MECH 221 - Materials Science

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This page is about MECH 221 - a course taught by Dr. Medraj
MECH 221's Announcements

If you are taking this class with me, please complete Assignment #0 and return it to me on Friday September 7th. </div> </div>

Additional Information


The objective of this course is to provide students with a basic understanding into the structure, behaviour and properties of the typical, common engineering materials - metals, ceramics, polymers and composites and the methods of observing, measuring and interpreting these properties. It covers the following topics: Relationships between properties and internal structure, atomic bonding; molecular, crystalline and amorphous structures, crystalline imperfections and mechanisms of structural change. Microstructures and their development from phase diagrams. Structures and mechanical properties of polymers and ceramics. Thermal, optical, and magnetic properties of materials. Lectures: three hours per week. For more details please see the course outline.


Class Info

  • Time: Wednesday and Friday from 10:15 to 11:30 am
  • Room: SGW H-531
  • Instructor: Dr. Mamoun Medraj
  • Office hours: Wednesday from 2:30 to 4pm
  • TA's: Mohamed Elhadi Ibrahim; and Jeremi Andrews (email:
  • Tutorials: Friday from 3:15 to 4:05pm in H-623 (TA), Monday from 5:15 to 6:05pm in H-544 (TB) and Monday from 4:15 to 5:05 in H-562 (TC)

Lecture Notes

The lecture notes are not complete. You need to come to class to fill in the gaps and to gather the appropriate information.

Assignments & Tutorial Problems

The fifth In-Tutorial Exercise will take place on Fri. Nov. 24th(for TA section) and Mon. Nov. 27th (for TC section)

Sample practice questions will be posted here. Solutions will be discussed during the tutorials. They will NOT be marked.

These questions will be used as the basis for the In-Tutorial Problems which will take place every 2nd tutorial. They are worth 15% total.

Class Pictures

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