Aug. 3, 2018. (I.D. 1P163).

264.Portaro, R., Xu, H., Li, Y. and Ng, H.D. (2018) Assessment of a combustion-driven needle-free liquid jet injector. Work-in-progress poster accepted for the 37th Int. Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, Ireland, July 29-Aug. 3, 2018. (I.D. 1P220).

265.Xu, H., Lee, J.H.S., Portaro, R. and Ng, H.D. (2017) Bursting of a peach-shaped wave: High speed Schlieren visualization of detonation diffraction in gases. Presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Gallery of Fluid Motion, in Denver, CO, USA, Nov. 19-21, 2017.

266.Xu, H., Portaro, R. and Ng, H.D. (2017) Color Schlieren visualization of objects. Presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Gallery of Fluid Motion, in Denver, CO, USA, Nov. 19-21, 2017.

267.Portaro, R. and Ng, H.D. (2017) Analysis of high speed jets produced by a servo tube driven liquid jet injector. Presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Denver, CO, USA, Nov. 19-21, 2017.

268.Portaro, R., Jaber H. and Ng, H.D. (2017) Effects of viscosity on the performance of air-powered liquid jet injectors. Presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Denver, CO, USA, Nov. 19-21, 2017.

269.El Fakhri, M.B., Di Labbio, G., Kadem, L., Ng, H.D. and Ait Abderrahmane, H. (2017) An analogy between the merger of two black holes and the collision of two point-vortices. Presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Denver, CO, USA, Nov. 19-21, 2017.

270.Kiyanda, C.B., Ahmed, S., Allard, M.A., Connelly-Boutin, S., Fahmy, S., Joseph, V., Nashen, M., Ng H.D. and Higgins, A.J. (2017) Small-scale rotating detonation engine development and testing. WIPP presented at the 26th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Boston, USA, July 30-Aug. 4, 2017.

271.Mi, X.C., Higgins, A.J., Ng, H.D., Kiyanda, C.B. and Nikiforakis, N. (2016) Propagation limit of detonation waves in a spatially heterogeneous reactive medium with yielding confinement. Abstract presented at the SIAM 16th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (mini-symposium), in Orlando, Florida, USA.

272.Mi, X.C., Higgins, A.J., Ng, H.D., Kiyanda, C.B. and Nikiforakis, N. (2016) Influence of spatial heterogeneity on the propagation behaviour of gaseous detonation waves. Work-in-progress poster presented at the 36th Int. Symposium on Combustion, Seoul, Korea, July 31-August 5, 2016.

273.Paquet, F., Ng, H.D., Paquet, M. and Cottin, F. (2016) A classification model for propellant fire propagation. 7th International Nitrocellulose Symposium, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 31st-June 1st, 2016, Poster #2016-SPP-42.

274.Paquet, F., Ng, H.D., Paquet, M., Groulx, D. and Cottin, F. (2016) A model for propellant fire radiant heat flux output. 7th International Nitrocellulose Symposium, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 31st-June 1st, 2016, Poster #2016-SPP-33.

275.Di Labbio, G., Kiyanda, C.B., Mi, X.C., Higgins, A.J., Nikiforakis, N. and Ng, H.D. (2015) Investigation of detonation propagation through an array of random discrete energy sources using the reactive Burgers’ analog. Presented at the 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Boston, MA, USA, Nov. 22-24, 2015.

276.Ng, H.D., Kiyanda, C.B., Morgan, G.H. and Nikiforakis, N. (2015) On the influence of instabilities on the direct blast initiation of two-dimensional detonations. Presented at the 15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion ICNC 2015, Palais des Papes, Avignon, France, April 19-22, 2015.

277.Fayed, M., Ait Abderrahmane H. and Ng, H.D. (2013) The evolution of a plughole vortex and the onset of rotating solitary wave at the wall of a circular cylinder. Presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Gallery of Fluid Motion, in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Nov. 24-26, 2013.

278.Qian, D, Lee, J.H.S. and Ng, H.D. (2013) Formation and evolution of cylindrically diverging detonation waves in gases. Presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Gallery of Fluid Motion, in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Nov. 24-26, 2013.

279.Fayed, M., Ait Abderrahmane, H., Vatistas, G.H. and Ng, H.D. (2012) Tornado in a tank. Presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Gallery of Fluid Motion, in San Diego, CA, USA, Nov. 18-20, 2012. (I.D. 84108)

280.Ghorbani, Z., Wuthrich, R., Paraschivoiu, M. and Ng, H.D. (2012) Fluid dynamics at gas evolving electrodes: From bubbles to gas film formation. Presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Gallery of Fluid Motion, in San Diego, CA, USA, Nov. 18-20, 2012. (I.D. 84059)

281.Portaro, R., Gunter, A.L. and Ng, H.D. (2012) Analysis of high speed liquid jets emitted from needle free jet injectors. 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in San Diego, CA, USA, Nov. 18-20, 2012.

282.Chtchetinina, A., Gunter, A.L. and Ng, H.D. (2012) An experimental study of the effect of viscosity on bouncing soap droplets onto a horizontal soap film. 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in San Diego, CA, USA, Nov. 18-20, 2012.

283.Ait Abderrahmane, H., Fayed, M., Ng, H.D. and Vatistas, G.H. (2012) Relative equilibria in rotating shallow water layer: a real fluid case of point vortex theory. 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in San Diego, CA, USA, Nov. 18-20, 2012.

284.Chtchetinina, A. and Ng, H.D. (2011) The imploding water wave: a flowing blossom. Poster for the 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Gallery of Fluid Motion, in Baltimore, MD, USA, Nov. 20-22, 2011.

285.Shchetinina, A., Garcia, J., Gaillard, E., Kadem, L. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Analysis of the free rising sphere in Newtonian fluid and the “pop off” effect. 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Baltimore, MD, USA, Nov. 20-22, 2011. Vol. 56, Number 18.  Abstract I.D. DFD11-2011-001018. http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DFD11/Event/155345

286.Ait Abderrahmane, H., Paidoussis, M.P., Fayed, M. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Nonlinear dynamics analysis of a flapping filament in a flowing soap film. 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Baltimore, MD, USA, Nov. 20-22, 2011. Vol. 56, Number 18. Abstract I.D. DFD11-2011-001014. http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DFD11/Event/154627

287.Portaro, R. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Analysis and development of a quick acting diaphragm-less shock tube driver. 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Baltimore, MD, USA, Nov. 20-22, 2011. Vol. 56, Number 18. Abstract I.D. DFD11-2011-000834. http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DFD11/Event/154919

288.Fayed, M., Ait Abderrahmane, H. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Structure du sillage et de la nappe tourbillonnaire derrière une aile d'avion. ACFAS le concours “la prevue par l’image”. Feb. 21, 2011 (so far selected as the 20 finalists)

289.Fayed, M., Haque M.R., Gunter, A.L. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Vortices and patterns in the wake of multiple cylinders. Poster presented at the Gallery of Nonlinear Images, APS March Meeting, March 21-25, 2011.

290.Paquet, F. and Ng, H.D. (2011) The propellant fire safety related to drilling loaded cartridge. Poster abstract presented at 10th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, University of Maryland, USA 19-24 June, 2011.

291.Paquet, F. and Ng, H.D. (2011) Lumped parameter numerical modeling of solid propellant gas flow through a nozzle. Poster abstract presented at 10th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, University of Maryland, USA 19-24 June, 2011

292.Rocher, G.-J., Medraj, M., Ng, H.D. and Islam, M. (2010) Thermodynamic modeling of Mg-Cu-Y-H system combined with key experiments. 9th International Short Course and Advanced Research Workshop (ISCARW). Belfast, UK. Oct. 11-15, 2010.

293.Fayed, M., Portaro, R., Gunter, A.L., Ait Abderrahmane, H. and Ng, H.D. (2010) Visualization of flow patterns past various static objects in two-dimensional flow using soap film. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Gallery of Fluid Motion, in Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov. 21-23, 2010. (selected for the Milton Van Dyke Award).

294.Rocher, G.-J., Medraj, M. and Ng, H.D. (2010) Development of magnesium alloys with high hydrogen capacity through thermodynamic modeling combined with key experiments. H2CAN HQP Workshop 2010, Montreal, 19-20 Aug., 2010. (Poster presentation)

295.Fayed, M., Ait Abderrahmane, H., Vatistas, G.H. and Ng, H.D. (2010) Rotating Solitary Wave during Liquid Drainage. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov. 21-23, 2010, Vol. 55, Number 16, Abstract I.D. DFD10-2010-00320. http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DFD10/Event/132645

296.Gunter, A.L., Fayed, M., Ait Abderrahmane, H., Paidoussis, M.P. and Ng, H.D. (2010) Interaction of two flapping flags in axial flow. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov. 21-23, 2010, Vol. 55, Number 16, Abstract I.D. DFD10-2010-00272. http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DFD10/Event/132372

297.Ait Abderrahmane, H., Gunter, A.L., Fayed, M., Paidoussis, M.P. and Ng, H.D. (2010) Dynamics of flapping flag in axial flow. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Long Beach, CA, USA Nov. 21-23, 2010, Vol. 55, Number 16, Abstract I.D. DFD10-2010-00271. http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DFD10/Event/132374

298.Portaro, R., Fayed, M., Ait Abderrahmane, H. and Ng, H.D. (2010) Analysis of the flapping dynamics of a slender within a soap-film flow tunnel. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov. 21-23, 2010, Vol. 55, Number 16, Abstract I.D. DFD10-2010-00273. http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DFD10/Event/133370

299.Paquet, F. and Ng, H.D. (2010) The effect of combustion energy feedback on a statistical molecular ignition model for energetic materials. Work-in-progress poster presented at the 33rd Int. Symposium on Combustion, Beijing, China, Aug. 1-6, 2010.

300.Medraj, M., Rocher, G.-J. and Ng, H.D. (2010) Development of novel materials with high hydrogen weight capacities through the combination of thermodynamic modeling and key experiments. H2CAN Annual Conference 2010, Winnipeg, 19-20 Jan., 2010. (Poster presentation).

301.Ait Abderrahmane, H., Fayed, M., Mandour, A., Kadem, L, Vatistas, G.H. and Ng, H.D. (2009) Mixing within patterned vortex core. Presented to the 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Gallery of Fluid Motion, in Minneapolis, MN, USA, Nov. 22-24, 2009.  http://hdl.handle.net/1813/14091

302.Mandour, A., Ait Abderrahmane, H., Vatistas, G.H., Kadem, L. and Ng, H.D. (2009) Effect of liquid viscosity on the instability of polygonal pattern within a hollow vortex core. 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Minneapolis, MN, USA, Nov. 22-24, 2009, Vol. 54, Number 19, Abstract I.D. BAPS.2009.DFD.PT.5   http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DFD09/Event/112325

303.Gunter, A.L., Smadi, O., Kiyanda, C.B., Kadem, L. and Ng, H.D. (2009) Numerical and experimental study of the dynamics of imploding hydraulic jumps. 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, in Minneapolis, MN, USA, Nov. 22-24, 2009, Vol. 54, Number 19, Abstract I.D. BAPS.2009.DFD.PJ.6  http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DFD09/Event/112240

304.Paquet, F. and Ng, H.D. (2008) Spectroscopic approach to condensed phase combustion modeling. Abstract Proceedings of the SIAM 12th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, in Monterrey, USA.

305.Chao, J., Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2008) Numerical study of detonability limits. Abstract Proceedings of the SIAM 12th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, in Monterrey, USA.

306.Ng, H.D., Radulescu, M.I., Lee, J.H.S., Varatharajan, B. and Williams, F.A. (2002) Numerical study of one-dimensional detonation instability for acetylene-oxygen-argon mixture with realistic chemistry. 9th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Abstract pp. 321-322, Sorrento, Italy, April 7-10, 2002

307.Ng, H.D. and Lee, J.H.S. (2002) The effect of branched-chain chemistry on direct initiation of detonations. 9th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Abstract pp. 345-346, Sorrento, Italy, April 7-10, 2002

Technical reports

1.     Krause, A. and Robinson, R. (2009) Improving wind turbine efficiency through whales-inspired blade design. Summer internship report, Harvey Mudd College & Concordia University. (co-supervised by H.D. Ng and L. Bassman).

2.     Lee, J.H.S. and Ng, H.D. (2004) Scaling of blast from TBX explosive charges. Final Report to Defence R&D Canada - Suffield, Alberta, Canada, June, 2004

3.     Lee, J.H.S. and Ng, H.D. (2000) Analysis on the probable cause of the August 8, 2000 explosion at the reveberatory furnace of the Hudson Bay Mining and Smelter Company at Flin Flon, Manitoba. Final Report to Thompson Dorfman Sweatman Barristers & Solicitors, Winnipeg, Canada, September, 2000

4.     Ng, H.D., Nikiforakis, N. and Lee, J.H.S. (2000) Assessment of high resolution centered scheme for detonation modelling, Technical Report

Invited seminars

308.Ng HD (2023) Fundamentals of detonations in gases. 3 days invited lectures, The Tsinghua-Princeton-CI Summer School on Combustion, July 12-14, 2023.

309.Ng, H.D. (2021) On the influence of detonation front structure on the critical tube diameter problem. Invited plenary lecture, International Workshop on Explosions and Reactive Flows, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing (China), July 24-25, 2021.

310.Ng, H.D. (2021) The role of unstable detonation structure on the critical tube diameter problem. Invited online seminar,  Department of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, January 2021.

311.Ng .H.D. (2019) Towards controlling the dynamics of gaseous detonation propagation. University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China, December 2019.

312.Ng, H.D. (2019) On the application of pulsed liquid jet generated by gaseous detonation. Department of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, December 2019.

313.Ng, H.D. (2016) On some fundamental problems of gaseous detonation. Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, July 2016.

314.Ng, H.D. (2016) A review of basic research on gaseous detonations. Peking University, Beijing, China, June 2016.

315.Ng, H.D. (2016) An overview and some perspectives on gaseous detonations. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, June 2016.

316.Ng, H.D. (2016) Understanding the Basic Dynamic Parameters of Gaseous Detonation. State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, June 2016.

317.Ng, H.D. (2016) Fundamentals of Gaseous Detonation. University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China, June 2016.

318.Ng, H.D. (2016) On the applicability of Chapman-Jouguet theory for the determination of detonation velocity in heterogeneous explosive system. Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, June 2016.

319.Ng, H.D. (2014) A review of basic research on gaseous detonations. Cavendish laboratory, The University of Cambridge, Cambridge, March, 2014.

Feature articles

320.An Imploding Circular Water Wave, APS Physics Images Archive.

321.Flowery Flow: A Fluid Dynamics "Poppy" Captures Prize, Scientific American.

322.A beautiful reminder that physics is everywhere, even in soap. io9.com

323.Romancing Hydrogen, Concordia Journal, May 7, 2009 Vol.4, No.15 http://cjournal.concordia.ca/archives/20090507/romancing_hydrogen_hoi_dick_ng.php

Students theses supervised/co-supervised

324.Chevalier, T. (2023) Investigating Vortex Ring Reconnection in Twin Parallel Pulsed Jets: Influence of Nozzle Spacing and Stroke Ratio. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

325.Lyu, Y. (2023) Numerical Investigation of Gaseous Cellular Detonation Propagation in Rough-Walled Channels. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

326.Yan, C. (2023) Numerical Study of the Effect of Instability on Detonation Dynamcis and Critical Phenomena. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

327.Sadek, J. (2023) Development of a Needle-Free Liquid Jet Injection Technology by Pressure-Gain Combustion. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

328.Portaro, R. (2022) Liquid Needle Free Injectors: Design and Analysis of Power Sources. PhD thesis, Concordia University

329.Sargordi, M. (2020) Flow Characteristics downstream of Twin Pulsed Orifice Jets: Applications to Mitral Valve Repair. Masters thesis, Concordia University. (co-supervised)

330.Yan, C. (2019) Numerical Investigation of Chemical Reactivity effects on the Formation of Gaseous Oblique Detonation Waves. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

331.Bakalis, G. (2018) Numerical Modelling of Detonation Initiation via Shock Interaction with Multiple Flames. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

332.Tang-Yuk, K.C. (2018) Transmission of a Detonation Across a Density Interface. Masters thesis, McGill University. (co-supervised).

333.Khalilzadeh, A. (2017) Numerical Parametric Study of Wind-Driven Rain and Overhang Effectiveness on a Mid-Rise Building. Masters thesis, Concordia University. (co-supervised)

334.He, J. (2016) Safety Study Related to Hydrogen Leakage From Fuel Cell Systems. Masters thesis, Concordia University. (co-supervised)

335.Paquet, F. (2016) The Fire Safety of Granular Propellant Handling Facilities. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

336.Ali, A. (2016) Design of an Exhaust Gas Energy Recovery System for Internal Combustion Engines. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

337.Ghazihesami, R. (2015) Assessment of Numerical Modelling for Steady State Jet Impingement Cooling in Different Geometries. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

338.Gunter, A.-L. (2015) Design of a Horizontal Axis Open-Centre Tidal Stream Turbine using Computational Fluid Dynamics. Masters thesis, Concordia University. (co-supervised)

339.Chtchetinina, A. (2015) Experimental Investigation of Jets through a Model Mitral Valve with Different Leaflet Suture Configurations. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

340.Mehrjoo, N. (2015) Experimental Investigation on the Failure Mechanism for Critical Tube Diameter Phenomenon of Gaseous Detonations. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

341.Nakayama, H. (2013) Application of Dynamic Mesh Method in CFD to Engineering Designs of Needle-Free Liquid Jet Injector and Diaphragm-less Shock Tube. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

342.Portaro R. (2013) Air-Powered Liquid Needle Free Injectors: Design, Modeling and Experimental Validation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

343.Rocher, G.J. (2012) Hydrogen Storage Properties of Mg-Ni-H Through Pressure Composition Isotherms Combined With Thermodynamic Calculations. Masters thesis, Concordia University. (co-supervised)

344.Tom, K. (2010) Investigation of Near Wake Flow Structure of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Using Particle Image Velocimetry. Masters thesis, Concordia University. (co-supervised)

345.Gutierrez Contreras, M.A. (2010) Numerical Investigation of Model Combustor for Efficiency Improvement and Miniature Applications. Masters thesis, Concordia University. (co-supervised)

346.Mandour, A. (2010) The Effect of Liquid Viscosity on the Polygonal Instabilities Observed Within Hollow Vortex Core. Masters thesis, Concordia University. (co-supervised)

347.Palmisano, R. (2009) Design Analysis and Comparison Between Standard and Rotary Porting Systems for IC Engine. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

348.Hesami S.G. (2009) Cost Effective Emissions and Minor Species Predictions via Coupling of Steady and Unsteady Computational Fluid Dynamics and Chemical Reactor Network Analysis. Masters thesis, Concordia University. (co-supervised)

349.Camargo, A. (2009) Propagation of Near-Limit Gaseous Detonations in Small Diameter Tubes. Masters thesis, McGill University. (co-supervised)

350.Meredith, J. (2008) Detonation Wave Diffraction from an Annular Channel. Undergraduate Honours Thesis, McGill University. (co-supervised)

351.Mousa, M. (2008) Quality Assessment and Improvement of Gravity Feed Micro-Drilling Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving. Masters thesis, Concordia University. (co-supervised)

352.Cael, G. (2008) Validation of the SLIC Scheme, Numerical Simulation of Detonation Waves Using a TCFC Model and Numerical Simulation of the Lockwood Combustor Using Fluent. Delf University of Technology and Concordia University. (co-supervised)

353.Paquet, F. (2008) A Simplified Approach to Condensed Phase Combustion Modeling. Masters thesis, Concordia University

354.Robaglia, X. (2007) Experimental Study on the Onset of Detonation for Highly Stable Mixtures. PFE thesis, École des Mines de Douai and Concordia University. (co-supervised)

355.Haeck, JF (2008) Detonation Cell Size Measurement in Dimethyl Ether Mixture. Undergraduate Honours Thesis, McGill University. (co-supervised)

356.Botros, B.B.B. (2005) Head-on Collision of a Detonation with a Planar Shock Wave. Undergraduate Honours Thesis, McGill University. (co-supervised)


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