His research interests include software maintenance, software evolution, empirical software engineering, refactoring recommendation systems, refactoring mining, and software quality assurance.
He has developed tools, such as the Design Pattern Detection tool, JDeodorant and RefactoringMiner,
which are used by many practitioners, researchers, and educators.
He has received three Most Influential Paper awards at SANER 2018, SANER 2019 and CASCON 2023, and two ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper awards at FSE 2016 and ICSE 2017.
He served as a program co-chair for various tracks in ICMSE, SANER, SCAM and ICPC conferences, and serves regularly as a program committee member of international conferences in the field of software engineering, such as ASE, ICSME, MSR, SANER, ICPC, and SCAM.
He currently serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering editorial board.
Finally, he is a senior member of the IEEE and the ACM, and holds a license from the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario.
Star RefactoringMiner
Star JDeodorant
Star DPD4Eclipse
Star CodeTracker
Star API Finder
Star Diff Benchmark