Related Concept |
climate change, global warming
construction industry
environmental impacts and issues
building codes and standards
building subsystems and services
building types
building: damage and failures
built environment
change in building design, construction
facility management
housing market
IAQ - indoor air quality
Indoor air movement
maintenance, inspection, and diagnose
occupancy, occupants, residents, homeowner
renovation, repair, maintenance
social, economical, political factors
sustainability, environment
Zero Energy Building: ZEB
| Related Articles |
_Building envelope research -- necessity
1/3 energy by building: 1/3 of energy is consumed in non-industrial buildings
A House for the New Millennium
Advanced Buildings Technologies and Practies
Applied Building Science, Washinton State University
ASTM standards related to building envelopes
ASTM Standards related to buildings
BASE -- building assessment and survey evaluation
BCIS - Building Commission Information Service
Building Envelope - components and potential problems
Building Envelope Research Articles
EU: Building Technology-ATLAS
Buildings Technology Roadmap
Buildings Technology Roadmap
Centre for Building Studies, Concordia University
Conference: Building Physics
Conference: Building Physics Symposium in the Nordic Countries
Conference: Building Science and Technology
Conference: CIB World Building Congress
Conference: ICBEST
difference between a manufactured home, a modular home and a panelized home
images: Images of buildings
ISO structure for construction and building related standards
Journal: Building and Environment
Journal: Building Science Insight
Journal: Canadian Building Digests
Journal: Construction Review
Journal: Energy and Buildings
Journal: Environmental Building News
Journal: Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science
Journal: Nordic Journal of Building Physics
Morrison Hershfield - Building Engineering & Management
National Building Envelope Council - NBEC
quality asurance
School student breathing 14 thousand hours
What is Architectural Engineering?
What is building engineering
Whole buildings approach
Building means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy. (CBC)
We spend as much as 90% of time in them.
Building as a system: consider a building as an integrated whole when considering particular issues.
New engineering building at Concordia University |
 | Source: |
Also see:
The historical evolution, with pitures and drawings: NAHB Research Center, 2001, Review of structural materials and methods for home building in the United States: 1900-2000
buildingphotos Metro Detroit restaurants, shopping centers, hotels, museums, attractions, theaters, historic buildings, and office buildings.
Building science history
A building revolution - Roodman and Lenssen (1995)
- A paper you must read. Roodman and Lenssen (1995), "A building revolution: how ecology and health concerns are transforming construction", Worldwatch Paper 124, Worldwatch Institute, Washington, DC, March.
Advanced Buildings
- Excellent: A building professional's guide to more than 90 environmentally-appropriate technologies and practices.
Architectural record
- Very good. descriptions of many projects on building designs
BDCMag- online magazine Building Design & Construction
- a "magazine published for the building team ¡ª architects, engineers, contractors, building owners and facilities managers involved in design and construction of nonresidential buildings"
Betec-building Environment & Thermal Envelope Council
- a NIBS Council focusing on effective cooperation among public and private interests seeking energy efficient and environmentally responsible homes and buildings.
BFRL- Building and Fire Research Laboratory
- "studies building materials; computer-integrated construction practices; fire science and fire safety engineering; and structural, mechanical, and environmental engineering...
Meet the measurement and standards needs of the Building and Fire Safety communities."
- "is a leading provider of web based solutions that
enable Corporate Real Estate and Property Management
professionals to achieve greater efficiencies and costs savings in the management of the entire life cycle of commercial buildings and facilities"
BTC - Buildings Technology Center
- "to identify, develop, and deploy sustainable and energy-efficient building system technologies by forming partnerships between the public sector and private industry for analysis, well-characterized experiments, technology development, and market outreach. "
Builder Online
- news, trends, building products, marketplace, and resources
Building Energy Databook - DOE
- "provide a current and accurate set of comprehensive buildings- and energy-related data."
Building Examples
- Descriptions, photos, and drawing of example buildings for school, recreation, office and condos. by CWC
Building Green
- "a loosely defined collection of land-use, building design, and construction strategies that reduces these environmental impacts."
Building Group,CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC).
- "deliver Energy-efficient building design and retrofit software, Technology brokerage services and technical assistance, Linkage to a global network of contacts, Marketing support for eco-efficient building technology and tools, and Seamless integration with your organizational structure
" to develop and deploy building technologies and innovations that will help reduce energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with marked economic, environmental and social benefits.
Building Physics and Materials - Technical University of Denmark
- "to improve the basic understanding of materials¡® properties with the aim of establishing better modelling tools and of providing a basis for the development of better materials, better production techniques and better methods for maintenance and repair."
Building Science .com
- "rovides objective, high-quality information about buildings. This resource combines building physics, systems design concepts, and an awareness of sustainability to promote the design and construction of buildings that are more durable, healthier, more sustainable and more economical than most buildings built today."
Buildings Envelope Technology Roadmap- BETR
- ¡°DOE releases Buildings Envelope Technology Roadmap, and reports on progress fulfilling Window Industry Technology Roadmap.
Case studies
- cases of building projects which have used Life Cycle techniques in Australia
- "240 of the 250 Canadian Building Digests published between 1960 and 1990 by NRC's Institute for Research in Construction. The topics reflect the diversity of the industry and cover virtually every aspect of design and construction in Canada."
CCA- Canadian Construction Association
- Information and statistics about the canadian construction industry
CCE - Canadian Consulting Engineer
- "a magazine for professional engineers working as consultants in the construction field. Published since 1957, it is the only national engineering magazine in Canada that covers all engineering disciplines and all geographic regions"
CEETB - European Technical Contractors Committee for the Construction Industry
- "Functions and tasks: To promote the technical contractors; To ensure professional representation within European Community bodies. etc."
CIB - International Council for Building
- "to provide a global network for international exchange and cooperation in research and innovation in building and construction in support of an improved building process and of improved performance of the built environment."
"CIB is the acronym of the abbreviated French (former) name: "Conseil International du Batiment" (in English this is: International Council for Building). In the course of 1998, the abbreviation has been kept but the full name changed into: INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION
- "To explore the phenomena of heat, moisture and air transfer in buildings, components and materials; ? To formulate laws governing the physics involved; ? To define, measure and discuss the hygrothermal properties of materials and building components; ? To apply the acquired knowledge to the design, execution and maintenance of buildings " By
CMHC- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- "the federal government's housing agency, is responsible for administering the National Housing", formerly the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation
CMHC's Best Practice Guides
Construction Technology Updates
- "..Practical 4-6 page publications for architects, engineers, specification writers, property managers, builders and building officials. " by IRC/NRC
CSA-Canadian Standards Association
- "a not-for-profit, non-statutory, voluntary membership association engaged in standards development and certification activities... 2000 standards covering the life sciences, environment, electrical and electronic products, communications systems, building construction, energy, transportation/distribution, materials technology, and quality business management. "
Energy Efficiency directory by DMOZ
- Web resources by Search engine category on energy efficiency by DMOZ.
Energy Efficient Building Case Studies:
- Many case studies on energy efficient in houses. Good images
ESRU's Web
- " home of high quality courseware and software for students and practitioners interested in design tools for building energy efficiency and new and renewable energy deployment appraisal."
Housing Zone
- consumer site for house related information
IBP- The Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics
- "research, development, testing, demonstration and consulting in all fields of building physics. These include energy saving measures, problems of indoor climate, emissions of building materials, moisture and weathering protection and preservation of buildings and historical monuments. "
IRC Publications
- "IRCPUBS includes references to all the publications of IRC and its predecessor, the NRC Division of Building Research, since our founding in 1947."
IRC: Institute for Research in Construction
- "Canada's research, building code development, and materials evaluation services, .. issues that have a large economic impact, assisting industry to innovate and develop technologies that are safe, durable and cost-effective. "
JCHS-Joint Center for Housing Studies
- "Harvard University's center for information and research on housing in the United States. analyzes the dynamic relationships between housing markets and economic, demographic, and social trends, providing leaders in government, business, and the non-profit sector with the knowledge needed to develop effective policies and strategies.
Journal of Light Construction, JLC Online
- "unbiased coverage of products, materials, and building techniques as well as hands-on management advice". Good articles about all aspects of housing/buildings
Laboratory of Building Physics, Leuven, Belgium
- "...research and educational activities in the field of heat and mass transfer in building materials, building parts and buildings, the energy use in buildings, building installations and building acoustics. Also research in urban physics is part of our activities.
- "national trade organization representing all segments of the factory-built housing industry. MHI serves its membership by providing industry research, promotion, education and government relations programs, and by building and facilitating consensus within the industry."
NIBS - National Institute of Building Sciences
- 'site is the building community's connection to the authoritative national source of knowledge and advice on matters of building regulation, science and technology"
NREL High Performance Buildings Research
- "improving commercial buildings by ..."
Office of Building Technology:
- Building technology site for Homeowners, Commercial Building Owners and Operators, Builders and Designers Researchers
ORNL -- Building Envelopes Program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- "building envelope research, which focuses on the structural elements that enclose a building (walls, roofs and foundations), and materials research, which concentrates on the materials within the envelope systems (such as insulation)."
Publications as IBP
- Publications at IBP
Publications at HPO (Homeowner Protection Office)
- Extensive publications to many home related issues and research (HPO publications and
Annotated Bibliography of the Building Envelope
- the online library of the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Sustainable Architecture, Building and Culture
- Some good info on sustainability
Technical Preservation Guidance
- This site has a nice description of building components, including exterior envelopes and interior walls, with specific references to historical buildings.
The Healthy House Institute Archives
- couple of dozens of "selected healthy-house articles" since 1988 on house and health
The outer shell
- info about "Shelter is the task of a house's exterior shell: the roofing, siding, windows, doors and related components that provide a barrier between indoors and outdoors." at How Your House Works
- "to improve building investment performance by applying ASTM E1557-97 "Standard Classification of Building Elements and Related Sitework - UNIFORMAT II." This classification enables a seamless link of all phases of a building life cycle - from facilities development through facilities management."
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- A building revolution: how ecology and health concerns are transforming construction, by Roodman, D.M. and N. Lenssen, 1995
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- Architectural engineering approach to building fa?ade design, construction, and evaluation (Editorial), by Parfitt, M. K., 2007
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- Building form and environmental performance: archetypes, analysis and an arid climate, by Ratti, C., Raydan, D. and Steemers, K., 2002
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- Building Physics: 3rd International Conference in Building Physics, by Fazio, P., Ge, H., Rao, J. and Desmarais, G. (Eds.), 2006
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- Building science for a cold climate, by Hutcheon, N. B. and Handegord, G. O., 1995
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- Decoding building codes, by Fisette, P., 2000
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- Evaluating Minnesota homes final report, by Sheltersource, Inc., 2002
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- Flammability tests for regulation of building and construction materials, by Sumathipala, K., 2006
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- Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods, 4ed., by Allen, E. and Iano, O., 2003
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- Healthy buildings, healthy people: a vision for the 21st century, by U.S Environmental Protection Agency, 2001
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- How Buildings Work, Third Edition, by Allen, E., 2005
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- Introduction to Building Systems Performance: Houses That Work II, by Building Science Consortium, 2003
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- l'Association provinciale des constructeurs d'habitations du Qu¨¦bec (APCHQ), by l'Association provinciale des constructeurs d'habitations du Qu¨¦bec (APCHQ), 0
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- Moisture-Resistant Homes - A Best Practice Guide and Plan Review Tool for Builders and Designers With a Supplemental Guide for Homeowners, by Newport Partners LLC, 2006
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- The building volume with hygroscopic materials--an analytical study of a classical building physics problem, by Cunningham, M. J., 2003
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- Toward a virtual building laboratory, by Klems, J. H., Finlayson, E. U., Olsen, T. H., Banks, D. W. and Pallis, J. M., 1999
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- Towards implementing integrated building product libraries, by Owolabi, A. A., Anumba, C. J. and El-hamalawi, A., 2003