Hassan Rivaz is a Full Professor and a Concordia University Research Chair at the ECE Department. He is also the Founding Director of the IMPACT Lab: IMage Processing And Characterization of Tissue.

Dr. Rivaz is an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI, since 2017) and IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (TUFFC, since 2018). He was an AE of IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB) from 2021 to 2024.

He was a member of the Organizing Committee of IEEE EMBC 2020 in Montreal, IEEE ISBI 2021 in Nice, and IEEE IUS 2023 in Montreal.

He has served as an Area Chair (AC) of MICCAI for 7 years from 2017 to 2024, and was an AC of IPCAI 2022. He co-organized tutorials on advances in ultrasound imaging at IEEE ISBI 2019 and IEEE ISBI 2018. He also co-organized the CURIOUS 2018, CURIOUS 2019 and CuRIOUS-SEG 2022 Challenges on registration of ultrasound and MRI in neurosurgery, and the CereVis 2018 Workshop on Cerebral Data Visualization, all in conjunction with MICCAI.

He was a QBIN/RBIQ Rising Star in Bio-Imaging in 2022, and a Petro-Canada Young Innovator from 2016 to 2018. He was an NSERC and Jeanne Timmins Costello post-doctoral fellow at MNI under D. Louis Collins. He received his PhD from the NSF ERC for Computer Integrated Surgery at JHU under Gregory Hager, Emad Boctor and Gabor Fichtinger. He received his MASc from UBC under Robert Rohling. He earned his BSc from SUT.

H Rivaz, PhD, PEng Ont, SM IEEE
Concordia Univ. Research Chair in Medical Imaging w/ Deep Learning
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Software Eng. (affiliated)
Director, IMPACT lab
1515 Sainte-Catherine West, Montreal, QC, H3G 2W1
Phone: 514-848-2424 ext. 8741
hrivaz (AT sign) ece.concordia.ca


Note to potential PhD students

I am always looking for talented PhD students. Please email hrivaz_AT_gmail.com if interested.

Awards Won by Students Under Thesis Supervision and Post-Doctoral Fellows

Ali Nasiri won B1X FRQNT (2024-2025) and PBEEE FRQNT (2024-2025) scholarships.

(Goudarzi*, Rivaz, SPIE 2023) selected as a finalist for the Robert F. Wagner All Conference Best Student Paper Award.

(Salari*, et al. SPIE 2023) won The Best Student Paper Award in Image Processing.

Md Ashikuzzaman jointly won the localization track of the IEEE IUS 2022 ULTRA-SR challenge for paper (Ashikuzzaman et al. 2022) .

Clyde Belasso (co-supervised by Habib Benali) won the NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship in the 2021 competition.

Md Ashikuzzaman won B2X FRQNT (2021-2024) and PBEEE FRQNT (2021-2022) scholarships (ranked first in both competitions!).

(Tehrani*, Rivaz, SPIE 2021) selected as a finalist for the Robert F. Wagner All Conference Best Student Paper Award. Paper presented by PhD student Ali Tehrani.

(Behboodi*, Rasaee*, Tehrani*, Rivaz, SPIE 2021) selected as a finalist for the Robert F. Wagner All Conference Best Student Paper Award. Paper presented by PhD student Bahareh Behboodi.

Sobhan Goudarzi ranked First (tied) in Challenge on Ultrasound Beamforming with Deep Learning (CUBDL).

Nima Masoumi received the MASc Convocation Award in recognition of the best MASc thesis in the ECE Department in 2019. ECE is home to ~150 thesis-based MASc students.

Hoda Hashemi received the MASc Convocation Award in recognition of the best MASc thesis in the ECE Department in 2018. ECE is home to ~150 thesis-based MASc students.

(Hashemi & Rivaz IEEE TUFFC 2017) among Editor's Selection of Articles in TUFFC (Dec 2018).

Dr. Yiming Xiao received the BrainsCAN postdoctoral scholarship. $110,000 over 2 years. 2018.

(Shams*, Boily, Martineau, Rivaz, SPIE 2016, San Diego, CA) selected as a finalist for the Robert F. Wagner All Conference Best Student Paper Award. Only 16 finalists among more than 1000 presentations. Paper presented by R Shams, MASc student.

(Zhou* & Rivaz, IEEE EMBC, Milan, Italy) invited for submission of full journal version. Only 10 invitations among 2948 submissions to IEEE EMBC. Paper presented by MASc student H Zhou. The IEEE JBHI paper (Zhou* & Rivaz 2016) is now published.

H. Khodadadi*, Best poster award, 3rd Annual PERFORM Conference. Sponsored by Biospective. $500. 2016

R. Shams*, Second place award in Graduate Student Research paper competition, MASc category. $300. 2016

R. Shams*, First place award in Graduate Student Research paper competition, MASc category. $300. 2015

Selected Awards

QBIN/RBIQ Rising Star in Bio-Imaging in Quebec, 2022. QBIN is a unique FRQ-funded consortium of Bio-Imaging in Quebec.

Concordia University Research Chair in Medical Image Analysis (New Scholar), 2018

Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award, 2016

NSERC Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2012-2013 ($80,000 CAD)

Jeanne Timmins Costello Post-Doctoral Award, 2011, 2014 ($80,000 CAD)

DoD Pre-Doctoral Traineeship Award, 2008-2011 ($97,000 USD)

Advanced Simulation Fellowship from the Link Foundation, 2008 ($25,000 USD)

STACOM best paper award, 2012 ($400)

MICCAI travel award, 2009 ($700)

SPIE Medical Imaging second best paper award, 2009

UBC Graduate Entrance award and partial tuition Remission award, 2003

University of Toronto Connaught Scholarship (declined), 2003

Ranked 2 among >15,000, Iranian national university entrance exam for graduate studies, 2003

Ranked 5 among > 200,000, Iranian national university entrance exam for undergraduate studies, 1999

Silver medal, 12th National Physics Olympiad, 1998

Latest Teaching

ENGR 371 Probability & Statistics (Winter 2024)

ELEC 444 Medical Image Processing (Fall 2024)

Selected Publications (Asterisk * indicates students under supervision)

See all publications on Google Scholar
[Disclaimer: Posting of copies of papers is intended for educational purposes only and adherence to copyright laws is assumed.]


Journal Papers:

171. A. Tehrani*, M. Ashikuzzaman*, H. Rivaz,
Lateral Strain Imaging using Self-supervised and Physically Inspired Constraints in Unsupervised Regularized Elastography. IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI)
arXiv, IEEE Xplore, code

170. S. Goudarzi*, J. Whyte, M. Boily, A. Towers, R. Kilgour, H. Rivaz,
Segmentation of Arm Ultrasound Images in Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema: A Database and Deep Learning Algorithm. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. (TBME), IEEE Xplore

169. S. Goudarzi*, A. Basarab, H. Rivaz,
A Unifying Approach to Inverse Problems of Ultrasound Beamforming and Deconvolution. IEEE Trans. Comp. Imaging (TCI),
arXiv, IEEE Xplore

168. N. Jafarpisheh*, L. Castaneda-Martinez, H Whitson, I. Rosado-Mendez (joint senior author), H. Rivaz
Physics-Inspired Regularized Pulse-Echo Quantitative Ultrasound: Efficient Optimization with ADMM, IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC), IEEE Xplore  
167. N. Masoumi*, H. Rivaz, I Hacihaliloglu, M Ahmad, I Reinertsen, Y Xiao, A The big bang of deep learning in ultrasound-guided surgery: a review. IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC),
PDF, IEEE Xplore

166. M. Ashikuzzaman*, A. Tehrani*, H. Rivaz,
Exploiting Mechanics-Based Priors for Lateral Displacement Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI), 2023,
arXiv, IEEE Xplore, code

165. Belasso, C. J., Cai, Z., Bezgin, G., Pascoal, T., Stevenson, J., Rahmouni, N., C Tissot, F Lussier, P Rosa-Neto, JP Soucy, Rivaz, H. Benali, H. (2023). Bayesian workflow for the investigation of hierarchical classification models from tau-PET and structural MRI data across the Alzheimer disease spectrum. Frontiers in Aging, pdf

164. J Corban, N Karatzas, KY Zhao, A Babouras, S Bergeron, T Fevens, H Rivaz, PA Martineau, Using an Affordable Motion Capture System to Evaluate the Prognostic Value of Drop Vertical Jump Parameters for Noncontact ACL Injury, The American Journal of Sports Medicine, pdf on Sage Pubs

163. A. J Crook, S Masi, N Naghdi, A Roussac, M Rye, B Rosenstein, H Rivaz, M Boily, M Weber, M Fortin, Comparison of multifidus muscle intramuscular fat by ultrasound echo intensity and fat- water based MR images in individuals with chronic low back pain, Musculoskeletal Science Practice, PDF, pdf on Elsevier

162. M. Aktar*, J Reyes, D. Tampieri, H. Rivaz, Y. Xiao, M. Kersten, Deep Learning for Collateral Evaluation in Ischemic Stroke with Imbalanced Data. Springer IJCAR, 2023, pdf on Springer


Conf. Papers:

161. A. Tehrani*, H. Rivaz
Infusing physically inspired known operators in deep models of ultrasound elastography,
MICCAI, Vancouver, 2023 (MICCAI Acceptance rate is ~30%)

160. S Salari *, A Rasoulian, H Rivaz, Y Xiao, Towards multi-modal anatomical landmark detection for ultrasound-guided brain tumor resection with contrastive learning,
MICCAI, Vancouver, 2023 (MICCAI Acceptance rate is ~30%)

159. S Salari*, A Rasoulian, H Rivaz, Y Xiao, FocalErrorNet: Uncertainty-aware focal modulation network for inter-modal registration error estimation in ultrasound-guided neurosurgery,
MICCAI, Vancouver, 2023 (MICCAI Acceptance rate is ~30%)

158. M. Aktar*, H. Rivaz, M. Kersten, Y Xiao, VesselShot: Few-shot learning for cerebral blood vessel segmentation, MICCAI MLCN Workshop, Vancouver, 2023

157. Z. Qiu*, H. Rivaz, Y Xiao, Is visual explanation with Grad-CAM more reliability for deeper neural networks? a case study with automatic pneumothorax diagnosis, MICCAI MLMI Workshop, Vancouver, 2023

156. P. Roshanzamir*, H. Rivaz, J Ahn, H Mirza, N Naghdi, M Anstruther, M Battie, M Fortin, Y Xiao, How inter-rater variability relates to aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty: a case study with deep learning-based paraspinal muscle segmentation, MICCAI UNSURE Workshop, Vancouver, 2023

155. A. KZ Tehrani*, I. Rosade-Mendez, H. Rivaz,
Homodyned k-distribution: parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification using bayesian neural networks, IEEE ISBI 2023

154. H Asgariandehkordi*, S Goudarzi, A Basarab, H Rivaz,
Deep Ultrasound Denoising Using Diffusion Probabilistic Models, IEEE IUS (International Ultrasound Symposium), 2023

153. M. Sharifzadeh*, H. Benali, H. Rivaz,
Frequency-Space Prediction Filtering for Phase Aberration Correction in Plane-Wave Imaging, IEEE IUS (International Ultrasound Symposium), 2023

152. M. Sharifzadeh*, H. Benali, H. Rivaz,
Robust RF Data Normalization for Deep Learning, IEEE IUS (International Ultrasound Symposium), 2023

151. S Gharamaleki*, B. Helfield, H. Rivaz,
Deformable-Detection Transformer for Microbubble Localization in Ultrasound Localization Microscopy, IEEE IUS (International Ultrasound Symposium), 2023

150. A. KZ Tehrani*, I. Rosade-Mendez, H. Rivaz,
Model Projected Statistical Features for Homodyned K-Distribution Parameters Estimation, IEEE IUS (International Ultrasound Symposium), 2023

149. S. Salari*, H. Rivaz, Y. Xiao, Dense Error Map Estimation for MRI-Ultrasound Registration in Brain Tumor Surgery Using Swin UNETR, IEEE IUS (International Ultrasound Symposium), 2023

148. A K Z Tehrani* I Rosado-Mendez, H Whitson, H Rivaz,
A deep learning approach for patchless estimation of ultrasound quantitative parametric image with uncertainty measurement, SPIE Medical Imaging, 2023, arXiv

147. S. Salari*, A Mashhadia, M Battie, M Fortin, H Rivaz, Y Xiao, Uncertainty-aware transformer model for anatomical landmark detection in paraspinal muscle MRIs, SPIE Medical Imaging, 2023, pdf, Won Best Student Paper Award in Image Processing

146. S Goudarzi*, H Rivaz, Deep ultrasound denoising without clean data, SPIE Medical Imaging, 2023, arXiv
Finalist for the Robert F. Wagner All Conference Best Student Paper Award



Journal Papers:

145. S Goudarzi*, A. Basarab, H Rivaz,
Inverse Problem of Ultrasound Beamforming with Denoising-Based Regularized Solutions. IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC), in press,
arXiv, IEEE Xplore, code

144. M Sharifzadeh* H Benali, H Rivaz,
Investigating Shift Variance of Convolutional Neural Networks in Ultrasound Image Segmentation, IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC), in press,
arXiv, IEEE Xplore, code

143. A Pirhadi*, S Salari*, M Ahmad, H Rivaz, Y Xiao. (2022). Robust landmark-based brain shift correction with a Siamese neural network in ultrasound-guided brain tumor resection. Springer IJCARS, 2022, Springer
142. N Masoumi*, H Rivaz, M Ahmad, Y Xiao, DiffeoRaptor: Diffeomorphic Inter-modal Image Registration using RaPTOR, Springer IJCARS, 2022
arXiv, code.
141. S Goudarzi*, H Rivaz,
Deep Reconstruction of High-Quality Ultrasound Images from Raw Plane-Wave Data: A Simulation and In Vivo Study, Ultrasonics, in press,
arXiv, code

140. M Ashikuzzaman*, T J Hall H Rivaz,
Incorporating Gradient Similarity for Robust Time Delay Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC), in press,
arXiv, IEEE Xplore, code

139. A K Z Tehrani* I Rosado-Mendez, H Rivaz,
Robust Scatterer Number Density Segmentation of Ultrasound Images, IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC), in press,
arXiv, IEEE Xplore, code

138. M Ashikuzzaman*, H Rivaz,
Second-Order Ultrasound Elastography with L1-norm Spatial Regularization, IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC), in press,
arXiv, IEEE Xplore, code

137. A K Z Tehrani* M Sharifzadeh*, E Boctor, H Rivaz,
Bi-Directional Semi-Supervised Training of Convolutional Neural Networks for Ultrasound Elastography Displacement Estimation, IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC), in press,
arXiv , IEEE Xplore, code


Conf. Papers:

136. A. Tehrani*, H. Rivaz
Physically Inspired Constraint for Unsupervised Regularized Ultrasound Elastography,
MICCAI, Singapore, 2022 (among the top 13% accepted before the rebuttal phase)

135. M. Sharifzadeh*, H. Benali, H. Rivaz,
Segmentation of Intraoperative 3D Ultrasound Images Using a Pyramidal Blur-Pooled 2D U-Net,
MICCAI CuRIOUS, Singapore, 2022, pp 69-75 pdf (Springer)

134. P. Roshanzamir*, H. Rivaz, Joshua Ahn, H Mirza, N Naghdi, M Anstruther, M Battie, M Fortin, Y Xiao,
Joint paraspinal muscle segmentation and inter-rater labeling variability prediction with multi-task TransUNet,
MICCAI UNSURE Workshop, Singapore, 2022, pdf (Springer)

133. N. Jafarpisheh*, L. C. Martinez, H. Whitson, I. M. Rosado-Mendez, and H. Rivaz,
Adaptive Weighting Strategy in Regularized Quantitative Ultrasound, IEEE IUS 2022, Venice, Italy
132. S. Gharamaleki*, B. Helfield, H. Rivaz,
Transformer-based Microbubble Localization, IEEE IUS 2022, Venice, Italy, Finalist in the ULTRA-US Challenge
131. H Whitson , N Jafarpisheh*, H. Rivaz, I Rosado-Mendez, T J. Hall, Comparative Performance of 1D and 2D Regularized Quantitative Ultrasound for Curvilinear Transducers in the Presence of Aberration Induced Clutte, IEEE IUS 2022, Venice, Italy
130. M. Ashikuzzaman*, B. Helfield, H. Rivaz,
Analytic Optimization-based Microbubble Tracking in Ultrasound Super-Resolution Microscopy, IEEE IUS 2022, Venice, Italy, Joint Winner of the Localization Task in the ULTRA-US Challenge
129. A. Tehrani*, I M Rosado-Mendez, H. Rivaz,
Deep estimation of viscoelastic and backscatter quantitative ultrasound, 183rd Acoustical Society of America (ASA), Nashville
(invited talk)
128. A. Tehrani*, I M Rosado-Mendez, H. Rivaz,
Deep Estimation of Speckle Statistics Parametric Images, IEEE EMBC, Glasgow, Scotland, 2022
127. B. Gheflati*, H. Rivaz,
Vision Transformer for Classification of Breast Ultrasound Images, IEEE EMBC, Glasgow, Scotland, 2022


Journal Papers:

126. A K Z Tehrani* M Amiri* I Rosado-Mendez, T J Hall, H Rivaz, (2021). Ultrasound Scatterer Density Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Patch Statistics, IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC), in press,
pdf, supplementary material

125. M Ashikuzzaman* N Jafarpisheh* S Rottoo P Brisson H Rivaz, (Ashikuzzaman and Jafarpisheh are joint 1st authors), Fast and Robust Localization of Surgical Array using Kalman Filter. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (Springer IJCARS), in press,

124. M. Ashikuzzaman*, A. S Naini, A. Samani, H. Rivaz,
Combining First and Second Order Continuity Constraints in Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC), in press,
pdf, Supplementary Material.

123. S. Goudarzi*, A. Asif, H. Rivaz,
Plane-Wave Ultrasound Beamforming Through Independent Component Analysis, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, in press
122. N Masoumi*, C. Belasso, M Ahmad, H Benali, Y Xiao, H. Rivaz,
Multi-modal 3D ultrasound and CT in image-guided spinal surgery: public database and new registration algorithms, Springer IJCARS, in press
121. Y Xiao, M Fortin, J Ahn, H. Rivaz, T Peters, M Battie, Statistical morphological analysis reveals characteristic paraspinal muscle asymmetry in unilateral lumbar disc herniation, Nature Scientific Reports, in press pdf.
120. A. Thibault, M. Boily, H. Rivaz, D. Dragutan, P Jarzem, M Weber, M. Fortin, Rehabilitation of a patient following Lumbar Total Disc Replacement with a Focus on Lumbar Multifidus Morphology and Function: A Case Report and Review of the Literature, Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, in press pdf.
119. M. Mirzaei*, A. Asif, H. Rivaz,
Virtual Source Synthetic Aperture for Accurate Lateral Displacement Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC), in press
pdf, IEEE Xplore.
118. N. Jafarpisheh*, T. Hall, H. Rivaz (joint senior author), I. Rosado-Mendez, Analytic Global Regularized Backscatter Quantitative Ultrasound, IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC), in press
pdf, IEEE Xplore.

117. A. Zayed*, H. Rivaz,
Fast Strain Estimation and Frame Selection in Ultrasound Elastography using Machine Learning, IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC), in press
pdf, supplementary material, IEEE Xplore code.



Conf. Papers:

116. H Rasaee*, H. Rivaz. (2021). Explainable AI and Susceptibility to Adversarial attacks: a Case Study in the Classification of Breast Ultrasound Images. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2021.
IEEE Xplore, arXiv
115. M Sharifzadeh*, H Benali, H Rivaz. (2021). An Ultra-Fast Method for Simulation of Realistic Ultrasound Images. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2021, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2021.
IEEE Xplore, arXiv
114. M Sharifzadeh*, A Tehrani, H Benali, H Rivaz. (2021). Ultrasound Domain Adaptation Using Frequency Domain Analysis. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2021.
IEEE Xplore, arXiv
113. N Jafarpisheh*, I Rosado-Mendez, T Hall, H Rivaz. (2021). Estimation of the Scatterer Size Distributions in Quantitative Ultrasound Using Constrained Optimization. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2021.
IEEE Xplore, arXiv
112. B Behboodi*, H Rivaz, S Lalondrelle, E Harris. (2021). Automatic 3D Ultrasound Segmentation of Uterus Using Deep Learning. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2021.
IEEE Xplore, arXiv
111. M Sharifzadeh*, H Benali, H Rivaz. (2021). Shift-invariant segmentation in breast ultrasound images, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2021.
IEEE Xplore
110. S Goudarzi*, A. Asif, H Rivaz, Pruning MobileNetV2 for Efficient Implementation of Minimum Variance Beamforming, MICCAI ASMUS 2021 Workshop, 2021 Springer link
109. A Pirhadi* H Rivaz, O Ahmad, Y Xiao, Robust ultrasound-to-ultrasound registration for intra-operative brain shift correction with a Siamese neural network. MICCAI ASMUS Workshop, Springer link

108. M Ashikuzzaman* N Jafarpisheh* S Rottoo P Brisson H Rivaz, (Ashikuzzaman and Jafarpisheh are joint 1st authors), Fast and Robust Localization of Surgical Array using Kalman Filter. International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions (IPCAI), in press

107. N. Jafarpisheh*, I. M. Rosado-Mendez, T. J. Hall, H. Rivaz,
Analytical Regularized Estimation of Effective Scatterer Diameter and Acoustic Concentration in Quantitative Ultrasound, IEEE ISBI, 2021, in press.
106. A. Tehrani*, H. Rivaz,
MPWC-Net++: Evolution of Optical Flow Pyramidal Convolutional Neural Network for Ultrasound Elastography, SPIE Medical Imaging, 2021, in press (Finalist for the Robert F. Wagner All Conference Best Student Paper Award), pdf
105. B. Behboodi*, H. Rasaee*, A. Tehrani*, H. Rivaz,
Deep classification of breast cancer in ultrasound images: more classes, better results with multi-task learning, SPIE Medical Imaging, 2021, in press (Finalist for the Robert F. Wagner All Conference Best Student Paper Award), pdf


Journal Papers:

104. S. Goudarzi*, A. Asif, and H. Rivaz,
Fast Multi-Focus Ultrasound Image Recovery Using Generative Adversarial Networks, IEEE Trans. Comput. Imag. (TCI), 2020, pp 1272-1284
pdf , supplementary material, IEEE Xplore.
103. M. Amiri*, R. Brooks, H. Rivaz,
Fine-tuning U-Net for ultrasound image segmentation: different layers, different outcomes, IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC), Special Issue on Deep Learning, in press
pdf , supplementary material
102. M. Amiri*, R. Brooks, B. Behboodi*, H. Rivaz,
Two-stage ultrasound image segmentation using U-Net and test time augmentation, Springer IJCARS, in press
101. A. Tehrani*, H. Rivaz,
Displacement Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography using Pyramidal Convolutional Neural Network, IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC), Special Issue on Deep Learning, in press
pdf, supplementary material, code, data.
100. M. Sharifzadeh*, H. Benali, H. Rivaz,
Phase aberration correction: a convolutional neural network approach, IEEE Access, in press
Full paper.
99. M. Aktar*, D. Tampieri, H. Rivaz, M. Kersten-Oertel, Y. Xiao, Automatic Collateral Circulation Scoring in Ischemic Stroke using 4D CT Angiography with Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition, Springer IJCARS, vol 15, pp 1501-1511, 2020, pdf, Springer.
98. C. Belasso*, B. Behboodi, H. Benali, M. Boily, H. Rivaz, M. Fortin, LUMINOUS database: lumbar multifidus muscle segmentation from ultrasoun images, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2020, pdf.
97. N. Zhang*, M. Ashikuzzaman*, H. Rivaz,
Clutter Suppression in Ultrasound: Performance Evaluation and Review of Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition Methods, Springer Biomedical Engineering Online, vol 19, 2020,
pdf, Springer pdf
96. M. Mirzaei*, A. Asif, M. Fortin, H. Rivaz,
Accurate and Precise Time-Delay Estimation for Ultrasound Elastography with Pre-Beamformed Channel Data, IEEE Trans. UFFC (TUFFC), vol 67, pp 1752-1763,
pdf, code, IEEE Xplore.
95. A. Roy, H. Rivaz, A Rizk, S Frenette, M Boily, M Fortin, Seasonal Changes in Lumbar Multifidus Muscle in University Rugby Players, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2020
pdf, code, MSSE.
94. A. Grimwood, H. Rivaz, H Zhou, H McNair, K Yakubowski, J Bamber, A Tree, E Harris, Improving 3D ultrasound prostate localisation in radiotherapy through increased automation of interfraction matching, Radiotherapy and Oncology, vol 149, pp 134-141, 2020
pdf, Elsevier.
93. N Nandlall, H. Rivaz, A Rizk, S Frenette, M Boily, M Fortin
The effect of low back pain and lower limb injury on lumbar multifidus muscle morphology and function in university soccer players, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2020 pdf, Springer.
92. M Ashikuzzaman*, C Belasso*, G Kibria*, A Bergdahl, C Gauthier, H. Rivaz,
Low Rank and Sparse Decomposition of Ultrasound Color Flow Images for Suppressing Clutter in Real-Time, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI), vol 39, pp 1073-1084, 2020
IEEE Xplore, pdf, supplementary material, code.
91. A Schryver, H Rivaz, A Rizk, S Frenette, M Boily, M Fortin
Ultrasonography of Lumbar Multifidus Muscle in University American Football Players, Medicine and science in sports and exercise, vol 52, pp 1495-1501, 2020 PubMed, pdf.
90. M. Mirzaei*, A. Asif, M. Fortin, H. Rivaz,
3D normalized cross-correlation for estimation of the displacement field in ultrasound elastography, Ultrasonics, vol 102, 2020
ScienceDirect, pdf, supplementary material, code.
89. J Levesque, H. Rivaz, A Rizk, S Frenette, M Boily, M Fortin
Lumbar multifidus muscle characteristics, body composition and injury in university rugby players, Journal of Athletic Training, vol 55, pp 1116-1123, 2020, pdf.
88. Y Xiao, H. Rivaz, M Chabanas, M Fortin, I Machado, Y Ou, M Heinrich, J Schnabel, X Zhong, A Maier, W Wein, R Shams, S Kadoury, D Drobny, M Modat, I Reinertsen, Evaluation of MRI to ultrasound registration methods for brain shift correction: The CuRIOUS2018 Challenge, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI), vol 39, pp 777-786, 2020
IEEE Xplore, pdf.

Conf. Papers:

87. A. Tehrani*, M. Mirzaei*, H. Rivaz,
Semi-Supervised Training of Optical Flow Convolutional Neural Networks in Ultrasound Elastography,
MICCAI (30% acceptance rate), pp 504-513, 2020 pdf
86. N. Jafarpisheh*, I. M. Rosado-Mendez, T. J. Hall, and H. Rivaz,
Evaluation of Contrast-to-Noise Ratio of Parametric Images of Regularized Estimates of Quantitative Ultrasound Parameters, IEEE IUS, 2020, in press.
85. S. Goudarzi*, A. Asif, and H. Rivaz,
Ultrasound Beamforming using MobileNetV2, IEEE IUS, 2020, in press.
Ranked First (tied) in Challenge on Ultrasound Beamforming with Deep Learning (CUBDL).
84. S. Goudarzi*, A. Asif, and H. Rivaz,
Angular Apodization Estimation Using Independent Component Analysis in Coherent Plane- Wave Compounding, IEEE IUS, 2020, in press.
83. M. Ashikuzzaman* T. Hall, H. Rivaz,
Adaptive Data Function for Robust Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE IUS, 2020, in press
82. P. Chalangari*, T. Fevens, H. Rivaz,
3D Human Knee Flexion Angle Estimation Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, IEEE EMBC, 2020, in press.
81. M. Aktar*, Y. Xiao, D Tampieri, H. Rivaz, M. Kersten-Oertel, A Radiomics-based Machine Learning Approach to Assess Collateral Circulation in Ischemic Stroke on Non-contrast Computed Tomography, MICCAI CLIP Workshop, 2020, in press.
80. A. KZ. Tehrani*, M. Amiri*, I. Rosado-Mendez, T.J. Hall, H. Rivaz,
A Pilot Study on Scatterer Density Classification of Ultrasound Images Using Deep Neural Networks, IEEE EMBC, 2020, in press
79. M. Mirzaei*, A. Asif and H. Rivaz,
Synthetic aperture with high lateral sampling frequency for ultrasound elastography, IEEE EMBC, 2020, in press
78. A. KZ. Tehrani*, M. Amiri*, H. Rivaz,
Real-time and High Quality Ultrasound Elastography Using Convolutional Neural Network by Incorporating Analytic Signal, IEEE EMBC, 2020, in press
77. B. Behboodi*, M. Fortin, C. J.Belasso*, R. Brooks, and H. Rivaz,
Receptive Field Size as a Key Design Parameter for Ultrasound Image Segmentation with U-Net, IEEE EMBC, 2020, in press
76. M. Amiri*, A. KZ. Tehrani*, H. Rivaz,
Segmentation of Ultrasound Images based on Scatterer Density using U-Net, IEEE EMBC, 2020, in press.
75. A. Zayed*, G. Cloutier and H. Rivaz,
Automatic Frame Selection using CNN in Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE EMBC, 2020, in press.
74. M. Ashikuzzaman* and H. Rivaz,
Incorporating Multiple Observations in Global Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE EMBC, 2020, in press
73. M. Ashikuzzaman*, H. Rivaz,
Denoising RF Data via Robust Principal Component Analysis: Results in Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE EMBC, 2020, in press
72. N. Kheirkhah, S. Dempsey, H. Rivaz, A. Samani, and A. Sadeghi-Naini, A Tissue Mechanics Based Method to Improve Tissue Displacement Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE EMBC, 2020, in press.
71. N. Jafarpisheh*, I. M. Rosado-Mendez, T. J. Hall, and H. Rivaz,
Regularized Estimation of Effective Scatterer Size and Acoustic Concentration Quantitative Ultrasound Parameters Using Dynamic Programming, IEEE EMBC, 2020, in press.
70. S. Goudarzi*, A. Asif, and H. Rivaz,
High Frequency Ultrasound Image Recovery Using Tight Frame Generative Adversarial Networks, IEEE EMBC, 2020, in press.
69. B. Behboodi*, M. Amiri*, R. Brooks, H. Rivaz,
Breast lesion segmentation in ultrasound images with limited annotation data, IEEE ISBI 2020, pp 1834-1837


Journal Papers:

68. M. Mirzaei*, A. Asif, H. Rivaz,
Combining Total Variation Regularization with Window-based Time Delay Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI), 2019, Vol 38, Issue 12, pp 2744-2754
IEEE Xplore, pdf, supplementary material, code.
67. M. Ashikuzzaman*, C.J. Gauthier, H. Rivaz,
Global Ultrasound Elastography in Spatial and Temporal Domains, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Frequency Control (TUFFC), 2019, Vol 66, pp 876-887
IEEE Xplore, pdf, supplementary material, code.
66. M. Fortin, A Rizk, S Frenette, M Boily, H. Rivaz,
Ultrasonography of multifidus muscle morphology and function in ice hockey players with and without low back pain, Physical Therapy in Sport, May 2019, pp 77-85
Elsevier, pdf.
65. M.D. Horeh*, A. Asif, H. Rivaz,
Analytical Minimization-Based Regularized Sub-Pixel Shear Wave Tracking for Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Frequency Control (TUFFC), 2019, Vol 66, pp 285 - 296
IEEE Xplore, pdf, supplementary material.
64. N. Masoumi*, Y. Xiao*, H. Rivaz,
ARENA: Inter-modality affine registration using evolutionary strategy, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (Springer IJCARS), 2019, Vol 14, pp 441-450
Springer, pdf.
63. HS Hashemi*, S Fallone, M Boily, A Towers, RD Kilgour H. Rivaz,
Assessment of Mechanical Properties of Tissue in Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema Using Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Frequency Control (TUFFC), 2019, vol 66, pp 541-550
IEEE Xplore, pdf, supplementary material.

Conf. Papers:

62. M. Amiri*, R. Brooks, H. Rivaz,
Fine tuning U-Net for ultrasound image segmentation: which layers?, MICCAI MIL3ID Workshop, 2019, pp 235-242
Springer, pdf
61. W Xia, M Fortin, J Ahn, H. Rivaz, M Battie, T Peters, and Y Xiao,
Automatic paraspinal muscle segmentation in patients with lumbar pathology using deep convolutional neural network, MICCAI 2019, pp 318-325 Springer, pdf
60. A. Zayed*, H. Rivaz,
Automatic Frame Selection Using MLP Neural Network in Ultrasound Elastography, ICIAR, Springer, Cham, 2019, pp 462-472
Springer, pdf
59. B. Behboodi*, H. Rivaz,
Ultrasound segmentation using U-Net: learning from simulated data and testing on real data, IEEE EMBC, 2019, pp 6628-6631
IEEE Xplore
58. A. Zayed*, H. Rivaz,
Fast Approximate Time-Delay Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography Using Principal Component Analysis, IEEE EMBC 2019, pp. 6204-6207
IEEE Xplore,
57. Z. Vajihi*, I. Rosado-Mendez, T.J. Hall, H. Rivaz,
L1 and L2 Norm Regularization of Acoustic Attenuation And Backscatter Coefficients Using Dynamic Programming, IEEE ISBI 2019, pp. 1749-1752
IEEE Xplore, pdf
56. M. Ashikuzzaman*, C Belasso, C Gauthier, H. Rivaz,
Suppressing Clutter Components in Ultrasound Color Flow Imaging Using Robust Matrix Completion Algorithms: Simulation and Phantom Study, IEEE ISBI 2019, pp. 745-749
55. M. Mirzaei*, A. Asif, H. Rivaz,
Ultrasound elastography utilizing pre-beamformed data, IEEE ISBI 2019, pp. 1725-1728
54. S. Goudarzi*, A. Asif, H. Rivaz,
Multi-focus ultrasound imaging using generative adversarial networks, IEEE ISBI 2019, pp. 1118-1121
IEEE Xplore, pdf


Journal Papers:

53. Z. Vajihi*, I. Rosado-Mendez, T.J. Hall, H. Rivaz,
Low Variance Estimation of Backscatter Quantitative Ultrasound Parameters Using Dynamic Programming, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Frequency Control (TUFFC), vol 65, Nov 2018, pp 2042-2053
IEEE Xplore, pdf.
52. R Shams*, Y Xiao*, F Hebert, M Abramowitz, R Brooks, H. Rivaz,
Assessment of Rigid Registration Quality Measures in Ultrasound-Guided Radiotherapy, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 2018, vol 37, pp 428-437
IEEE Xplore, pdf.
51. M. Ghasemi Amidabadi*, M. Omair Ahmad, H. Rivaz,
Supervised Classification of the Accuracy of the Time Delay Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Frequency Control (TUFFC), 2018, vol 65, pp 21-29
IEEE Xplore, pdf.
50. P. Khavari*, A. Asif, H. Rivaz,
NonLocal Coherent Denoising Of RF Data For Ultrasound Elastography, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, (Invited manuscript, APC waived), 2018, pdf.
49. Y Xiao*, M Fortin*, M Battie, H Rivaz,
Population-averaged MRI atlases for automated image processing and assessments of lumbar paraspinal muscles, European Spine Journal, 2018, Vol 27, Issue 10, pp 2442-2448
Springer , pdf.
48. Y. Xiao*, M. Boily, H. S. Hashemi, H. Rivaz,
High-Dynamic-Range Ultrasound: Application for Imaging Tendon Pathology, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (UMB), July 2018, Vol 44, Issue 7, Pages 1525-1532
sciencedirect, pdf.
47. Y. Xiao*, L. Eikenes, I. Reinertsen, H. Rivaz,
Nonlinear deformation of tractography in ultrasound-guided low-grade gliomas resection, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), 2018, Vol 13, Issue 3, pp 457-467
Springer, pdf.
46. Y Xiao*, H Rivaz, H Kasuya, S Yokosako, C Mindru, J Teitelbaum, D Sirhan, D Sinclair, M Angle, B Lo, Intra-operative video characterization of carotid artery pulsation patterns in case series with post- endarterectomy hypertension and hyperperfusion syndrome, Translational Stroke Research, 2018, Vol 9, Issue 5, pp 452-458
Springer, pdf.

Conf. Papers:

45. G. Kibria*, H. Rivaz,
GLUENet: Ultrasound Elastography Using Convolutional Neural Network, MICCAI POCUS 2018, pp 21-28
Springer, pdf, short version on arXiv.
44. P. Khavari*, A. Asif, H. Rivaz,
Non-local Super Resolution in Ultrasound Imaging, IEEE MMSP 2018
In press, pdf.
43. H. S. Hashemi*, S. Fallone, M. Boily, A. Towers, R. Kilgour, H. Rivaz,
Ultrasound Elastography of Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema, IEEE ISBI 2018, pp 1491-1495
IEEE Xplore, pdf.
42. H. Khodadadi*, A. Aghdam, H. Rivaz,
Direct Strain Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography Using A Novel Dynamic Programming Approach, IEEE ISBI 2018, pp 1182-1186
IEEE Xplore, pdf.


Journal Papers:

41. H. Hashemi*, H. Rivaz,
Global Time-Delay Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Frequency Control (TUFFC), Oct. 2017, vol 64, pp 1625-1636, (Among Editor's Selection of Articles in TUFFC in 2017, Dec 2018)
IEEE Xplore, pdf, code.
40. M. Omidyeganeh*, Y. Xiao*, M. O. Ahmad, H. Rivaz,
Estimation of Strain Elastography from Ultrasound Radio-Frequency Data by Utilizing Analytic Gradient of the Similarity Metric, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 2017, vol 36, pp 1347-1358
IEEE Xplore, pdf.
39. S. R. Mousavi, H. Rivaz, A. Sadeghi-Naini, G. Czarnota, A. Samani,
Breast Ultrasound Elastography using Full Inversion Based Elastic Modulus Reconstruction, IEEE Trans. Computational Imaging, 2017, vol 3, pp 774-782
IEEE Xplore, pdf.
38. Y. Xiao*, M. Fortin*, G. Unsgard, H. Rivaz, I. Reinertsen,
REtroSpective Evaluation of Cerebral Tumors (RESECT): a clinical database of pre-operative MRI and intra-operative ultrasound in low-grade glioma surgeries, Medical Physics, 2017, vol 44, pp 3875-3882
MedPhys, pdf,
Ultrasound, MRI and landmarks, Direct Link
37. S. R. Mousavi, H. Rivaz, G. Czarnota, A. Samani, A. Sadeghi-Naini,
Ultrasound Elastography of Prostate Using an Unconstrained Modulus Reconstruction Technique: A Pilot Clinical Study, Translational Oncology, 2017, vol 10, pp 744-751
Translational Oncology, pdf.
36. M. Fortin*, M. Omidyeganeh*, M. O. Ahmad, M. Crites-Battie, H. Rivaz,
Evaluation of an automated thresholding algorithm for the quantification of paraspinal muscle composition from MRI images, Springer BioMedical Engineering Online, 2017 22;16(1):61.
pdf, Springer, Code and instructions.

Conf. Papers:

35. N. Masoumi*, Y. Xiao*, H. Rivaz,
MARCEL (inter-Modality Affine Registration with CorELation ratio): An Application for Brain Shift Correction in Ultrasound-Guided Brain Tumor Resection, BrainLes MICCAI workshop, Springer LNCS, 2018, pp 55-63
Springer, pdf.
34. Y. Xiao*, A. Alamer V. Fonov, B. Lo, D Tampieri, D.L. Collins, H. Rivaz M. Kersten-Oertl,
Towards automatic collateral circulation score evaluation in ischemic stroke using image decompositions and support vector machines, Switch 2017 MICCAI workshop , pp 158-167
Springer, pdf.
33. Y. Xiao*, D. De Nigris, I. Gerard, Y. Ma, D Tampieri, D.L. Collins, H. Rivaz,
Automatic registration of MRI and transcranial ultrasound for the analysis of neurological disorders, ISMRM 2017
ISMRM, pdf.
32. M.G. Amidabadi*, M.O. Ahmad, H. Rivaz,
Automatic Accuracy Assessment of Ultrasound Elastography Using Correlation Profile and Prior Information of Displacement Continuity, IEEE GlobalSIP 2017, pp 755-759
IEEE GlobalSIP, pdf.
31. M. D. Horeh*, A. Asif, H. Rivaz,
Regularized Tracking of Shear-Wave in Ultrasound Elastography, The 42nd IEEE Int. Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, LA, 2017, pp 6264-6268
IEEE Xplore, pdf.
30. H. Hashemi*, M. Boily, P. Martineau H. Rivaz,
Ultrasound Elastography: Efficient Estimation of Tissue Displacement Using an Affine Transformation Model, SPIE Medical Imaging, Orlando, FL, 2017
Proc. SPIE 10139, pdf.


29. H. Zhou*, H. Rivaz,
Registration of Pre- and Post-resection Ultrasound Volumes with Non-corresponding Regions in Neurosurgery, IEEE Journal Biomedical Health Informatics JBHI, 2016, vol 20, pp 1240-1249(selected for submission of full paper to IEEE JBHI, only 10 selections out of 2948 submissions to EMBC)
IEEE Xplore, pdf,   supplementary material.
28. R. Shams*, M. Boily, P. Martineau, H. Rivaz,
Dynamic Programing on a Tree for Ultrasound Elastography, SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, 2016, vol 9790, (Finalist for the Robert F. Wagner All Conference Best Student Paper Award)
SPIE Digital Lib, pdf.


Journal Papers:

27. H. Rivaz, Chen, S, Collins, DL.,
Automatic Deformable MR-Ultrasound Registration for Image-Guided Neurosurgery, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 2015, vol 34, pp 366-380
(IEEE Xplore), pdf, Data ReadMe text file,
Ultrasound, MRI and manually selected landmarks (591MB zip file).
26. H. Rivaz, Collins, DL.,
Deformable Registration of Pre-Operative MR, Pre-Resection Ultrasound and Post-Resection Ultrasound Images of Neurosurgery, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), 2015, vol 10, pp 1017-1028
Springer, pdf.
25. H. Rivaz, Collins, DL.,
Near Real-Time Robust Nonrigid Registration of Volumetric Ultrasound Images For Neurosurgery, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2015, vol 41, pp 574-587
ScienceDirect, pdf.
24. Karimaghaloo, Z, H. Rivaz, Arnold, D, Collins, DL. Arbel, T,
Temporal Hierarchical Adaptive Texture CRF for Automatic Detection of Gadolinium-Enhancing Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in Brain MRI, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 2015, vol 34, pp 1227-1241
IEEE Xplore, pdf.

Conf. Papers:

23. H. Zhou*, H. Rivaz,
Robust Deformable Registration of Pre- and Post-resection Ultrasound Volumes for Visualization of Residual Tumor in Neurosurgery, IEEE EMBC, 2015, pp 141 - 144, (selected for submission of full paper to IEEE JBHI, only 10 selections out of 2948 submissions to EMBC)
IEEE Xplore, pdf.
22. H. Khodadadi*, A. Aghdam, H. Rivaz,
Edge-Preserving Ultrasonic Strain Imaging with Uniform Precision, IEEE EMBC, 2015, pp 3835 - 3838
IEEE Xplore, pdf.


Journal Papers:

21. H. Rivaz, Karimaghaloo, Z, Fonov, V, Collins, DL.,
Nonrigid Registration of Ultrasound and MRI Using Contextual Conditioned Mutual Information, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 2014, vol. 33 pp 708-725
(IEEE Xplore), pdf.
20. H. Rivaz, Karimaghaloo, Z, Collins, DL.,
Self-Similarity Weighted Mutual Information: a New Non-rigid Image Registration Metric, Medical Image Analysis, 2014, vol. 18 pp 343-358
(ScienceDirect), pdf.
19. H. Rivaz, Boctor, E., Choti, M., Hager,
G., Ultrasound Elastography Using Multiple Images, Medical Image Analysis, February 2014, vol. 18 pp 314-329
(ScienceDirect), pdf.

Conference Papers:

18. H. Rivaz, Collins, DL.,
Simulation of Ultrasound Images for Validation of MR to Ultrasound Registration in Neurosurgery, AECAI MICCAI, 2014 pp 23-32
(Springer LNCS), pdf.

Before 2014:

17. Karimaghaloo, Z., H. Rivaz, Arnold, D., Collins, DL, Arbel, T, Adaptive Voxel, Texture and Temporal CRF for Detection of MS Lesions in Brain MRI, MICCAI, Nagoya, Japan, Sept. 2013 pp 543-550 [Acceptance rate: 32%] pdf.
16. H. Rivaz, Collins, D.L., Self-Similarity Weighted Mutual Information: a New Non-rigid Image Registration Metric, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI, Oct 2012, pp 91-98 [Acceptance rate: 30%]. pdf.
15. H. Rivaz, Boctor, E., Choti, M., Hager, G., Real-Time Regularized Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, April 2011, vol. 30 pp 928-945 pdf Code.
14. H. Rivaz, Boctor, E., Foroughi, P., Zellars, R., Fichtinger, G., Hager, G., Ultrasound Elastography: a Dynamic Programming Approach, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, Oct. 2008, vol. 27 pp 1373-1377 pdf Code.
13. H. Rivaz, Boctor, E., Choti, M., Hager, G., Ultrasound Elastography Using Three Images, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI, Toronto, Canada, Sept. 2011, pp 371-378 [Acceptance rate: 30%] pdf Code.
12. Foroughi, P., H. Rivaz, Fleming, I., Hager, G., Boctor, E. Tracked Ultrasound Elastography (TrUE), Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI, Beijing, China, Sept. 2010, pp 9-16 [Acceptance rate: 32%] pdf.
11. H. Rivaz, Kang, H., Stolka, P., G. Hager, Boctor, E. Novel reconstruction and feature exploitation techniques for sensorless freehand 3D ultrasound, SPIE Medical Imaging, 2010, pp 762911-762919 pdf.
10. H. Rivaz, Kapoor, A., Fleming, I., Hager, G., Boctor, E. A novel method for monitoring liver ablation using ultrasound elastography, SPIE Medical Imaging, 2010, 7629131-7629138 pdf.
9. H. Rivaz, Foroughi, P., Fleming, I., Zellars, R., Boctor, E., Hager, G., Tracked Regularized Ultrasound Elastography for Targeting Breast Radiotherapy, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI, London, UK, Sept. 2009, pp 507-515 [Acceptance rate: 33%] pdf.
8. H. Rivaz, Shinagawa, Y., Liang, J., Physical Priors in Virtual Colonoscopy, SPIE Medical Imaging 2009, pp 7260191-72601912 pdf.
7. H. Rivaz, Fleming, I., Assumpcao, L., Fichtinger, G., Hamper, U., Choti, M., Hager, G., Boctor, E., Ablation Monitoring with Elastography: 2D In-vivo and 3D Ex-vivo Studies, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI, New York, NY, Sept. 2008, pp 458-466 [Acceptance rate: 30%] pdf.
6. H. Rivaz, Fleming, L., Matinfar, M, Ahmad, O, Kamen, A, Choti, M, Hager, G., Boctor, E. Ablation Monitoring with a Regularized 3D Elastography Technique, IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symposium, Beijing, China, Oct. 2008, pp 308-312 pdf.
5. H. Rivaz, Rohling, R., An Active Dynamic Vibration Absorber for a Hand-Held Vibro-Elastography Probe, ASME Journal of Vibration Acoustics pdf.
4. H. Rivaz, Zellars, R., Hager, G. Fichtinger, G., Boctor, E., Beam Steering Approach to Speckle Characterization and Out-of-Plane Motion Estimation in Real Tissue, IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symposium, New York, NY, Oct. 2007 pp 781-784 pdf.
3. H. Rivaz, Boctor, E., Fichtinger, G., A Robust Meshing and Calibration Approach for Sensorless Freehand 3D Ultrasound, SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2007, Vol. 6513, pp 181-188 pdf.
2. H. Rivaz, Rohling, R., A Hand-Held Probe for Vibro-Elastography, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI, 2006, pp 613-620 pdf.
1. H. Rivaz, Boctor, E., Fichtinger, G., Ultrasound Speckle Detection using Low Order Statistics, IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 2006, pp 2092-2095 pdf.


P3. H. Rivaz, Boctor, E., Hager, G. and Fichtinger, G., Robust and Accurate Freehand 3D ultrasound, US patent 8,559,685 (Awarded) pdf
P2. H. Rivaz, Hager, G. Boctor, E., and Fleming, I. Method and System for Processing Ultrasound Data, US patent US 8,824,762 (Awarded) pdf
P1. Boctor, E., Fichtinger, G., Hager, G. and H. Rivaz, Apparatus and Method for Computing 3D Ultrasound Elasticity Images, US 0306384 (Pending) pdf


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ELEC 498/691 , Medical Image Processing (Fall 2016)

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ELEC 444/6661, Medical Image Processing (Fall 2017)

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