Bio  -   Research   -   Students   -  Grants and Awards  -  Teaching  -   Contact -   CV

Suryadipta Majumdar

Associate Professor in Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering (CIISE), Concordia University

Multiple funded postdoctoral, doctoral, master's, and summer intern (undergrad) positions in IoT/5G/Container/Cloud security. Please see here for details.


Suryadipta Majumdar works at the Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering (CIISE), Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Suryadipta is involved in the Concordia Information Security Research (CISR) Lab and NSERC/Ericsson IRC in SDN/NFV Security Program. Previously, Suryadipta was an assistant professor at the Information Security and Digital Forensics department at SUNY, Albany. During his PhD (with Dr. Lingyu Wang), Suryadipta was an National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Canada Graduate Scholar at Concordia University. He finished his MASc in Information Systems Security from Concordia University (with Dr. Mohammad Mannan) and his BSc in Computer Science and Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET).

Research Interests:

Open Positions:









2017 and Before:

Current Students:

Former Students:

  • A S M Asadujjaman (PhD) [First job: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of São Paulo (Brazil)]
  • Sofya Smolyakova (MASc)
  • Jia Wei Yao (MASc) - co-advised with Dr. Lingyu Wang
  • Sima Bagheri (MASc) - co-advised with Dr. Lingyu Wang
  • Shiva Sunar (MASc) [First job: System Administrator, IO Solutions Inc.]
  • Mahmood Gholipour (MASc) - co-advised with Dr. Lingyu Wang
  • Md. Wasiuddin Pathan Shuvo (MASc) [First job: Director, Avid Tech Solution Ltd. (USA)]
  • Hugo Kermabon-Bobinnec (MASc) - co-advised with Dr. Lingyu Wang [Current position: PhD student, Concordia University]
  • Andy Dolan (MS in Computer Science at CSU) - co-advised with Dr. Indrakshi Ray [First job: Security Engineer, CableLabs (USA)]
  • Jivan Ramjisingh (BSc in Digital Forensics)
  • Kayla Ibrahim (BSc in Digital Forensics)
  • Jimmy Kong (BSc in Informatics)

Professional Activities:

Selected Grants and Awards:


  • INSE 6630: Recent Developments in Information Systems Security @ Concordia (Summer 2023, Fall 2022, Summer 2021)
  • SOEN 321: Information Systems Security @ Concordia (Winter 2023, Winter 2022)
  • INSE 6130: Operating Systems Security @ Concordia (Winter 2024, Winter 2023, Winter 2022, Winter 2021)
  • BFOR 205: Introduction to Database Systems @ SUNY - Albany (Fall 2019)
  • BFOR 418: Assembly Language and Malware Reverse Engineering @ SUNY - Albany (Fall 2019, Fall 2018)
  • BFOR 100: Introduction to Information Systems @ SUNY - Albany (Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020)
  • Guest Lectures / POD / Marker @ Concordia University, Canada
    • INSE 6620 (Summer'18, Summer'17, Summer'16), INSE 6140 (Winter'18, Winter'17, Winter'16), INSE 6130 (Fall'17, Fall'16, Winter'16, Fall'15), INSE 6120 (Fall'13)


     1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, S-EV 003.115
     Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3G 1M8
     Phone: 514-848-2424 ext 8580
     Email: suryadipta.majumdar (at)