
Post-Doctral Fellow:

Dr. Mina Amiri

Post-Doctoral Fellow (2018-2020)
Present Position: Research Scientist at Zetane Systems

Dr. Yiming Xiao

Post-Doctoral Fellow (2016-2017)
Present Position: Tenure Track Assistant Professor at Concordia University (Computer Science Dept.)

Dr. Maryse Fortin

Post-Doctoral Fellow (2015-2017)
Present Position: Tenure-track Assistant Professor at Concordia University, Montreal

Dr. Mona Omidyeganeh

Post-Doctoral Fellow (co-supervised by M. O. Ahmad) (2015-2016)
Present Position: Research Officer at NSERC, Research Associate at McGill


Mostafa Sharifzadeh

Mostafa Sharifzadeh

PhD Student (co-supervised by Dr. Habib Benali) (2018-2024)

Bahareh Behboodi

PhD Student (2018-2024)

Mumu Aktar

PhD Student (co-supervised by Dr. M. Kersten) (2018-2023)

Ali Kafaee

PhD Student (2018-2023)
Present Position: Postdoctoral fellow at IMPACT

Nima Masoumi

PhD Student (Co-supervised by Dr. M. O. Ahmad) (2018-2023)
Present Position: Research Engineer at Vista Robotics

Md Ashikuzzaman

PhD Student (2019-2023)
Present Position: Postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins

Noushin Jafarpisheh

PhD Student (2018-2023)

Sobhan Goudarzi

PhD Student (2018-2022)
Present Position: Post-doctoral Fellow at Sunnybrook Research Institute

Morteza Mirzaei

PhD Student (co-supervised by Dr. Amir Asif) (2017-2021)
Present Position: Research Engineer at THINK Surgical


Zirui Qiu

MASc Student (co-supervised by Dr. Xiao) (2022-2024)

Parinaz Roshan

MASc Student (co-supervised by Dr. Xiao) (2022-2023)

P. Roshanzamir*, H. Rivaz , J. Ahn, H. Mirza, N. Naghdi, M. Anstruther, M. Battie, M. Fortin, Y. Xiao,
Joint paraspinal muscle segmentation and inter-rater labeling variability prediction with multi-task TransUNet, MICCAI UNSURE Workshop, Singapore, 2022, Springer.

Clyde Belasso

MASc Student (co-supervised by Dr. Habib Benali) (2020-2022)
Present Position: Applied Research Scientist at Explorance

4. N. Masoumi*, C. Belasso, M. Ahmad, H. Benali, Y. Xiao, H. Rivaz,
Multi-modal 3D ultrasound and CT in image-guided spinal surgery: public database and new registration algorithms, Springer IJCARS, in press

3. B. Behboodi, M. Fortin, C. J.Belasso, R. Brooks, H. Rivaz,
Receptive Field Size as a Key Design Parameter for Ultrasound Image Segmentation with U-Net, IEEE EMBC, 2020, in press.

2. M Ashikuzzaman, C Belasso, G Kibria, A Bergdahl, C Gauthier, H. Rivaz,
Low Rank and Sparse Decomposition of Ultrasound Color Flow Images for Suppressing Clutter in Real-Time, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI), in press
IEEE Xplore, pdf, supplementary materials, code.

1. M. Ashikuzzaman, C Belasso, C Gauthier, H. Rivaz,
Suppressing Clutter Components in Ultrasound Color Flow Imaging Using Robust Matrix Completion Algorithms: Simulation and Phantom Study, IEEE ISBI 2019, pp. 745-749

Hamze Rasaee

MASc Student (co-supervised by Dr. Fuzhan Nasiri) (2020-2022)
Present Position: Director of Product Development at Enerzam

2. H. Rasaee*, H. Rivaz,
Explainable AI and Susceptibility to Adversarial attacks: a Case Study in the Classification of Breast Ultrasound Images, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2021, IEEE Xplore, arXiv.

1. B. Behboodi*, H. Rasaee*, A. Tehrani*, H. Rivaz,
Deep classification of breast cancer in ultrasound images: more classes, better results with multi-task learning, SPIE Medical Imaging, 2021, in press (Finalist for a Robert F. Wagner All Conference Best Student Paper Award), pdf.

Amir Pirhadi

MASc Student (co-supervised by Dr. M. O. Ahmad) (2018-2021)
Present Position: Software Developer at ViTAA

2. A. Pirhadi, S. Salari, M. Ahmad, H. Rivaz, Y. Xiao,
Robust landmark-based brain shift correction with a Siamese neural network in ultrasound-guided brain tumor resection. Springer IJCARS, 2022, Springer.

1. A. Pirhadi, H. Rivaz, O. Ahmad, Y. Xiao,
Robust Ultrasound-to-Ultrasound Registration for Intra-operative Brain Shift Correction with a Siamese Neural Network. MICCAI ASMUS Workshop, 2021, Springer.

Sepehr Radmannia

MASc Student (co-supervised by Dr. Habib Benali) (2018-2021)
Present position: Software Developer Consultant at Morgan Stanley

Zhang Naiyuan

(MASc at IMPACT, 2018-2020)
Present position: PhD student at University of Toronto
N. Zhang, M. Ashikuzzaman, H. Rivaz,
Clutter Suppression in Ultrasound: Performance Evaluation and Review of Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition Methods, Springer Biomedical Engineering Online, in press, pdf.

Abdelrahman Zayed

(MASc at IMPACT, 2018-2020)
Present position: PhD student at MILA

4. A. Zayed, H. Rivaz,
Displacement Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography using Pyramidal Convolutional Neural Network, IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC), in press
pdf, Supplementary Material, Code.

3. A. Zayed, G. Cloutier, H. Rivaz,
Automatic Frame Selection using CNN in Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE EMBC, 2020, in press.

2. A. Zayed, H. Rivaz,
Automatic Frame Selection Using MLP Neural Network in Ultrasound Elastography, ICIAR, Springer, Cham, 2019, pp 462-472
Springer, pdf.

1. A. Zayed, H. Rivaz,
Fast Approximate Time-Delay Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography Using Principal Component Analysis, IEEE EMBC 2019, pp. 6204-6207
IEEE Xplore.

Pouria Chalangari

MASc Student (co-supervised by Dr. Thomas Fevens) (2018-2020)
Present position: Software Developer at BrainBox AI

1. P. Chalangari, T. Fevens, H. Rivaz,
3D Human Knee Flexion Angle Estimation using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, IEEE EMBC, 2020, in press.

Golam Kibria

MASc Student (co-supervised by Dr. A. Bergdahl) (2017-2020)
Present position: Software Engineer at General Motors
2. M Ashikuzzaman, C Belasso, G Kibria, A Bergdahl, C Gauthier, H. Rivaz,
Low Rank and Sparse Decomposition of Ultrasound Color Flow Images for Suppressing Clutter in Real-Time, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI), in press,

pdf, Supplementary Material, Code .

1. G. Kibria, H. Rivaz,
Global Ultrasound Elastography Using Convolutional Neural Network, MICCAI POCUS 2018, pp 21-28
In press, pdf, short version on arXiv.

Md Ashikuzzaman

(MASc at Impact, co-supervised with Dr. C. Gauthier, 2017-2019)
Present position: PhD student at Concordia

3. M. Ashikuzzaman, C. Belasso, G. Kibria, A. Bergdahl, C. Gauthier, H. Rivaz,
Low Rank and Sparse Decomposition of Ultrasound Color Flow Images for Suppressing Clutter in Real-Time, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI), in press,

pdf, Supplementary Material, Code .

2. M. Ashikuzzaman, C Belasso, C Gauthier, H. Rivaz,
Suppressing Clutter Components in Ultrasound Color Flow Imaging Using Robust Matrix Completion Algorithms: Simulation and Phantom Study, IEEE ISBI 2019, pp. 745-749

1. M. Ashikuzzaman, C.J. Gauthier, H. Rivaz,
Global Ultrasound Elastography in Spatial and Temporal Domains, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Frequency Control (TUFFC), 2019, Vol 66, pp 876-887
pdf, supplementary material.

Zara Vajihi

MASc at IMPACT (2017-2018)
Present position: Research Associate at Jewish General Hospital
2. Z. Vajihi, I. Rosado-Mendez, T.J. Hall, H. Rivaz, L1 and L2 Norm Regularization of Acoustic Attenuation And Backscatter Coefficients Using Dynamic Programming, IEEE ISBI 2019, in press

1. Z. Vajihi, I. Rosado-Mendez, T.J. Hall, H. Rivaz,
Low Variance Estimation of Backscatter Quantitative Ultrasound Parameters Using Dynamic Programming, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Frequency Control (TUFFC), vol 65, Nov 2018, pp 2042-2053
IEEE Xplore, pdf.

Parviz Khavari

(MASc at IMPACT, co-supervised with A. Asif, 2016-2018)
Present position: Electrical Engineer Intern at GE, Montreal
2- P Khavari, A Asif, M Boily, H Rivaz, Non-Local Coherent Denoising Of RF Data For Ultrasound Elastography. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, (Impact factor 0.97, invited manuscript), 2018

1- P. Khavari, A. Asif, H. Rivaz,
Non-local Super Resolution in Ultrasound Imaging, IEEE MMSP 2018
In press, pdf.

Nima Masoumi

(MASc at IMPACT, 2016-2018)
Present position: PhD student at Concordia

Nima received the MASc Convocation Award in recognition of the best MASc thesis in the ECE Department in 2019. ECE is home to ~150 thesis-based MASc students.

2. N. Masoumi, Y. Xiao*, H. Rivaz,
ARENA: Inter-modality affine registration using evolutionary strategy, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (Springer IJCARS), Vol 14, pp 441-450
Springer, pdf.

1. N. Masoumi, Y. Xiao, H. Rivaz,
MARCEL (inter-Modality Affine Registration with CorELation ratio): An Application for Brain Shift Correction in Ultrasound-Guided Brain Tumor Resection, BrainLes MICCAI workshop, Springer LNCS, 2018, pp 55-63
BrainLes MICCAI, pdf.

Hoda Sadat Hashemi

(MASc at IMPACT, 2015-2017)
Present position: PhD student at UBC, Vancouver

Hoda received the MASc Convocation Award in recognition of the best MASc thesis in the ECE Department in 2018. ECE is home to ~150 thesis-based MASc students.

5- HS Hashemi, S Fallone, M Boily, A Towers, RD Kilgour, H. Rivaz,
Assessment of Mechanical Properties of Tissue in Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema Using Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Frequency Control (TUFFC), 2019, vol 66, pp 541-550, IEEE Xplore, pdf, supplementary material.

4- Y. Xiao, M. Boily, H. S. Hashemi, H. Rivaz,
High-Dynamic-Range Ultrasound: Application for Imaging Tendon Pathology, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (UMB), 2018, in press
sciencedirect, pdf.

3-H. S. Hashemi, S. Fallone, M. Boily, A. Towers, R. Kilgour, H. Rivaz,
Ultrasound Elastography of Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema, IEEE ISBI 2018 In press,pdf.

2-H. Hashemi, H. Rivaz, Global Time-Delay Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Frequency Control
Accepted, pdf, code

1- H. Hashemi, M. Boily, P. Martineau, H. Rivaz, Ultrasound Elastography: Efficient Estimation of Tissue Displacement Using an Affine Transformation Model, SPIE Medical Imaging, Orlando, FL, 2017
Proc. SPIE 10139, pdf.

Mahmoud Derakhshan

(MASc at IMPACT, co-supervided with A Asif, 2015-2017)
Present position: Image processing data analyst at

2. M. D. Horeh, A. Asif, H. Rivaz, Regularized Tracking of Shear-Wave in Ultrasound Elastography, The 42nd IEEE Int. Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, LA, 2017, pp 6264-6268
IEEE Xplore, pdf.

1. M.D. Horeh, A. Asif, H. Rivaz, Analytical Minimization-Based Regularized Sub-Pixel Shear Wave Tracking for Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Frequency Control (TUFFC), 2019, pdf, supplementary material.

Mohamad Ghasemi

(MASc at IMPACT, co-supervised with M O Ahmad, 2015-2017)
Present position: Data Scientist at Uzinakod, Montreal
2-M. Ghasemi Amidabadi, M. Omair Ahmad, H. Rivaz, Supervised Classification of the Accuracy of the Time Delay Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Frequency Control (TUFFC), 2018, vol 65, pp 21-29

1-M.G. Amidabadi, M.O. Ahmad, H. Rivaz, Automatic Accuracy Assessment of Ultrasound Elastography Using Correlation Profile and Prior Information of Displacement Continuity, IEEE GlobalSIP 2017 (accepted),
IEEE GlobalSIP, pdf.

Roozbeh Shams

(MASc at IMPACT, 2015-2017)
Present position: Research Associate at Polytechnique, Montreal
2- R. Shams, Y. Xiao, F. Hebert, M. Abramowitz, R. Brooks, H. Rivaz, Assessment of Rigid Registration Quality Measures in Ultrasound-Guided Radiotherapy, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 2018, vol 37, pp 428-437

1- Shams, R., Boily, M., Martineau, PA., Rivaz, H., Dynamic Programming on a Tree for Ultrasound Elastography, to be presented at SPIE Medical Imaging 2016. (Selected as a finalist for a Robert F. Wagner All Conference Best Student Paper Award)
SPIE Digital Lib, pdf

Hossein Khodadadi

(MASc at IMPACT, co-supervised with A Aghdam, 2014-2017)
Present position: PhD student at ETH Zurich
2- H. Khodadadi, A. Aghdam, H. Rivaz,
Direct Strain Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography Using A Novel Dynamic Programming Approach, IEEE ISBI 2018 In press, pdf.

1- H. Khodadadi, A. Aghdam, H. Rivaz, Edge-Preserving Ultrasonic Strain Imaging with Uniform Precision, IEEE EMBC, 2015, pp 3835 – 3838
IEEE Xplore, pdf.

Hang Zhou

(MASc at IMPACT, 2014-2016)
Present position: Junior Researcher at Shimadzu Corp, Montreal
2- H. Zhou, H. Rivaz, Registration of Pre- and Post-resection Ultrasound Volumes with Non-corresponding Regions in Neurosurgery, IEEE Journal Biomedical Health Informatics JBHI, 2016, vol 20, pp 1240-1249 IEEE Xplore, pdf,   supplementary material.

1- H. Zhou, H. Rivaz, Robust Deformable Registration of Pre- and Post-resection Ultrasound Volumes for Visualization of Residual Tumor in Neurosurgery, IEEE EMBC, 2015, pp 141 – 144, (selected for submission of full paper to IEEE JBHI, only 10 selections out of 2948 submissions to EMBC) IEEE Xplore, pdf.