- Added references: 39
- Added concepts: 2
- Added essays: 1
- Choi, E. C. C., (1999), Wind-driven rain on building faces and the driving-rain index.
- Dincer, I., M.M. Hussain, A.Z. Sahin, B.S. Yilbas, (2002), Development of a new moisture transfer (Bi--Re) correlation for food drying applications.
- Choi, E. C. C., (2000), Variation of wind-driven rain intensity with building orientation.
- Cornick, S.M, (2001), Climate loads and their effect on building envelopes - an overview.
- Augenbroe, G., (2002), Trends in building simulation.
- Sherwood, G.E. and R. C. Moody, (1989), Light-frame wall and floor systems - analysis and performance.
- Boyd, J. M. and Scheffler, M. J. (ed.), (1999), Water problems in building exterior walls: evaluation, prevention, and repair.
- Eriksson B. and Westberg, K., (1999), Model to transform measured climatic data from a local level to a micro level: temperatures model to transform climatic data.
- Trechsel, H.R, (2001), Moisture analysis and condensation control in building envelopes.
- Anon, (1999), Bugs, Mold & Rot III Conference.
- CHIC, (1999), Envelope Moisture Performance Through Infiltration, Exfiltration And Diffusion - EMPTIED.
- ASHRAE, (2002), Standard 62.2P, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings.
- Kang, H. and R. E. Booker, (2002), Variation of stress wave velocity with MC and temperature.
- ASHRAE, (2003), Standard 62.2, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings.
- Straube, J.F. and Burnett, E.F.P, (2001), Overview of hygrothermal (HAM) analysis methods.
- Tenwolde, A. and Colliver, D.G., (2001), Weather Data.
- LeVan, S. L., (1998), Benefits from wood engineering research.
- Persson, K., (2000), Micromechanical modelling of wood and fibre properties.
- Shibaike, H. and Karagiozis, A., (1998), Boundary element analysis of uncoupled quasi-static hygrothermoelasticity for two-dimensional composite walls.
- Hens, H., (1998), Performance-based development of a thermally insulated pitched roof system.
- Salonvaara, M. H., (1998), Prediction of hygrothermal performance of building envelope parts coupled with indoor climate.
- Layzell, J. and Ledbetter, S., (1999), FMEA applied to cladding systems - reducing the risk of failure.
- Straube, J.F. and Burnett, E.F.P, (2000), Simplified prediction of driving rain deposition.
- Straube, J., (2002), Moisture in buildings.
- Fridley, K. J. Ed, (2002), Wood and wood-based materials: current status and future.
- Johannesson, B., (2000), Transport and sorption phenomena in concrete and other porous media.
- Arfvidsson, J., (1998), Moisture transport in porous media. modelling based on Kirchhoff potentials.
- H?kansson, (1998), Retarded sorption in wood. experimental study, analyses and modelling.
- Janz, M., (2000), Moisture transport and fixation in porous materials at high moisture levels.
- JCHS, (2002), State of the Nation's Housing: 2002.
- Derome, D., Teasdale-St-Hilaire, A. and Fazio, P., (2001), Methods for the assessment of moisture content of envelope assemblies.
- DOE, (2001), Vision 2020: a lighting technology roadmap.
- DOE, (2001), Window industry technology roadmap.
- DOE, (2001), High-performance commercial buildings - a technology roadmap.
- JCHS, (2000), State of the Nation's Housing: 2000.
- DOE, (2001), Building envelope technology roadmap: a 20-year industry plan for building envelopes.
- JCHS, (2001), State of the Nation's Housing: 2001.
- Andr¨¦, P., (2000), Overview of simulation research in Belgium and Luxembourg.
- Derome, D., (2001), The impact of sorption history and hysteresis on moisture pattern in a wood-framed building envelope.
- Conference: AIHCE: 1-4-02
- Journal: Building Science Insight: 1-4-02
- HAM: GLASTA: 1-4-02
- HAM: TRATMO: 1-4-02
- HAM: EMPTIED: 1-4-02
- BETEC - Building Environment and Thermal Envelope Council: 1-4-02
- Mold Reporter: 1-4-02
- Nordtest Method: 1-4-02
- Embodied Energy: 1-4-02
- Members of the residential building envelope industry: 1-4-02
- Conference: National Heat Transfer Conference: 1-4-02
- Building Engineering Group (BEG): 1-4-02
- Journal: Applied and Environmental Microbiology: 1-4-02
- Journal: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: 1-4-02
- Journal: ASHRAE Journal: 1-4-02
- Journal: ASHRAE Transaction: Research: 1-4-02
- Journal: ASHRAE Transactions: 1-4-02
- Conference: ASTM STP 1269: 1-4-02
- Journal: Building and Environment: 1-4-02
- Journal: Building Material and Wood Technology: 1-4-02
- Journals for Building Envelope: 1-4-02
- Conference: ICBEST: 1-4-02
- driven rain simulation, steady-state simulation technique: 1-4-02
- Response to recommendations by Barrett report: 1-4-02
- Ants: 1-4-02
- Vapor Diffusion Retarders (Barriers) and Air Barriers: 1-4-02
- The Problem with EIFS (Synthetic Stucco): 1-4-02
- North Carolina EIFS problem: 1-4-02
- Moisture content measurement meters: 1-4-02
- MEWS-NRC/IRC, Consortium for Moisture Management for Exterior Walls: 1-4-02
- Seattle EIFS problems: 1-4-02
- Centre for Building Studies, Concordia University: 1-4-02
- HAM: WALLDRY: 1-4-02
- driven rain on building fa?ade: six basic influencing parameters for catch ratio: 1-4-02
- Conference: Building Serv Eng Res Technol: 1-4-02
- Start of the BC leaky condo problem: 1-4-02
- Active envelopes: 1-4-02
- HAM assumption for multiphase flow moisture transport: 1-4-02
- HAM: hygIRC: 1-4-02
- Airflow window: 1-4-02
- European Project BE96-3290: 1-4-02
- HAM: DELPHIN 4, DIM 3.1: 1-4-02
- IBPSA: International Building Performance Simulation Association: 1-4-02
- IEA Annex 30: Bringing Simulation to Application: 1-4-02
- Swedish Building Research Journal: 1-4-02
- Conference: PLEA '99 "Sustaining the Future - Energy, Ecology, Architecture": 1-4-02
- Journal: Building Research & Information: 1-4-02
- Journal: International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health: 1-4-02
- Conference: International Symposium On Moisture Problems In Building Walls: 1-4-02
- Journal: Journal of Architectural Engineering: 1-4-02
- Journal: Aerospace Engineering: 1-4-02
- Journal: Structural Engineering: 1-4-02
- Journal: Journal Testing and Evaluation: 1-4-02
- Journal: Wind Engineering: 1-4-02
- Conference: Indoor Climate of Buildings: 1-4-02
- Conference: International Biodetertoration & Biodegradation: 1-4-02
- Conference: Healthy Buildings: 1-4-02
- Journal: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer: 1-4-02
- Conference: Building Physics Symposium in the Nordic Countries: 1-4-02
- Conference: Proceedings of the Low Slope Reroofing Workshop: 1-4-02
- Conference: Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada: 1-4-02
- Conference: Building Science and Technology: 1-4-02
- Conference: Renewable Energy: Energy Efficiency, Policy and the Environment: 1-4-02
- Conference: Roomvent 2000: 1-4-02
- Conference: Performance of Exterior Euvelopes of Buildings: 1-4-02
- Journal: Wood Science and Technology: 1-4-02
- Reference: MVOC: 1-4-02
- Conference: Building Simulation, eSim: 1-4-02
- Journal: Energy and Buildings: 1-4-02
- Conference: Canada-Japan Housing R&D Experts Working Group Meeting: 1-4-02
- Journal: Canadian Building Digests: 1-4-02
- Journal: Canadian Consulting Engineer: 1-4-02
- Journal: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering: 1-4-02
- Journal: Canadian Journal of Public Health: 1-4-02
- Journal: Chemosphere: 1-4-02
- Conference: CIB World Building Congress: 1-4-02
- Conference: Clima 2000: 1-4-02
- Journal: Clinical and Experimental Allergy: 1-4-02
- Conference: Building Physics: 1-4-02
- Conference: Durability of Building Material and Comonents: 1-4-02
- Retention curve: 1-4-02
- Journal: Forest Products Journal: 1-4-02
- Journal: Health & Environment Digest: 1-4-02
- Conference: Healthy Indoor Environments: 1-4-02
- Journal: Home Energy: 1-4-02
- Journal: HPAC Engineering: 1-4-02
- Conference: IAQ and Energy: 1-4-02
- Journal: IAQ Strategies: 1-4-02
- Conference: AIVC Conference.: 1-4-02
- Conference: Innovations in Ventilation Technology: 1-4-02
- Conference: Durability and Disaster Mitigation in Wood Frame Housing: 1-4-02
Web Links
- Simulation program: BLAST
Building Systems Lab, University of Illinois Info on EnergyPlus and BLAST
- Conferences - a list: 24-4-02
- Resources: list of references, databases: 15-4-02
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